Strays (master post) - Bandom (MCR), NC-17, Frank/Gerard.

Jun 05, 2012 00:19

Title: Strays
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Rating: NC-17
Length: About 14,500 words.
Characters/Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Mikey, Ray.
Disclaimer: Unless I've become a psychic who sees into the lives of magical musicians, this is nothing but fiction.

Content notes: ( skip) Involves grief inspired by a main character thought to be dead, animal cruelty at the hands of minors, vague violence and gore, somewhat explicit sex.

Summary: Frank and Gerard's life off-tour is all about grocery shopping and blowjobs and general domestic happiness...until Gerard goes missing, and bloody scraps are all that's left behind. So when a stray dog turns up on Frank's doorstep, can anyone blame him for wanting a little normal back in his life?

One | Two | Three | Four | Five
AO3 | DW

Non-AO3 downloads: mobi | epub | PDF


Master post - wtfbrain

Author's notes

Another year, another werewolfbigbang! (Or, considering this is the third fic I'm posting with werewolves in the last few weeks: another day, another werewolf story in general.) As usual, this was not a one-person job. Thanks to:

-cheerfortyranny for the beta!
-My mom and rahnekat1 for listening to me ramble about the story. For that matter, thanks to all of my close family/friends/flist/rlist/Twitter feed for tolerating my usual hair-pulling. There's more to come, and I'm forever grateful for your patience.
-The fellow who paid me to housesit at the same time I was editing. Money and a place without distracting Internet! Win/win!
-wtfbrain for creating a fantastic mix to go along with the story. Give it a play and see if you find it half as catchy as I do.

story: strays, ship: frank/gerard, fandom: bandom, rating: nc-17, fandom: bandom: mcr, challenge: werewolfbigbang

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