GB: Log 02 Mello/Agito [1/2]

Jun 15, 2010 01:10

The truth was, having lived together with Mello, managing to see him everyday, anytime he felt like it and suddenly regressing to having to pursue Mello in order to finally get him to say where he was living… It felt strange, it felt like they had just gone two years back in their relation- could they even call this that?

He had felt since he had come that Mello had decided that their relationship was something that caused him troubles. Despite Agito constant offering to help, Mello seemed to want him at distance.

After all that time, all the stalking, Mello had finally gave him the address, did it meant that Agito's insistence had work? Should he expect that things at the very least went back to the way they were?
    All he knew was that at that point he would be happy with just being allowed to stay by Mello's side.
    Now the question was, would Mello allow even that?

The blond reached his room by night, after he had taken care of some business with several… gentleman. He was planning on approaching the Alien scum of this ship in order to form an alliance with them and, this way, have connections all over Thor, but it has been difficult due to their dislike for any refugee, no matter what species they were.

Of course, this would mean Mello had to prove himself to them, which shouldn’t be that hard, but there weren’t all that many opportunities for him to show how good he was. And if he was going to impress some morons, he’d do it the right way, and would awe them.

When he reached the building he spotted Agito. Ah, yes. He had given him his address, but the blond thought he’d probably be inside. That is, if Richezza allowed or wasn’t there.

“How long have you been waiting here?” he stopped in front of Agito, looking down at him.

"Lost count of time" he lies, getting up. He was surprised that Mello had token so long to arrive, which meant that it was truth what the blond had said before. He was working on something and he didn't seem to wish Agito to get involved in.

“I’m surprised you didn’t break in” Mello walked towards the door, which greeted him cheerfully, to Mello’s annoyance “Just let me in” the door laughed loud and said “Okie Dokie”, finally allowing Mello and Agito to enter.

Agito followed Mello, but as the other crossed the door, the door decides to close on Agito's face.
    The blue haired frowns at it, looking at the door threatening, if Mello didn't open that in 3 seconds he would really break in.

“Just open it, damnit.” Mello hated his door. He truly could not comprehend what was the use to give doors personalities.

The door opened, revealing Agito with a shocked and quite angered frown.

He walks inside without saying a word, mostly because if he actually let out the anger he had inside it would be most likely the whole building would hear his words and Mello would kick him out after his 4 hour waiting in front of that door.

He stopped once inside, looking around the apartment and his anger slowly turning into surprise.
    Woah… that was certainly better than what he was living in right now… How far was Mello in the business?

The blond walked to the kitchen, setting his jacket away and taking something to eat “you could have brought some of that Chinese food you have been delivering”

"Eat one of your books, it will be better tasting than the food I fucking deliver" he answered dryly. His expression was serious now, looking at Mello.
    "Wouldn't had been fucking easier to give me the address right away?" he grumbles, crossing his arms while leaning on the wall.

“And where would be the fun in that?” Mello smirked in return, although he leaned against the fridge boredly as he spoke to Agito “It took you a month to find me. I was expecting more of you.”

"Don't be so modest, you are good when it comes to avoid someone." Agito's iris seemed to become more narrow at that, his cat like eye turning more animal like as he spoke, revealing his boiling temper being quite contained.
    "How about you cut the fucking crap and actually explain why the fuck did you avoided me for so long."

“I wasn’t avoiding you.” That was a lie although, truthfully Mello didn’t see it as wanting to avoid him; it was a natural response from him even if he didn’t realize it. “You had my number, you could have contacted me any time you wanted.”

"Yeah, and receive the fucking voice mail or the shitty 5 minutes talk because you were fucking busy" narrowing, Agito's fists were closed behind his arms.
    "Ever since I fucking came here you fucking seem to want to separate me from your shitty new life, you avoid me, you didn't tried to contact me, you refused to let me in or even let me fucking know what you are fucking working on..." at each word his voice was becoming deeper, angrier, slowly his restrains on his temper broke lose, turning all the pain he had felt into pure anger.
    At last, his voice comes as a inner howl, and the last sentence becomes a scream.

