Heroes - MattHinder - Matt, Mohinder, and the technicolor scarf

Nov 27, 2007 16:18

This is most definitely going to be the first of a spew of fanfics. A spew, I say! First, my favorite fluffins. I feel like fluff at the moment.

Title: Matt, Mohinder, and the technicolor scarf
Pairing: Matt/Mohinder
Rating: PG (Kiss~)
Summary: Because Matt would never be caught dead wearing that thing.
Disclaimer: It's Heroes. It's awesome. It's not mine.
Notes: Out of storyline fluff to take away the anxiety of waiting for next week's episode. Also, can't really say this is my first time writing them, but it's my first time posting them, so... Well, whatever.

Today was definitely not as good as day as it was supposed to be. Today was supposed to be a good day. It started off so well, yet here Matt was: stuck doing desk work. He'd been late, and was issued his sentence fairly, but still... why today of all days? On top of everything, it was freezing, which meant he had no choice but to wear that thing Mohinder had lent him.

“What's with that nasty scarf you're wearing?” One of Matt's coworkers peeked in. The thermostat in the building got fried this morning, so it wasn't strange for someone to be wearing a scarf in the office but... Matt's scarf was the exception to the rule. It was... multicolored. And by 'multicolored', he meant rainbow!gay. This is a police office, for God's sake.

I'm aware of that, thanks.  Matt looked up from his desk, an eyebrow raised into an annoyed arch. That's it. “Look, you want the truth? It's my boyfriend's.”

“Ah.” That shut him up.

“Matt, please. It's freezing out there, you really should take it.”

“I'll be fine. It got cold like this all the time back in California.”

“In LA?” That was a pitiful excuse.

“Fine, fine. Honestly, I just can't take it with me to work. It's too... colorful.”

“Who cares if it's colorful?! The temperature's at around freezing and the wind is set to pick up later today! You will get sick if you leave without a scarf.” “Well, yeah. I know. I mean, I have one-” he fumbled in his head for excuses.

“You lent yours to Molly so that she wouldn't get sick, remember? What kind of a role model would you be if you caught a cold ignoring your own advice?”

“Okay, but what about you-”

“I told you. I'm staying home today to do finish some research. I don't need a scarf for that, the temperature's just fine in here.”

Maybe I should just stay home...

“You're not staying.” Matt's eyes went wide. “And no, you didn't think that aloud. It was clear on your face.”


“You will wear it.” His tone had gotten increasingly irritated.


Is this really the only thing that will get you to listen to me? Mohinder thought. Matt would have asked what 'this' was, but he was pretty sure of the answer after a second. 'This' turned out to be the most useful tool in getting Matt to shut up: a kiss. It was warm and calm, not at all angry like Mohinder sounded moments ago. It was a melting sort of kiss, deep enough for Matt not to notice the rainbow-colored muffler being wrapped around his neck. The kiss... is was the kind that started off a good day, or at least fooled you into thinking so. It tasted like breakfast; coffee and tea and jam on toast.

Mohinder broke off first, leaving Matt standing there, dazed from the kiss. “There. You can stop worrying about me getting cold. I won't need a scarf after that, will I?” Mohinder began nudging him towards the door, the larger man's neck safely covered by the rainbow-wool muffler.

After fighting for coherency for what seemed like a lifetime, Matt finally managed a sentence. “What if someone asks me about it?” He was practically out the door by then, having given up on leaving the colorful culprit of his morning argument. Mohinder was very persuasive when he wanted to be. And that's why Mohinder always wins face-to-face conversations...

“Then tell them it's your boyfriend's!” Mohinder responded immediately, placed a quick goodbye kiss on Matt's cheek and shut the door before any complaints could be made.

“My boyfriend's, huh...” Matt mulled. Sad part is, it's true.

fic, heroes

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