So I'm attempting to sell my Sidekick on craigslist, because I never get service at work in my building and my contract with Tmobile was up this past week. I really like Tmobile, I really do, but having service at work would make my life better. I could be texting, doing all kinds of interesting things when I'm talking to the people on the phone
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Comments 6
SHINY NEW ROXAS GAME COMING OUT TOMORROW ZOMG AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!111!!!!11!111!!!!!one!!11eleven!!oneeleventy!!1
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And fer real! I read it the first time and was like... are you... serious? The thing about the Target card cracked me up the most really. xD
You can come with us if you want! :D Get this, it only opened in 13 theaters around the country and they chose Tucson cuz it's a small college town. :D So they only play it at midnight at El Con, which is down on Broadway and er... I want to say Alvernon. We're going on Wednesday--my bro's 19 and a bit of an idiot, but he mainly keeps his mouth shut. xD
Also, omg your icon. xDDD
eta: I lied, on Wednesday it plays at 10:45pm, not midnight, those are just weekend showings, woops.
Also, what's up with their punctuation? Gah, peeve >:(
*flails* So excited for english!358/2 Days :DDD I gave in and downloaded myself a ROM of it about two weeks ago, but it's in Japanese so I can't really figure out mission objectives or anything else that's going on, so that's rather annoying :(
Ooh you did? Is it shiny and Japanese-y? Haha I'm super exciteddddd.
Yup 8D It's fuuuuun :D
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