Mello frowned looking at Agito “You scream again and I’m kicking you out.” Mello waited few seconds to make sure if Richezza would come running, but apparently he wasn’t home. Which was good, very good.

Finally he sighed, more like a defeated sigh. Mello knew well his actions looked as if he was avoiding Agito. Actually, he was, but- “It really wasn’t my plan to avoid you. Probably it ended that way without me even realizing it at first.”

Agito didn't blink, his teeth grinding against each other.
    His arms uncross, moving his body in order for his air trecks to slide towards Mello in a quick swift movement. One second he was on the wall, another second he was in front of Mello, his hand reaching for the other’s collar.

"Without you realizing it?! You fucking avoid me for a freaking month and completely cut me out of your life and you do this without realizing it!? What do you think I fucking am? A fucking object you can fucking discard at will?" Anger, hate, pain was all mixing up in his look, there wasn't much logical though anymore, he just wished it to stop…

There was no turning back… from the moment he had been trapped by Mello… so there wouldn't be a discarding of him either.
    He wouldn't allow it.
    "Fuck…" he groans, almost like a pained animal, his head lowers, not looking at Mello anymore.

As he felt the other gripping on his collar, Mello quickly slapped the hand away, only to raise the other and punch Agito’s cheek. For what Mello was used to do to Agito, this was a rather soft punch, but it’d get the point across, at least: Agito knew how Mello did not allow him to act like this towards the blond.

“When I arrived to Thor you weren’t here. I was really glad, actually. No more stalking, no more screaming, no more… of this.” He took his gloves off as he spoke, approaching his lover “Then you arrived here and we met. I would think that having you here would be a pain, and I’d wish for you to leave again, and probably I’d finally learn to have had enough of you.” Mello’s turn to grip on Agito’s collar and pull him closer, growling “So I thought! But you FUCKING BRAT. You--!”

Agito took the punch, actually surprised since it's been a while since they fought, it was enough for him to fall on the floor, one of his knees stopping the rest of the body to sink.
    He looks up, his cheek bruised.
    The sentences that followed the older man's lips hurt him a lot more than any punch or hit could, the pain of not being wanted, not being necessary, not having a purpose for the person he cared for the most with his all heart.
    The pain sink in and turned into fury, anger. Agito's eye lost it's humanity as Agito lost the control of himself.

He raises his body in a flash, not even assimilating the last sentence, just charging blindly against Mello.
    "AHHHH!!" he screamed as he made Mello's body go against the wall along with himself. The impact making both of them slide on the wall to the floor in a sitting position.
    Agito elevates his fist, hitting Mello's cheek, half conscious about his actions due to the shock.

As Mello hit the wall, he grunted in pain due to the impact. Bared teeth, he looked down at Agito and quickly reached for his hair, pulling it hard while with the other hand he aimed for the other’s cheek. Along the way, he too got hit, but that didn’t to bother him as much, because right now, he was about to let out all of his frustrations on Agito.

It was his fault, after all.

The hand gripping at Agito’s blue hair tried to pull the boy off him, and a leg moved to land at his hip - or was it stomach? - kicking him away after.

Agito physically reacted to the pain, managing to be weakened for a couple of seconds, enough to lose his position on top of the other and go down.
    Yet, the fact that he fell down released his legs, one of them quickly raised, and somewhere in his conscious (possibly Akito) made him hit Mello with his knee and lower leg and not with the metallic spiky air trecks on Mello's ribs.
    Still, it was still enough to cause a lot of pain on the other, as Agito started to repeat the motion.

Mello almost yelped in pain when he felt the other hitting his ribs, and as if his lungs didn’t want to expand, he couldn’t breathe for the next moments. Coughing was what brought him back, a hand reaching for the other’s leg to stop the impact, and the other for Agito’s neck.

Finding it difficult to wrap his fingers around there, he gripped on the collar and quickly tugged it down, forcing Agito to lose balance and fall on the floor.

