Exellent stuff! And yes, definitely a huge undertaking. Incidentally I have been planning something similar for the next Gates Of Dissent album, only I will be doing a Table of Correspondence thing based around the Tetragrammaton and elements, seasons, etc.
I ended up cheating to find your 5th track, by going into the index page on your hosting site and looking for the mp3 file. (umm I probably shouldn't tell you that). Although I wouldn't have known to look for it if it weren't for your above comment.
All in all it's an awesome collection of sounds. The vocals really stand out as well. There are a lot of favorite parts here. Plus I'm a sucker for the end of Aether...
Thanks for the kind words, it was definitely fun to try. I'd say you showed ingenuity rather than that you cheated. It has been gratifying to see how quickly some figured out how to find them all.
I'm intrigued by the Table of Correspondence idea, and very ambitious. Let us know when that's ready.
Comments 4
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Let me know what you think.
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My connection always kicks out when I start up a bittorrent client.
I ended up cheating to find your 5th track, by going into the index page on your hosting site and looking for the mp3 file. (umm I probably shouldn't tell you that). Although I wouldn't have known to look for it if it weren't for your above comment.
All in all it's an awesome collection of sounds. The vocals really stand out as well. There are a lot of favorite parts here.
Plus I'm a sucker for the end of Aether...
I'm intrigued by the Table of Correspondence idea, and very ambitious. Let us know when that's ready.
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