This Universe - Bandom, G, Brendon/Patrick.

Nov 26, 2011 10:26

Title: This Universe
Fandom: Bandom
Rating: G
Length: ~1470 words.
Characters/Pairings: Brendon/Patrick.

Summary: Patrick blinked. "I just normally get some kind of 'bigger on the inside' comment first." (Doctor Who AU.)

Notes: This is what happens when you're procrastinating from NaNo work on Tumblr and you stumble upon brilliant fanart like Read more... )

ship: brendon/patrick, fandom: bandom, rating: g

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Comments 4

katienyc November 26 2011, 22:14:43 UTC
Oh my gosh, you wrote a Brendon/Patrick Dr. Who AU! It is the MOST ADORABLE. Brendon is jealous of Patrick's suit! They listen to records in the TARDIS! Because of course Patrick would make sure it had an awesome sound system! And how much do I love that out of everything THAT was the first thing Brendon noticed? A LOT. And a whole planet of musicians with a percussion continent! Amazing. And kissing! This is the BEST.

Thank you so so so much! <333333


cho_malfoy December 2 2011, 02:10:08 UTC
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, but I'm really glad you enjoyed it! (It's hilarious that I said I should write some Brendon/Patrick when things got quieter, and then I got bitten by a massive plot bunny at my busiest time. XD)


fleshuncovered December 20 2011, 09:08:01 UTC
You know I was JUST thinking about fics where Patrick was The Doctor so i googled and found this, and a;oignsdlnf;aslkfjlsdfn OMG!!!!!!!!!! Now personally i would love to see pete as his companion but FFFFFFFF Love this!!!!! thank you!


cho_malfoy December 27 2011, 12:04:34 UTC
Oh yeah, Pete would've totally been his companion before this point! He's probably king of another planet somewhere. :D Thank you for the lovely comment!


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