New Series: NeverEnding 1/?

Oct 06, 2008 19:54

Alright, here is my new SG-1 fic (look kirsty841, it's finally here)! It deals with this insane idea that I had when I first heard that Jack was not in the series finale, where I decided to write him into it; mostly in effect to drive Sam insane. I am working from the script but I do branch away from it quite a bit; but most, if not all, of the scenes from the episode will be included to show the possible changes that would have occured had Jack been there. 
I'm not sure how long this will be but at this point, I haven't been able to stop writing and am now up to 7 chapters. They will be posted once a week or possibley twice a week if I have time; college is kicking my ass at the moment, forgive me on this.  
And now onto the story; enjoy!

NeverEnding 1/?
Title: Thrown Out
Author: Chozen Rogue
Rating: Teen (might change in later chapters); language, sexuality, character death
Characters: Jack/Sam; Team; Landry; Thor
Summary: What if Jack was indeed on the Odyssey during the events of “Unending?”
Spoilers: Unending (Duh!); whole series, will specify if anything major comes up
Disclaimer: Stargate: SG-1 belongs to MGM, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Films. I just took the characters out for a spin.

A/N: This fic does deal with the changes in time shown in the episode and at the beginning of each chapter will have a heading that tells when in the story it takes place... And the next few chapters will be one long flashback.



She willed her mind to focus back to the computer screen in front of her.


They depended upon her to get them out of this mess that she had caused unknowingly.


Her eyes closed involuntary as she winced.


‘Focus, Carter. There are more important matters.’


That was it, one more infuriating sound and Sam knew she was going to snap. ‘Just focus, dammit! It’s not that bad, you dealt with more in basic training.’


Oh God.


“Will you stop that?!” She closed her eyes and quickly counted backwards from ten, “Sir.”

When she opened them again, he was staring at her with the most innocent, wide-eyed look she had ever seen grace his still bandaged face. Not to mention the pencil that he had been toying with was dangling from his fingers over the table.

Her table.

The table that she was working on to find a way out of this hell she had created for her and her friends. The table he had taken over the second he had walked into lab an hour ago.

She felt her face heat up slightly when that damn smirk fell over his mouth, “Sorry ‘bout that, Carter.” He set down the pencil and leaned forward on his forearms, the scrapes and stitches that still lined his face becoming even more apparent as the harsh lighting coming from the table illuminated him from underneath. “Guess I’m just bored from being cooped up this long.”

“Sorry that I can’t help in that Sir, but would you mind…” He stared at her as she fumbled with the right way to kick her superior out of her lab. “Would you mind leaving me to my work, Sir?” At the slightly hurt expression that crossed over his face, she quickly added, “There are a lot of extensive equations to - “

Suddenly Jack’s hands came up in a waving motion, “Stop, Carter! You lost me at ‘extensive.’” She smiled lightly at him playing dumb. “I’ll leave you and those equations alone for now. See you at dinner, Carter.” He nodded to her and started out of the lab.

Sighing, Sam turned back to her notepad to continue her work in the now beautifuly silent lab.

Which was shattered only moments later by the sound of glass exploding.


At the sound of glass breaking, Daniel came to a sudden stop a few feet from Sam’s lab. Turning slowly, he heard mumbled yells and the door slid open to reveal a Jack O’Neill being unceremoniously thrown out and a fuming Sam Carter following in his wake.

“With all due respect, Sir, stay out!”

And with that, she left both men with their jaws on the floor standing there outside in the hall. After a few moments of stunned silence, Jack straightened and turned to start walking to wherever he would take up residence next. Daniel felt a moment of panic when Jack stopped at the sudden sight of him; just yesterday, Jack had been in his own lab keeping Daniel from his research on the Asgard database and tinkering with objects just as fragile as Sam’s poor glass... Well, whatever had been broken by Jack’s interest in it.



An awkward silence filled the air between them until Daniel said, “So, Sam threw you out because you broke something?”


“And how’s that working out for you?” Jack looked up at him, his left brow, which still had butterfly stitches spread across it, rising in a questioning fashion. “The getting thrown out bit?”

“Not bad... You?”

Daniel was barely able to stop from grinning as he answered, “Good.”

Jack nodded slowly, “Right.”


And with Daniel’s response, the forlorn General dipped his head at his friend and past by him on his way to wherever it was he was heading to. A smile burst out onto the doctor’s face as he spun around to watch Jack’s dejected walk down the hall and then glanced back at the door to Sam’s lab.

He was so going to win that bet with Vala.

Feel free to leave a comment and tell me how I'm doing so far! 
Continue to Chapter 2 

tv: sg1, sg1: neverending series, sg1: sam/jack, sg1: jack o'neill, sg1: daniel/vala, rating: t, sg1: samantha carter, fanfiction, sg1: team

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