odd superstitions

Apr 01, 2003 18:57

I've created some weird superstitions or OCD-isms in my lifetime.

The earliest I remember was as a teenager, it stemmed from the whole phenomenon of a pididdle (a car with one headlight out) - I came up with the notion, if I saw I vehicle I liked, i'd wink at it, once with one eye, then the other. This would mean I would get that car. Simple eh? (I should mention this totally does not work).

I now have this odd fixation with digits. If the clock reads the same numbers across the board, say 2:22, I can make a wish. This is not all that uncommon... but I morphed this into an insane ritual for setting an alarm clock (in the rare event that i do); none of the numbers can match.

It gets nuttier.

Now, when i pump gas, I let the thing fill up and stop naturally. If the numbers stop at the price all different, say, $32.09 - I will have good fortune. If some numbers match (like 34.44), I pump until they dont (35.01). This is a way of controlling my destiny and avoiding bad fortune.

Maybe these OCD things are a way to pepper an easy "win" throughout the week.

It's messed up. I just know all of it is completely ridiculous and I shouldn't even mention it, unless to a therapist.
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