Agito's skull falls on the floor, provoking an echoing sound on the division.
    The pain makes him scream, turning around on the ground and fisting Mello on whatever part he could find.
    His conscious however slowly began to kick in with the pain, his eye getting slightly teary, but his pride avoiding the tears to be poured.

The older man released Agito’s collar to quickly grab the fist waving around, and with the weight of his body, Mello got on top of Agito’s legs so he couldn’t use his trecks. His hand pinned Agito’s other hand on the floor and as he hovered over the boy, Mello felt blood dripping from his nose from an earlier punch.

Agito tried to struggle, but the pain kept sinking in, making him lose his strength, making his conscious rise up again more and more.
    He turns his face to the side, fighting with all his might his tears to fall, never in his life he had looked as miserable as he was right now. Not when Akira betrayed him, nor when he thought about dying.
    And Mello could triumphantly see the lowest moment of his life.
    "LET GO OF ME!" he screamed at the other, while closing his eyes and wrinkling his eyelid on the process.

“Stop crying.” Mello released Agito’s wrists, but didn’t move from the top of the other. With his hand he cleaned his nose “You are such an idiot. And a brat. And you can’t even understand what people tell you. And you are stubborn, and an asshole, and I feel punching you seventy percent of the time.” He expelled air through his nose to clear his airways “Why the hell it has to be you?”

"I am not crying!!" growled in return, more out of reflex of 2 years going against whatever mello accused him of than actually meaning it.
    The words sank inside him, but he was unable to understand them, it was like Mello had started talking a different language.
    'Why him? Why him what?' his eye open, calling the last of his pierced pride to make an angered yet looking more like he was a brat about to start crying look.
    "What do you mean by that?"

“You really are stupid.” Why him? That was a great question, seeing that Agito showed to be quite dense at certain things. Mello got off Agito, getting up, groaning softly as he felt his sore ribs giving him trouble. He took a deep breathe, and leaned against the wall.

Agito stood on the floor.
    "Just fucking answer me dammit!!"

“Grow some brains!” Mello hissed. Although the silence that followed next didn’t please him either “I was fine before you arrived.” So he thought. Mello sat on a chair, a bit away from Agito, frowning “But when you arrived again, I figured I prefer to have you around than to be without you”.

Agito blinked at that, for a moment he was silent, not even moving as he finally heard the rest.
    He takes his arms to his face, covering his eye with it.

Slowly the tears that had formed fell, he made a huge effort so that no noise was made, so only thing that could tell that he was crying would be his sleeve getting humid.
    "You are an idiot…" he whispers, after a few minutes the tears seizing at last, taking him a while to actually remove his arm from it, making sure the other didn't had any visible proof that he had just cried.

“It’s a fucking pain.” Mello was frowning. He knew perfectly well what his words had just meant for Agito, and actually to himself, but it wasn’t that that bothered him. “I’m perfectly capable of being alone. I’m perfectly capable of arriving somewhere and rebuild everything from scratch! I don’t need you to do so, I don’t.” and he proved that by doing his business with the alien gangs, all by himself, without having Agito around. “Just because I like having you around doesn’t mean I can’t do anything without you around.”

Agito smiled at that.
    Somehow, he was growing to understand Mello a little bit better than before, his coldness towards him, their constant fights.
    They were opposites in many ways, opposite with sort of similar hot temper.
    "I know that you can do it on your own" he raises his arm, looking at Mello.
    The blue haired raised himself, which proved to be an Herculean effort considering the bruises and the fact that his head had just been brutly shoved against the solid floor.
    But he raises either way, his smile changing into a concentrated expression, walking towards Mello until his forehead met with Mello's collarbone.
    "But it's fucking ridiculous for you not to use something that you own." he voices, one of his hands reaching for Mello's clothes, holding one of the edges of the black top.

“I will use you when I see fit” he hissed lightly at Agito’s words, before he sighed. Mello rarely depended fully on other people; truthfully, he never did. And he never took pleasure from someone’s company except Matt. While he had accepted Matt’s presence from when he was living at Wammy’s, being able to feel like that towards someone else wasn’t something he was so willing to do. And yet, Agito reached that level.

“You are the idiot here.”

