[FIC]: Luna (girl!Dean/girl!Castiel, Adult)

Jan 25, 2011 16:20

SPN. girl!Dean/girl!Castiel. NC-17. PWP. ~1,860 words. Vague S5. Femmeslash featuring born-as-a-girl!Dean and always-in-a-female-vessel!Castiel. Because I was feeling self-indulgent and craving some genderbending f/f smutt for my OTP ;)


Deanna pulls the thin sheet over her bare breasts, twisting her body around as Cas climbs back onto the messy motel bed. Deanna likes how the stripes of white moonlight play across Castiel's naked body. She pulls Cas onto her lap, then traces the dance of light across Castiel's pale shoulder.

Deanna's lips curve into a smile against the smooth span of Castiel's throat. "Back for more?" she whispers, and Cas answers with her tongue, with the soft tremble of her body beneath Deanna's hands.

Sometimes holding on to Cas is like holding on to the moon. So damn impossible. Deanna's never wanted something this immense before, never wanted someone - something - that actually wanted her back. Deanna tries to hold on though, during all those times Cas starts whispering her name, calling out to her with her body and with her grace, like Deanna's something special, something worth fighting for, something bright enough to keep away the darkness. Like Deanna's something Cas needs to hold on to as well.

Sometimes Deanna wants to close her eyes, shut the angel out. Other times she wants to close her eyes and press herself so far inside the furnace heat of Castiel's body she won't ever get out. When Cas is moving against her, Deanna wants to breathe her in completely, feel her burning skin sliding against her own. She wants to be wanted by her.

Everything about Castiel is a revelation. The sounds she makes as Deanna fucks her, helpless and naked, unbidden and out of control. Sometimes with her eyes closed, Deanna can feel the flickering heat of Castiel's true form, feel the shadows of Castiel's wings sweeping around her, enveloping them both, invisible feathers breaking like lightening against her skin. When they're this close, Deanna can't even think at all; she can only concentrate on the shape of Castiel's hand fitting against her shoulder; marking her again, remaking her again.

When Cas moves, she glides, becomes something less hard, more graceful; a slender human geometry of sleek curves and sharp angles. A soft body impervious to gunfire, knife blade, salt rounds. In battle, Castiel handles her sword like it's a part of her, and maybe it is, the long, thick blade slicing through the night, sparking like fire.

On occasion, Deanna watches Castiel in action: the dance of angel and blade, the fluid movement of Castiel's body as she spins out for an attack. The violence in every arch of her back, snap of her wrist. Jamie Novak has long passed on, leaving Castiel alone in her body, and the control Castiel has garnered over her muscles is near perfect, gorgeous in its singular precision. It's amazing to watch this crazy mess of angelic grace and borrowed humanity, this millennia-old warrior in the body of a girl.


When Deanna returned from hell, it was Castiel's touch that first anchored her back into the world of the living. It was Castiel's touch that reminded her that touch itself doesn't have to mean pain and agony, fear and hopelessness.

Deanna remembers the first time they came together, a beginning that really didn't feel like a beginning so much as an inevitability. When holding each other in the dark wasn't just about keeping the nightmares at bay. When whispers turned into searching touches, when need turned into desperate kisses. When Deanna opened her mouth to Castiel's, opened her body and let the angel see her, see everything.

Deanna remembers the first time Castiel rocked against her, how Deanna tangled her hands in Castiel's long tousled hair, writhed and rolled their hips together until they were both sticky and wet for each other. She remembers the first time she went down on Castiel, worshipping her cunt with her tongue and her mouth, tasting her, showing her all the pleasures that come with being a woman, with being human. It had felt so good to touch and need, without question, without shame.

Truth is, Castiel is the only holy thing Deanna's ever wanted, ever believed in, ever needed. The only holy thing Deanna's ever loved.


They're in one of those rare down times between hunts, between epic apocalyptic battles. The entire heavenly host is still hunting Castiel, but for now the angel is with Deanna, safe in a rundown motel room somewhere along the Texas Panhandle. They're tangled together in the threadbare sheets, sunk deep into the old mattress, and Deanna's getting lost in the soft, warm feel of Castiel. Mapping the ethereal lines of her slim body, peering up into her deep blue eyes that see more than anyone else, tangling her fingers in the messy dark hair that always falls over her shoulders in thick wind-blown waves. Deanna presses her nose and mouth into Castiel's hair now, smelling honeysuckle, myrrh, and sage.

Castiel's body is smaller than Deanna's, slender and tiny with none of the muscle mass Deanna herself has built up from years of training. Castiel's skin is flawless too, inhuman in its resurrected perfection. No marks or scars to speak of the horrors of this war, of having lived a natural human life. Deanna runs her fingers over the soft, unmarred flesh of the angel's belly, watches how Cas shivers at the touch, breath hitching and knees bending. Her shoulderblades flex and roll, like she's stretching out her wings, readying for flight.

