Awkward Confessions

Aug 16, 2011 17:13

Title: Awkward Confessions
Pairing: Suhoon/Jihwan
Rating: PG-13
Length: One-Shot
Genre: Humor, Romance
Summary: Suhoon’s always had a crush on Hyunmin’s younger brother but he’s never been gain enough to confess. When Hyunmin leaves Suhoon alone with his brother for thirty minutes will Suhoon be able to finally express his feelings?
A/N: This was written in a rush under 5 hours and its unbeta-ed so deal with it LOL Dedicated to yuutong because she bought me such lovely gifts from her trip to Korea


“Oh hey it’s you again,” Hyunmin mumbled as he opened the door further to let the newcomer in.

“Geez that’s a nice way to greet your best friend,” Suhoon replied as he stepped inside the small apartment.

“Well I would have been happier if you’d stop using me as an excuse to perv on my brother.”

“Ack shhhh you couldn’t have been any louder could you? And no I do not perv on your brother either,” Suhoon whispered whacking his best friend on the shoulder.

“It’s the truth,” Hyunmin said simply as he closed the door behind the older man.

“So umm … is Jihwan home?” Suhoon asked trying to sound casual but failing miserably.

Hyunmin sighed at Suhoon’s fail and yelled out, “Jihwan! Suhoon is here!”

Suhoon blushed but then the first door down the hallway clicked open and a young teen with jet black hair poked his head out at the noise.

“Suhoon-hyung!” Jihwan cried in surprise as he flung the door all the way open.

“Jihwan,” Suhoon said in greeting before stumbling backwards as the younger teen launched himself into his arms.

“Geez why don’t you ever act that way towards me?” Hyunmin mumbled half-heartedly.

Jihwan turned around and stuck his tongue out childishly.

“That’s because Suhoon-hyung is nice and he helps me with my homework, unlike you!”

Hyunmin huffed already used to his brother’s words.

“Whatever, go back to your homework while I go talk to Suhoon about something.”

“Can he help me with my homework?” Jihwan asked with a grin.

Suhoon opened his mouth to answer but Hyunmin cut him off.

“Later. If he helps you now he’ll end up finishing everything for you and then you’d be back at the beginning not knowing how to do things in the first place. Do what you can, at least attempt what you can’t and then Suhoon can come and check your answers.”

Jihwan pouted but nodded his head in defeat. Suhoon gave him a supportive smile and told him he’d come and have a look in another twenty minutes or so.

As Jihwan went back to his room, Hyunmin led Suhoon to his room closing the door behind them before taking a seat on the floor.

“So when are you going to confess to him?” Hyunmin asked casually leaning back on his arms.

Suhoon’s mouth fell open and he stared at Hyunmin in shock.

“I’m being serious here. You’ve been coming over quite frequently and I know it’s not always just to catch up with your best friend. I care for Jihwan a lot, to me he’s like my only family and I don’t want him getting hurt.”

Suhoon bit his lip knowing how protective Hyunmin was of his brother. Once Hyunmin had graduated from high school, their parents had deemed him old enough to take care of his younger brother while they went to travel around the world. It’d been three years since then.

“If it was any other guy I would tell them to fuck off and leave Jihwan alone. But … because it’s you I’m willing to trust that you’re not going to toy around with his feelings and throw him aside when you’re done.”

Suhoon opened his mouth to protest and confirm that he wouldn’t but Hyunmin cut him off.

“Jihwan’s been talking about you a lot and I know he likes you too. But to what extent I’m not exactly sure.”

Hyunmin sighed and he looked over to his best friend.

“You won’t hurt him will you?” he asked and Suhoon bit his lip as he saw just how much Hyunmin cared for his younger brother.

“I won’t, I’ll never hurt him,” Suhoon replied as he moved closer to wrap an arm around the other’s shoulders.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Hyunmin pulled away to stand up.

“Well I’m going to duck out to the shops and buy some food. During this time I expect you to confess your feelings to Jihwan,” he said as he walked over to the door.

Suhoon’s mouth fell open in shock for the second time that day and he quickly stood up to grip the younger man’s arm.

“You’re not serious are you?”

Hyunmin cocked an eyebrow at his friend in response.