"Asshole…" he grunted, moving his leg slightly to the side and sitting in Mello's lap. His face turns into a scarlet colour as each of his legs rest on the others side.
    His arms surround the others shoulders, his face tilting to the side, kissing softly Mello's lips.

“Bitch” Mello kissed Agito’s lips, licking them slowly after, while a hand reached for his chin “And just because I like having you around, doesn’t mean I want to see your face 24/7” he had to make things clear of course! He didn’t want Agito getting any fucked up idea.

"I am not Akito." He grumbled between breaths. His mouth dared for another kiss, this time a deeper one, invading his mouth for a couple of seconds before withdrawing, yet he playfully placed another right after the stop.
    At each kiss his hips moved, until his chest meet with the others and their crotch area rubbed against one another, making Agito break the kiss to give a deep breath.

“Hm…” Mello sighed at the kisses and the movements of the other, yet his hands reached for Agito’s shoulders. He knew they haven’t see each other for a while now, but some self-control was necessary “remember I share this room with someone who can barge it at any time.” And because it was Richezza, it made everything much worse, even thought he had already threatened the clone.

Agito tried to stop himself, thinking of the way he would feel towards whoever Mello's roommate was if someone barged in.
    However, those arguments were unable to have the impact they would normally have.
    It's been too long, not after spending almost a full month trying to track Mello, not after getting into that fight, not after Mello's words to him.
    He would have cared under normal circumstances, but at that point he didn't, his lips moving into Mello's neck, biting it and giving a strong suck, while his hips moved again into another rub on Mello's organ.
    "Don't you have a way of locking the door?" he groans, his voice husky with the desire and the need assaulting him.

Goddamnit. Agito usually acted as if this sort of thing was always Mello’s idea, but right now he was proving otherwise; it was too much of a good chance to let it escape, he realized, but the blond did worry about Richezza barging in “Let’s go to my room”.

Mello moved, forcing Agito to get off his lap and walked towards his room - which was spacer, and yes, the door could be locked.

Agito reluctantly stopped, and as soon as Mello entered the room his arms again glued themselves into the others shoulders, pulling them into another kiss with his back going against the still open door. Still, given the different on heights he had to stand in his toes, which made him even easier to move if Mello decided to direct them.
    Agito's eyes were closed while his tongue licked the edges of Mello's mouth, touching and poking the ex-captain tongue and demanding movement.

At the sudden kiss, Mello wrapped one arm around Agito’s waist, while he forced the boy against the wall nearby the door. A hand clicked a button to close it, and then other to lock it, still while the two kissed each other hungrily. His lips pressed on Agito’s and his tongue took the lead, pushing against his lover’s and not allowing it to rest for a second. With a small gasp, he allowed the kiss to break for few seconds, only to force another once more.

"Mmm" Agito's body reacts with a shiver up his spine, his body reacting with the need.
    His feet touch each other, slowly stripping his air trecks in order to become more light, using the metallic rollerblades as a plataform to give a small jump, his legs gluing themselves around Mello's hip, his weight making him slip a little on the wall until his lover caught him.
    Each touch, each lick, each play consequently made his crave bigger, it was like a confirmation of the other wanting him, making him want to show how much he wanted Mello back as well.
    Just for this once, he would do whatever he would manage to make Mello get how much Agito wanted his body and soul, how much Agito loved him without the words being spoken.
    Everything that he had bottled inside for two years would come out someway that night, just not in words.

The two tongues kept playing with each other for a while, and so Mello allowed the blue eyes to close while he enjoyed the caresses and stroke the two wet muscles shared. He tasted Agito’s mouth, and then reached to suckle on the tongue once he had it captured between his lips, only to release it again with a small gasp when he felt Agito suddenly wrapping his legs around his waist.

Mello quickly reached for the boy’s ass, pulling him up so he wouldn’t fall, and pressed him against the wall to keep that position for a while. After, his hands squeezed Agito’s ass with a strange delight he always got from doing so.