They're both completely naked, have been this way for hours, lost together in the soft, midnight dark of the room. Castiel's baggy trenchcoat and prim-and-proper business attire are tossed on the floor next to Deanna's blood-encrusted jeans and leather jacket. Bras and panties lie conspicuously beside guns and ammo.

Right now the only thing Cas is wearing is Deanna's amulet, the dark, bronzed talisman falling between the vee of her tiny breasts. Deanna smiles; she can't help but reach out and touch it, run the God-finding charm along the hardened buds of Castiel's nipples. Deanna then follows with her mouth, tonguing one of those nipples until Cas starts whimpering, arching her back and baring herself to Deanna like this is the only thing in the world she wants.

When Deanna covers her body, she takes each one of Castiel's tits into her mouth, sucks at the nipples like she's seeking nourishment, sustenance. She licks down the gorgeous swell of each breast, up across the bruise-dark nipples, scraping her teeth softly over each nub. Cas twists and gasps beneath her, whispering Deanna, please.

Deanna licks down the space between each tit, letting the amulet slide between the curve of Castiel's breasts for a minute before sucking it into her mouth, a shock of tangy metallic coolness hitting her tongue. She wants Cas to know even if she never finds God, she'll always have Deanna. They'll always have this.

Deanna plays with the amulet, working it between her teeth and tongue, watching the way Castiel's eyes darken, spark with soft heat and desire. She lets go of the charm as Castiel's hands slowly work their way up Deanna's torso, coming to settle and massage against Deanna's own tender, plump breasts. Deanna groans, her nipples feeling so sensitive as Castiel's long fingers knead into her flesh. Deanna draws their bodies closer so that their breasts can slide and rub together, the spit-slick talisman rolling between them.

Deanna then tumbles Cas onto her back in the middle of the bed, and she slowly drags her lips down the soft curve of Castiel's belly. She kisses down Castiel's pale thigh, working her way toward the thick, dark curls of her pussy. Cas spreads her legs wide and Deanna is mesmerized by the look of her down here, soft and glistening red. Sometimes Deanna thinks this is where she truly belongs, her face tucked between Castiel's thighs, lapping wet and slow at her slick cunt until they're both fucked-out and breathless, baptized in each other's juices.

Now with Castiel's knees pulled up, her fingers twisting in the sweat-damp sheets, Deanna leans forward on her hands and knees and presses her mouth against Castiel's mound, the tip of her tongue teasing down into her cunt.

Cas bucks, and Deanna laughs, running her tongue through the course, thick hair, following along the dark cleft, and moving further down still. Deanna loves the way Cas smells and tastes here, the raw musky-sweet tang of her; she noses into Cas, licking her open, moving hot and messy as her tongue breeches deep.

The moment Deanna finds Castiel's clit, Cas seizes up, curling her legs around Deanna's waist, scratching her fingernails deep into Deanna's curved back. Deanna's hands reach out and she pushes Castiel's legs even wider, spreading her apart, opening her up to take more of her inside.

"So fucking beautiful," she whispers against Castiel's cunt, moaning softly as she slides further down. She thrusts two fingers inside, loving the way Castiel clenches around her. Cas keens, heels digging into Deanna's back as Deanna pushes in deeper, her shoulders nestled comfortably between Castiel's legs. Deanna rocks her fingers in and out, pushes her mouth close to suck at Castiel's clit, working it with her lips and tongue. For a while Deanna's completely lost in Castiel's soft, secret heat.

"Deanna," Cas gasps, sounding so small, sounding so human. Her entire body bucks and shakes as Deanna fucks her slow and deep, tongue and fingers moving meticulously.

"It's too much," Cas says, voice breaking. She rocks her hips forward, pushing Deanna's face further into the damp heat of her cunt. Deanna sinks in, feeling the soft tremble of Castiel's muscles as she comes slick and warm, her body thrusting up with abandon. Deanna holds her down, laps at the folds of her pussy, drinking her in. When she pulls up, her mouth and chin are sloppy and wet, and she smiles wide and wicked up at Castiel, who's staring down at Deanna, eyes full of awe and dark heat.

Deanna's breathing hard, her tits heaving up with the effort. She licks her lips, lapping up the warm and bittersweet taste. "Mmm," she hums, leaning forward to kiss Cas, who simply laughs as she tastes herself on Deanna.

I fucking love you, Deanna thinks, not wanting to say it aloud, not wanting to say anything ever again if she can help it. Cas is looking at her like she knows anyway; her soft skin is flushed and sweat-slick, blue eyes gone lust dark.

Deanna pulls her close, and for a moment the angel's body feels heavy, full of celestial light. Cas is the moon and Deanna wants to bring her down to the earth. Keep her in her orbit. Deanna pushes her mouth against hers, and Cas slides her hands up Deanna's thighs, nudges her legs apart, and pushes her fingers inside of her.

Deanna holds on tight to Cas, knows she will not let her go. She knows this is the only piece of heaven she'll ever need.


genre: au, fandom: supernatural, genre: femmeslash, type: one-shot, pairing: dean/castiel

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