It's a Regular App!

Jan 13, 2010 20:21

Name: Rise
I would like to be stamped as:
[ ] male
[ ] female
[x] don't care
NOTE: Please do not ask for both.

And before we get right down to the nitty gritty, you may pick at most two games you wish the voters to exclude, as it is understandable to not have played every game, but this is a FF rating, folks. If you want a character from a certain game, find a community dedicated to it.: No FF1 or FF3 please :<

➜ [ a b o u t / y o u ]
Give us a brief description of your personality,: BRIEF? Oh shi-- Well, I’m very bright, energetic and happy most of the time, I’m smiling all the time, either a happy honest grin or a cocky smirk when I’m alone to scare away people. I talk a lot, I’m VERY loud, I like almost everything and everyone, but things and people I hate, I hate like burning. I guess I am overly confident about my abilities and my appearance; I may not be all I think I am. Because I think of myself very highly, I come off as arrogant. However, I have a lot of love for others, and I really love the people close to me and like having so much friends and acquaintances. Even if I’m happy and hyper most of the time, I also get ticked of very easily at times and swear a lot and BANG MY FIST ON THE TABLE.

Four positive adjectives to describe you.: Positive; Talkative; Loyal; Optimisic.
And four negative adjectives.: Blunt; Arrogant; Immature; Distracted (Unable to concentrate or focus).
Next, pick only three of your likes,: Only three, that’s CRUEL! Haha! Life, Friends & Talking
And three of your dislikes.: Racism, Homphobia, Zucchinis.

➜ [ y o u r / v i e w s ]
Everyone has something that draws them to others. What's one trait you admire most in other people?: Knowledge; I love talking with people who have things to talk about, and can always teach me something new!
So what about the world as a whole? Something beautiful, a waste, a place you have to tolerate? What do you think?: I love the world… however, I hate the humans in it. We are so disgusting, worthless and stupid, as a whole. I love individuals, but I hate humanity in general. I think we have built beautiful cities and created wonderful things, but our way of acting and our feeling of being superior to other lifeforms is disgusting.
And humanity? Is it a lost cause or something you hope for the best for?: OOPS I HADN’T SEEN THIS QUESTION! lmao, see above answer xD
Now think about your friends and family. Be honest: are they somewhat expendable to you, or do you cherish them?: My family is okay, but just like any other individuals, I like certain members of my family while other just plain irritate me. I only really, REALLY care for my parents, whom I adore more than anyone else. I’m also close to two of my cousins.
As for my friends, they’re the best ever, and friendship is probably the most important thing in my life! I’m very grateful to have so many friends of every kind there is. Some may annoy me at times, but I couldn’t go on without them!
You know, it's become popular to publicize causes, like One and the Green Movement. What kind of causes do you show your support for?: I don’t ‘show my support’ for any causes… However, racism and homophobia make me extremely angry and I wish it would disappear from the world. However I am a white, straight girl so these two causes don’t affect me directly haha

➜ [ a / f e w / c h o i c e s ]
Are you more...

[ x ] optimistic / [ ] in between / [ ] pessimistic
Explain: I’m entirely optimistic! Even when things are horrible, I always see THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. I think my optimism is a wonderful asset when it comes to cheering myself and others up!

[ x ] outgoing / [ ] in between / [ ] shy
Explain: Blahblahblahblah… I can never stop talking! I love meeting new people and learning about them! I also don’t really care about the opinion of others, so I do all kinds of crazy stuff in public. Yessss

[ ] calm / [ ] in between / [ x ] energized
Explain: I AM NEVER CALM. (Except during my yoga classes.) I jump around everywhere and I’m always talking and laughing and screaming! I also have 0 concentration because of my energy :<

[ ] logical / [ x ] in between / [ ] impulsive
Explain: I’m rather impulsive and rarely think before talking or acting, but when it comes to moments were logic is required, I am very logical. In Maths and Sciences, for example. But when it comes to everyday life… 100% impulsive!

[ x ] a leader / [ ] in between / [ ] a follower
Explain: Leader! I don’t take commands well, and if I HAVE to take some, I always alter them! I’m a little selfish like this, everything has to be my way…

[ ] mature / [ ] in between / [ x ] immature
Explain: I’m very likely the less mature girl you’ll ever meet… My matureness level is that of a 16 years old guy. Haha, that makes it clear enough, I think! I love fooling around and I barely take anything seriously… except when it comes to grave matters, where I become serious and mature instantly.

➜ [ m a k e / a / p a t h ]
It turns out you have the ability, the chance, to save the world from a catastrophe. Would you honestly do it?:
No, unless it’s another world. LIKE IVALICE. I LOVE IVALICE. I’d rather stay home and let earth die.
For the sake of learning more about ya, let's say you decide to, even if you said you wouldn't. What are your reasons, and would you gather a team to help you or do it alone?:
Reasons… to protect those I care about and see them again! I would definitely bring others with me because I hate being lonely. I need people to hang out with and support me.
And let's say because you saved the world from certain doom, it landed you in a position of great power over others. How do you use this newfound power?:
I give big presents to all of my friends and family, and I try to accomplish all of my dreams and wishes.
Well, hey. It turns out someone really hates what you're doing, and it looks like you got yourself an antagonist, bud. So what's this person like and why do they hate you so much?:
BECAUSE THEY’RE JEALOUS OF HOW AWESOME I AM. Or well, they just dislike those of my kind and are mean and creepy.
Apparently, they also want to see you dead and have plans to see this desire through. What're you gonna do about it?:
TRY TO TALK THEM OUT OF IT. Become their friend *thumbs up*

➜ [ t h i n k / o n / y o u r / f e e t ! ]
Say, I could have sworn I saw my prize winning chocobo run through here. Have you seen him?
Nope, he probably was too fast! I wanna meet him tho!
Wait, hey! That big dragon is trying to eat him! Quick! Do something!
AAAAH! I must save him! *charges* *tame the dragon* *bring the chocobo back to his owner*
Phew, I don't know how you did it, but you saved my chocobo! How can I repay you?
Ah, it’s okay! I love helping others out! gil would be nice too
Well, uh... I don't have much on me, so all I can give you is this moldy sock. Here! Maybe it will be of use on your quest. Farewell!
…Eeew. *throws it away when the guy leaves*

➜ [ t h e / v o t e s ]
Post the links to three recent applications you've voted on.


THANKS FOR PLAYING. Thanks for reading and hopefully rating guys! Yaaay ♥

stamped: palom

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