“B-But this is too sudden Hyunmin, I c-can’t-” he was cut off when Hyunmin gave him a stern glare.

“No it’s not too sudden, you’ve been crushing on him for the past two years which I think is long enough.”

“But,” and here Suhoon tried to find an excuse as to why he shouldn’t confess just yet.

“But he’s still a kid!”

Hyunmin chuckled and leant his back against the door.

“He was a kid three years ago, but he’s eighteen now. When you were eighteen you got drunk on your birthday and confessed to me that you were gay and then even went so far as to kiss me on the lips.”

Suhoon blushed at the memory before returning his attention back to the present.

“I’ll give you thirty minutes max. If you don’t confess to him by the time I’m back then I’ll tell him how you perved on him that one time when he was in the shower.”

“Hyunmin! I told you that was an accident!”

Hyunmin ignored him and opened the door. Suhoon followed him outside and then paused when they were in front of Jihwan’s bedroom.

“Jihwan,” Hyunmin called out as he knocked on the door.

They heard the sound of the chair scraping across the wooden floor before the door opened.

“Yea?” Jihwan answered leaning on the doorframe.

“I’m going to go out and buy some things. Anything you want from the grocery store?” Hyunmin asked watching as Jihwan kept flicking glances to the man beside him.

“Umm no I’ll be fine thanks hyung.”

“Okay well Suhoon’s going to keep you company while I’m gone so be nice to him okay?”

Jihwan’s eyes practically shined in happiness and Hyunmin rolled his eyes before bidding his brother and best friend goodbye.


They stood in silence for a few seconds before Jihwan finally gestured to Suhoon to come inside his room.

Jihwan took a seat at the table and Suhoon took a seat on the only other available space in the room - the bed. The table was right next to the bed so from where Suhoon was sitting he had a clear view of what homework Jihwan was working on - maths. He watched in silence as Jihwan concentrated on a math problem and then his eyes wandered and he found himself examining Jihwan’s body.

The younger boy was wearing a ridiculously oversize bright green sweater that showed his collarbones and Suhoon had to tear his gaze away before he lost control of himself. Unfortunately Suhoon’s gaze landed on the pair of black shorts that he didn’t realize Jihwan was wearing until just then.

Jihwan’s legs were crossed at the ankles and Suhoon realized that Jihwan definitely wasn’t a kid anymore. He didn’t have muscles like Hyunmin, but from the extra dancing classes and soccer practices that Suhoon knew he was taking, his arms and legs were slightly more developed than they’d been when Suhoon had first met him.

“Hyung?” Jihwan asked breaking Suhoon from his thoughts.

Suhoon whipped his head up to see Jihwan looking at him curiously.

“Are you okay? You look distracted, is there something on your mind?”

Suhoon smiled and shook his head.

“Umm did you need any help with your homework?” he asked trying to change the subject.

Jihwan grinned and pushed his notebook over to the older man.

“Can you check this for me?”

“Ah s-sure.”

Suhoon tried to focus on the problem but he couldn’t help but feel Jihwan’s gaze on him. But when he looked up Jihwan would only smile at him causing Suhoon to duck his head down again.

Clearing his throat, Suhoon licked his lips as he tried to focus on the problem once again. He skimmed over it briefly and after confirming to himself that it was about 80% correct, nodded his head at Jihwan to say it was okay.

Jihwan smiled and then pointed at another question he’d answered and Suhoon again tried to focus on the problem.

You have thirty minutes a voice whispered in his head and Suhoon shut his eyes to try and block it out.

“Hyung are you sure you’re okay?” Jihwan asked.

Suhoon snapped his eyes open only to gasp when he saw Jihwan’s face only inches away from his own.

He looked away eyes lowering until they froze on the dip above Jihwan’s exposed collarbones.

“I-I’m fine,” Suhoon replied feeling like the room had suddenly heated up in temperature.

Jihwan frowned and pressed his palm against Suhoon’s forehead.

“Are you sure you’re not sick? Your skin is kind of warm.”

Suhoon shivered at the contact and shook his head.

“I’m fine,” he said again trying to reassure the younger boy.

Jihwan frowned but left it at that.

Suhoon spent another few minutes rereading the problem and checking Jihwan’s answer before confirming he’d done it right.

