Title: "When I Was"
Fandom/original: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Cloud and Sephiroth
Rating: R
Word count: 100
jukeboxhound wanted Sephiroth/Cloud, with the prompt "There was history here." Of course, of course my brain goes into the angst place and never looks back.
Cuts heal if you didn't pick at the scabs, yet Cloud picked. Memories flowed and he was sixteen again and scanning for a mix of silver and black in the middle of the blaze.
He was sixteen again and swallowing his moans and ignoring sticky sheets and silver hair was everywhere but they didn't mind it. Later, Zack wouldn't mind Cloud's baggy eyes and marked neck.
He was sixteen again and being impaled. "Don't press your luck." Press against the sword instead, and move away from the brink.
He was twenty-three again and bore scars. There was history here.