"Any Little Song That You Know", author's notes.

Jun 07, 2010 14:28

author's notes

Confession time: this is not only the first time I've participated in spn_j2_bigbang, but the first time I've participated in any Big Bang. Moreover, it's the first time I completed a fanfic longer than 10,000 words! Imagine my surprise when I ended up 25k words initially, and well over 30k when the dust settled.

The roots of the story started two or three years ago, when I wrote the beginning of Mary lives AU, and Sam was married to Jess and working in a law firm when the events of season one began. Around the start of the year, I took some of my unused spn_summergen prompts, "Dean gets the demon blood instead of Sam" in particular, and formed the basic idea that ended up forming the plot of the story.

I started the bulk of writing after "The Song Remains The Same" aired for the first time, I adjusted a good portion of the plot as season five progressed and ended, and I tore the whole thing apart a couple different times after submitting my rough draft. (And as if all the firsts above weren't enough, it was the first time I did massive edits too.) It's staggering to see how different the story became from the initial plot bunny I had years ago, and even from the first full draft.

For anyone that doesn't peek at the soundtrack, the title came from a lyric in Led Zeppelin's "The Song Remains The Same".

The biggest thanks in the world to:

-tripoli8, for her phenomenal art and for being great to work with. I'm not kidding when I say I flailed every time I received the various drafts in my email. Give her love this instant if you haven't already.

-nvwrdsmth and discountfactor, my betas, for letting me mess with their heads and being enthusiastic even while making suggestions. Anything that remains is my fault, not theirs.

-rahnekat1, for listening to my whining (or pretending to), for helping me think out plot points aloud, for being the veteran Big Bang reader who knew answers to some of my questions off the top of her head, and for knitting me wrist warmers that kept feeling in my hands when the weather refused to warm up.

-bethanydonne and sistahssoul, neither of whom are in SPN fandom, but were patient when I ducked out of commitments and/or withstood my silence while I wrote and edited as fast as I could manage.

-kroki_refur, who kicked off Big Bang last year with a terrific gen story and inspired me to give this whole thing a try.

-My LJ flist, my DW subscription list, and anyone following my Twitter/Facebook for cheerleading and enduring months of posts. Special thanks to those on my Big Bang filter!

-The posts and flist of omgspnbigbang. I was too shy to post in the community proper, but seeing other people worrying over their stories helped more than I can say.

-wendy and thehighwaywoman, the mods of spn_j2_bigbang, for working with me when my artist summary was too small, and for being generally awesome. It's hard enough writing a Big Bang; I can't imagine how intensive organizing it must be!

-Anyone who's read, much less commented. I hope you enjoyed!

master post | soundtrack

story: any little song that you know, type: other, challenge: spn_j2_bigbang

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