Agito gave a surprised sigh as he felt the other squeezing his bottom like that. The warmed friction of the two bodies making his stomach feel like he had birds flapping their wings inside him.
    Agito's face leans on Mello's, but breathes in deeply to catch the other scent, almost like having an aphrodisiac effect on him. He buries his face on the others hair, reaching for the ear to nibble it.

Mello gave a small grunt at the other’s nibbles and moved finally towards the bed, allowing the two to fall on it, with Agito on top. His hands now went lower, caressing the legs and he rose to steal another hungry kiss from his lover, biting Agito’s lower lip.

Agito kissed the other again, pressing the bitten lip against the others lower lip and chin, descending as the position allowed on the others. Kissing the jaw, the neck, the collarbone… his hands slowly unzipping the others top, exposing the white milk skin with the darker scar to his feline eye.

As he felt himself being, stripped, Mello replied Agito the same way, moving to take off his shirt, careful not to pull the eye patch along the way. As he did so, he also gave Agito enough room to strip the blond, and finally the pulled the pieces of clothes off their bodies, letting them fall on the floor.

Agito flushed slightly as he felt the cold hands stripping him and brushing his hot skin, but he continued to take Mello's clothes, between light kiss and the continuous touching both of them became bare naked.

Agito returned to his position on top of the other, now observing the older man's body conscientiously, like studying a picture or a sculpture… since his lover was art in the younger boy eye.
    He leans on the milky skin once again, covering with kisses, sucks, nibbles… halting on Mello's nipple, licking around it and playfully suck it while his opposite hand squeezed the neglected nipple with care.

Mello wasn’t going to lean back, however it sort of surprised him when he realized Agito was observing him - no, not observing. Analyzing, maybe? He was about to ask what was wrong when the boy moved again and this time placed several kisses on his naked skin, landing at his nipples.

Now he really wished to ask what the heck was Agito even doing - after all, considering Agito’s lack of enthusiasm to be the one doing such things was something Mello was used to - however he had a feeling if he asked the kid would growl and stop there.

And that felt too good to just allow it to stop.

At least for the next few seconds, because Mello finally managed to sketch a smirk on his lips and speak “Trying new things?”

Agito flushed cheeks become brighter at the others comment, but his only reaction is to raise his free hand and show Mello his index finger.
    His lips trail downer, feeling the others ribs, letting a trail of small red hickeys, some light nibbles and brushing of his teeth on the raw skin, until he finally meets with the others hipbone, sucking on it until it became purple, following that hollow space that lead to the others crotch, his hand reaching for the others member, shyly beginning to stroke it, slowly, just as a teasing of what would come next.

A pleased smirk came to Mello’s lips, and the blond spread his legs for Agito. As one hand reached for the blue head, he pulled the hair a bit - hurting slightly - only to press the head down again “C’mon. You were so hungry for this, so suck on it.” it has been a while since Mello forced Agito to suck him off, after all.

Agito made a small frown at the other pulling his hair, his hand now stroking the engorged dick up and down,before actually placing his rose lips into the others tip, giving a long harsh suck while the strokes got quicker.
    After that he pushes the gland inside him, licking with his tongue the loose skin up and down.

That frown was something Mello was much more familiar with, in comparison to Agito’s lack of bitching about having to suck him off. The blond man sat up, legs spread and observing Agito between them sucking the tip of his excited organ.

Agito's face grown calmer as the other's attempts to piss him off ended, soon enough he gave in soft groans, as he took the member deeper into him, feeling it hardening at his tongue movements and giving in his cue in how he was doing a good job.
    His hands moved lower, one of the resting on the others balls, his fingers teasing the two sacs, moving them, massaging and warming.
    Agito closed his eyes with a pleasured frown, feeling strangely warm for knowing that he was managing to pleasure his lover.

A sigh came from Mello’s mouth, and his hand now caressed Agito’s head. he stood still, like that, taking a deep breathe, as his felt the tongue touching the skin of his member, licking the sensitive area, and sucking it after. As response to it, his cock was fully erect now, and the blond’s body shivered slightly.

The hands touching his testicles also helped him to finally let a louder sigh mix with a tiny moan escape his lips.

