Highs and Lows

Sep 25, 2007 08:37

Since I haven't done a High and Low post in a while... so much for the once a week update. Let's do a quick run through (if anyone cares ( Read more... )

fic, life, highs and lows, work

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Comments 14

vixen_logic September 25 2007, 20:09:59 UTC
Awww *hugs!!* I hope you feel better soon!


chris4short September 26 2007, 15:02:17 UTC
Aww thanks hon! *hugs from a distance* I'm still feeling so horrid, but I'm alive. Sippin tea and counting down to the time I go home and rest for the day. :-)


maevebran September 25 2007, 20:40:08 UTC
* On the personal and oh so idiotic level, my muse came back, and she demanded to wite smut. Vala/Ronon smut. Twice. So I did, but only my friend who i was discussing plot bunnies read/reviewed. I am sitting here reminding myself that we writers write for ourselves, no to be praised. But who doesn't like the ego stroked? Like I said, a ver petty low which shouldn't even be on here...

Hey most of my stuff doesn't get comments and I write one of the popular ships. (Daniel/Vala I know not your thing). So I hear you just don't be one of those crazies that threaten not to write if they don't get reviews.


chris4short September 25 2007, 21:28:11 UTC
LOL i would never threaten to stop the flow of my muse. Don't worry. If i demanded that for my personal/fun writing, I would have to do that for my professional writing... and then I'd be out of a job. I think it was just me being happy she came with something and then not really sure why she brought that home.

:-D It's always good to be reminded to not let it get one down - especially from another author! Thanks hon!


luxuria_oceanus September 26 2007, 04:00:05 UTC
I miss you and I hope things get less busy for you at work! You need to relax so two certain felines don't jump at you at the end of every day :D


chris4short September 26 2007, 14:56:18 UTC
define "less busy"

If Denton, the other writer, wasn't out all day at a drs appointment, I would have called in and shown up late, cause my bed was soooo comfy and Aset was sleeping under the covers with a paw on the outside.. so stinkin cute. But i also had to be at the High School at 7:30a; have to do the articles from yesterday (fire and farmer found dead); photo tomorrow at a school; possible Volleyball pics; Football game on Friday (crowd control, but don't need to go to this); Sat is children's fun day, and trash pick-up day.

Next week is empty, for now. It always fill up quicker then you can say "reporter going home early" or even "early I go"... or "f-this, I'm leaving"

:-D I love my job. I just hate that it takes a toll on me when I am sick cause I can't just leave... well. I can, but you know me. Who else is going to do my job? 0:-D


luxuria_oceanus September 27 2007, 23:22:06 UTC
*head desk* You know, you and I are two soybeans (I don't like peas) in a pod. We both complain about all the work we have, how we hope next week will be more free, how we're just tired and it's about time other people carried half of the weight we carry, BUT when it comes down to it, we won't anyone handle our work except for us because we know they wouldn't do it half as good as we would. And it's not arrogance, it's more like a, "I already know how to do it, I've done it 100 times, so why someone else with less experience or passion for the field to do it?" -_- It's the way we reason the self-torture *snorts*

And you know what? I love us that way. Let's never change. It's what makes us so good at what we do and when the vacations come (which always do, even if it's like twice a year... or once *snorts*), it makes everything all the more precious. :)


chris4short September 27 2007, 23:58:46 UTC
finer words were never uttered. So true, so very true!


niseag03 September 26 2007, 07:55:53 UTC
Hey! I picked up a Democrat on Sunday when I was in Marlin... I cheered over the editorial. It's all so crazy. I was tempted to write a letter to the editor back you guys up and sending out a bit "WTF!??!" to the council myself. Yeesh. Hang in there!!!


chris4short September 26 2007, 15:00:25 UTC
LOL it was a 3-ring circus. I mean who in the normal world (non-Marlin of course) would take 7 frakin hours to decide to vote to keep the people they no doubt wanted to fire. ONLY in Marlin. *head desk*

Oh yes!! Send a letter! Let the people know you still follow up. Frakin-a. I am wondering what will happen next and how the city can function cause they fired Rachael Scott last Tues. Those pore people are already thin! Who knows...

Til next "As the Council Votes"... lol!


tiah15 September 27 2007, 16:17:43 UTC
I'm adding my best wishes to your health :)
And I read your two stories yesterday - but I really don't know what to say ? For a very strange pairing and a story without plot it was done very well ? I wasn't sure if that sounds like a compliment or if you'd be offended because I missed the plot :)


chris4short September 27 2007, 16:32:13 UTC
Thanks sweetie!

LOL ya when I re-read them I noticed it was kind of plotless smut. I don't know what made me think of the pair, but they kind of had me hostage there for a few days. I'm getting back into safer waters - S/D and some SGA fics. I'm not offended - I'm glad when someone reads my stuff... even when it's not usually mine (or the readers) thing to write/read. :)


tiah15 September 27 2007, 18:56:15 UTC
Puh ... so I didn't miss the plot ;-)
Still glad you'll be more conventional again in the future - though it would be interesting to see this pairing with a plot ... AAAHHHH! You've corrupted me ....


chris4short September 27 2007, 19:11:26 UTC
LOL it seems this pair has corrupted everyone!!! I have people who secretly are trying to get me to write another fic with them in it. I think it may just work... I shall talk to the muse and see if we can't get them to do something else then shag. :D


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