Jihwan nodded his thanks and then worked on the next batch of questions from the textbook.

Silence hung between them as Suhoon struggled to find the right words in his head to confess to the younger boy.

“It’s not that hard,” Jihwan suddenly said breaking the silence.

Suhoon’s head snapped up to look at Jihwan who’s attention was still focused on his notebook.

“N-Not that hard to what?” Suhoon asked carefully. Was Jihwan referring to something in his homework or to Suhoon’s feelings?

“It’s not that hard to figure out the problem,” Jihwan said simply.

Suhoon sighed inwardly in relief but then Jihwan stood up from his seat and Suhoon’s gaze travelled down to his exposed thighs.

“It’s not that hard to see what your ‘problem’ is hyung,” Jihwan said as he crawled onto the bed.

Suhoon’s eyes widened and he automatically slid backwards until his back came in contact with the wall. He could only continue to watch as Jihwan crawled over his legs and sat on his lap, knees on either side of his hips.

“To figure out a problem, you have to note the small details such as when someone can’t keep their eyes off you, when someone keeps looking at you like they want to devour you.”

Jihwan leaned closer.

“Your problem is, you like me but you’re too scared to confess. Am I right?”

Suhoon’s breath hitched and he tried to answer but no words would come forth.

“How about I go first then?” Jihwan replied, and before Suhoon could even question what he meant by that, soft lips descended upon his own causing him to gasp in surprise.

Jihwan pulled back and rested his hands on Suhoon’s shoulders before talking.

“I’ve always liked you hyung, ever since Hyunmin first introduced you to me when you came over. I know I’m still young and you might say that I’m too young to understand what liking someone means or feels. But I just can’t stop thinking about you.”

Here Jihwan paused and he took a deep breath before looking up into Suhoon’s eyes.

“I really do like you hyung and I know you like me too right?”

“I-I do Jihwan, I’ve always liked you … but I kept holding myself back because you were still … young,” Suhoon replied simply, not trusting himself to speak more than he should at the moment.

“Will you hold yourself back now then?” Jihwan asked curiously as he leaned closer.

“I’m eighteen now you know, I’m not a child anymore,” he continued breathe ghosting over Suhoon’s lips.

Suhoon whimpered knowing that what Jihwan said was the truth.

Deciding that it was now or never, Suhoon wrapped his arms around Jihwan’s waist before pressing their lips together. He felt Jihwan smile into the kiss and he wondered if Jihwan had planned this all along.

He pulled back parting his lips to question the younger boy but then Jihwan’s tongue slid past his lips and Suhoon moaned at the unexpected action.

Jihwan pressed his body closer arms coming up to wrap around the elder’s neck as he deepened their kiss. Suhoon groaned and slid a hand under Jihwan’s sweater to caress the heated skin underneath.

He wasn’t sure how long they kissed for but when a light cough sounded from the door, Suhoon immediately pulled away only to gasp at his best friend leaning on the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

“You know, when I said you should confess to Jihwan, I didn’t mean for you to snog the daylights out of him.”

Suhoon opened his mouth to say he wasn’t the one that started it but then shut it knowing that Hyunmin would never believe him.

“Next time close the door,” Hyunmin said before shutting the door and walking away with a chuckle.

Suhoon stared at the door a bit longer before turning his attention back to the younger boy in his lap.

“Umm …” he said awkwardly not really knowing what to say after the disruption.

Jihwan smiled shyly before ducking his head down.

“You know, now seems about the right time to ask me to be your boyfriend.”

Suhoon blinked a few times before the words finally registered in his head.

“O-Ohhh … umm … w-will you be my boyfriend?” he asked feeling slightly silly for being so clueless.

Jihwan looked up then and he pressed a firm kiss to the other’s lips before tackling the latter in a hug.

“Of course I will hyung,” he replied and Suhoon smiled as he tightened his hold around the younger boy.

A/N: Omg the ending sucks so much but alksdjfaslkdfjsd I hope you like this Yutong!!! ILY <3333333333333333333 /le inserts our SuHwan gif

genre: humor, fandom: dae guk nam ah / the boss, genre: romance, length: oneshot, pairing: suhoon/jihwan, rating: pg-13

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