The moans made Agito to mentally smirk, though his lips were too full to do such expression outside. His free hand landed on the others tight, massaging the skin and the muscles of the leg at the same rhythm that his head bobbled up and down.
    He took a sigh, relaxing his throat and after two seconds deepthroating Mello. He managed to maintain the position for over a second before withdrawing, gasping for the air since he had stopped breathing while the large dick was touching his throat.

“Mn…” Mello closed an eye, still observing Agito, and when he deep throated him, a gasp followed a stronger shiver. Finally, after a while, the blond moved a bit, his hand trying to reach for Agito’s waist to pull him closer “Move a bit.” he was going to do the same to Agito, as a reward-

Agito's hips moved while he took his mouth out of the others organ and licked it. He didn't pay much attention to where his body was being directed, continuing to fold and caress the sacks so that there was no moment that Mello seized to be touched.

Mello and his lover lay on their sides, and so this way they could take a sixty-nine position, as the older man directed to Agito’s cock and licked it thoughtfully. The blue eyes close and soon he indulged himself licking and sucking Agito’s member, while a hand quickly moved to squeeze at a buttock.

Agito's eye opened wide as he felt his member becoming wet and being touched by Mello's tongue. His body gives a pleasured shiver at the others squeeze, his back straightening as the pleasured jolts were directed to his skull.
    "MMmm" he occupied his mouth with the large member once again, trying that his sounds got held like that.

With his hand, Mello spread Agito’s buttocks, and the other went under his waist to also reach that place; said hand now played with the skin, before it made the fingers lurk between both buttocks, rubbing Agito’s opening.

Meantime, the blond deepthroated Agito, taking his cock deep into his mouth, grunting as the head tried to bob faster.

Agito took his mouth out of the organ, beginning to have the need of breathing in more oxygen than usual.
    "Ahh-ahh" he gasped, looking down at the other between his legs, massaging him, touching him, making his body tremble in jolts of absolute pleasure.
    His hand stroke the member that he had in front of him, while his mouth licked it clean, making sure it didn't go limb on him.

Mello smirked a little at the gasp, as his finger pressed the opening but not yet inserting it. “For how long haven’t I fucked this little hole here?” the blond released the member to move to the said hole. He licked it softly at first, but pretty soon he pressed the tongue inside.

Agito's body was hit by a jolt as his hole was teased, his muscles reacting to the familiar motion with several shots of pleasure on his brain.
    "Ahh.." he couldn't help a surprised moan, looking at the other with his face quite flushed and his eye observing the other, begging for more while his mouth was open and breathing loudly.

The blond pushed his tongue in and out, joining a finger to also do the same and finally raised his head to look at his lover. “Lay back to reach better.” Mello forced the boy to lay back and took his position between Agito’s legs.

Agito didn't even have the head to protest anything, just obeying to his master every order.
    Soon enough his toes were curling as he felt his hole relaxing and swallowing the finger with delight. His breathing was becoming louder and louder, as the sweat began to fall from his face sides.
    Agito closed his eye in an attempt to control his urge to move his hips, but in the end his leg muscles protested and moved involuntarily, making his body shiver as he felt the finger poking his walls on the sides.

Observing Agito moving against the finger, as a reply he did the same, pressing the finger deeper inside just like he seemed to want so much. With a small smirk over his lips, Mello pressed inside Agito, trying to relax him, before his eyes landed on the small nightstand by his bed “Hey, reach for the drawer and take the lube.” Of course Mello had it there. He had planned to finally have sex with Agito for sometime, but never really got around to it until now.

Agito stretched his small arms, clumsily moving it to feel the small nightstand, one of the books on top of it falls with the motion, making Agito finally look up to what he was doing.
    His hand finally reaches, picking up the first cylindrical object he could find.
    Which was a vibrator that he held and stared at it.

The blonde looked up when he felt Agito stopping, of course about to complain. How hard was it to find a bottle of lub-oh. Well, fuck. But in a way, whatever.

Mello smirked wide and reached for Agito’s hand so he could pull it close and licked the object slowly “Want me to use that on you?”

log, ooc

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