That's entirely too loud to be Exploding Snap. Stillness and respect would be more appropriate in these times. Kindly put it away, children, or you'll wake the dead.
And I see the various statues and portraits will now be filling the hallways with the sombre cries of "Indecent younglings! Hie thee to a room, preferably with a lock!"
Let us hope the younger years do not spy your flagrant divertisements. They might take notes for future reference.
And here I was hoping for attempted homicide last night. Sadly it was not to be. Soppy little Warmbloods. Wasting tears on such ephemera.
Therefore I content myself with the Gryffindor who was out-of-bounds. I do hope you have enough to share with the rest of the class. Preferably in their victuals.
We do apologise for the disruption caused by our featured performers. To their credit they did very well at the Feast, despite the stray eyeball in the Headmaster's soup.
As soon as the Giant Squid releases their vessel, they will be underway.