Title: "Conservation of Energy"
Fandom/original: The Twelve Kingdoms
Characters: Gyousou and Taiki
Rating: PG - 13
Word count: 100
canis_m asked for Gyousou and Taiki or for Fang and Vanille. Both of these pairings, experts agree, are made of win. I attempted the Fang and Vanille to get to write some sort of femmeslash but it didn't seem to go anywhere, so GyouTai it was.
The pavilion had been made with kirin in mind: leather was replaced by silk, furs with thick wool. Having company helped against the loneliness and cold, though rustling blankets and a rush of air told Taiki that his bedmate might want more than quiet.
"Master Gyousou? If we move around too much, we'll sweat and grow cold again."
Gyousou looked up and smiled. "I'll be gentle, then."
Taiki squirmed at Gyousou's kisses, punctuated by the occasional nip. Familiar enough with Gyousou's ardor, he wondered what "being gentle" meant for cold nights in a pavilion.
He'd have the night to learn.