[ who is my F I N A L ∙ F A N T A S Y ∙ B F F ? ]
Name: Karma
Previously Stamped As: Setzer and Faris, and many themes.
Does the gender of your BFF matter?: I’ll probably do a female restamp later, so let’s go with male!
If this is a restamp, please indicate who you were stamped with and why you are reapplying.: n/a
You say up, I say down.
Define friendship in your own words.: It depends. Sometimes it works out, other times it doesn’t, and that’s just the way it is. I still consider it precious, and an important bond. No person is the same, so I don't expect each friendship to be the same.
Are you the type of person to have many friends who aren't quite as close, or very few but very close friends?: It really varies. I’ve gone through phases in my life where they’ve been more acquaintances, but I’ve also had a few tight-knit groups as well.
As an extention of the previous question, do you make friends easily?: Usually. I’m friendly and I like meeting new people.
Tell us about some of your interests and beliefs. Is it important for you to have these in common with your friends?: My interests include: acting, drawing, singing, my friends, the rain, dancing, storms, the ocean, good horror movies, sports, running, exploring, halo, halo 2, halo 3, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, RP'ing, science fiction, astronomy and theories, latin, culture, swords, Michael Crichton novels, motorcycles, freerunning and parkour
I keep many of my beliefs personal, but I do believe in becoming stronger and better and never giving up. I believe that the impossible isn’t so much, and that someone should spend their life molding themselves to the standards of others even if sometimes it’s hard. I believe in dreaming and supporting and doing. I also believe there is no absolute right or wrong. I can disagree with someone, but I have no right to try and force everyone to live as I do. What some may see as evil, I see as chaotic and destructive. It's scary when facing that, but I can't say it's wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to fight. If they have some similar interests that's cool, but I don’t mind different ones either since you can learn from one another that way. I don’t really care if they agree or disagree, as long as we can agree to disagree.
Describe the relationship you have with your current best friend.: I don’t have a best friend right now. The last best friend was before I moved, but I have a lot of close friends! They’re people I know I can talk to, and hope the same for them, and I value them above anyone.
And I ain't too proud to say...
Name five of your positive traits.: Once I've warmed up I'm pretty outgoing, playful, enthusiastic, and hyper. I make it clear I'm very determined. I'm very protective of my friends, and I enjoy acting theatrical. I'm a little naïve, I’ve always been, but I learn quickly and am pretty intuitive and observant. I’m very passionate about a lot of things.
Name five of your negative traits.: I’m childish and ditzy, I have my moments, but I’m easily distracted at times and my behavior itself is quite ditzy, which some may find annoying. I'm very emotional, with everything felt in extremes, but I don't always show that. I'm sympathetic but at the same time I have often been described as hateful, and that has consumed me often enough. I’m impatient and go at my own pace, often accidentally not waiting for others to catch up. I’m very impulsive too.
Which of these traits, if any, do you like to have in common with your friends and which do you not?: I like them to have some sense of passion. If they’re apathetic to absolutely everything, that brings me down quickly, and yeah it’s selfish but I think people should be happy with who they’re friends with. As for ones I don't, I’m fine if they’re not as emotional as me. Not to where they don’t express their emotions ever unless that’s their choice, but at least to where they aren’t as dramatic.
Is rivalry acceptable in a friendship for you?: Yes, I love competition. However, I don’t like constantly arguing, or that sort of rivalry. Otherwise I think it's pretty movtivating and fun.
In your group of friends, what role (e.g. the leader, the prankster, the sweet one, etc.) do you tend to play?: Honestly? Usually the loud one. I’m definitely the prankster though I don’t do so all the time, and I have taken up the role of the leader unless one of my friends was better at it.
You've been a friend to me.
A great and terrible war has been waging for years, slowly taking towns one by one. Many have fleed, taking to lives of crime, revolution, opportunity... Others have picked sides, choosing to fight for their beliefs. The rest remain in their village, waiting to protect their homes with everything they've got. In the grand scheme of things, where do you see you and your friend?: We left, or are on our way to leaving. I can’t see myself stuck in any village for long and I couldn’t really see my friend, at least I wouldn’t want to, to be stuck there either. Besides, if we leave we can gather other people and resources to help us. If not, at least we’d be powerful enough when we return.
It seems one of the armies have captured you for reasons they neglect to enlighten you with. You do happen to overhear them saying they're going to feed you and your friend to the antlion, which means - you guessed it! - escape sequence time. Tell us how you and your friend escape death's clutches. Be creative!: I’d be repeating things loudly and obnoxiously as I can, hoping to lure the soldiers in. And considering some of the games I’ve played, some in the FF verse are easy to trick. I guess they would try to silence me even though I can’t recall anyone really being silenced by it but anyway while they come over, one of us casts slow on them and after that we get enough hits in to run. After that, we wing it.
Bummer. Despite your efforts, the leader of said army has come and put a complete halt to your shenanigans. However, they're actually impressed with your skill and want to enlist you as high-ranking generals in their army. Your friend is worried that if you and them decline, you'll be killed on the spot; they seem more inclined towards accepting the deal. On the other hand, this army did just try to kill you because you happened to be standing nearby. What do you decide?: I’m not going to join any army who attempt to enlist me like that! If I’m going to, it’s going to be something I believe in and something I join on my own accord.
Well, whatever you decided is pretty much a moot point now. For some reason, the leader of that army decided they wanted your friend, not you. Through some charm and quite possibly some mind tricks, they turn your friend against you. What are you going to do now?: Roll my eyes and punch them in the face. Possibly use magic or my weapon to break things after in anger/sadness.
And what about your friend? Is this some clever ruse to get on the inside? Are they possessed? Are they truly out to get on the "winning" side? Give us your thoughts on what might make your friend pull something like this.: I’d like to believe it’s some ruse. Then I’d regret punching them in the face. But ideally, I think it would be a ruse and since most of my friends are more cautious than me it makes sense.
After some drama and many hardships, you and your friend are eventually reunited just in time for the final boss fight. How does the reunion go? Is it bittersweet, pure joy, angry-- something else entirely?: I’m sure I would be upset at first, still confused over their choice. Once they explain it though, it’s pretty happy and I’m giving them a hug, though we have a final boss to fight. At least now that we’re both in a more optimistic mood we’ll beat it!
Finally, the credits are rolling and giving some insight on the whereabouts of everyone after saving the world. Where are you and your friend?: On a peaceful beach, just relaxing, playing and making amends.
A godsend to me.
Post the links to three recent applications you've voted on.
✖ I'll edit the last one when there are more unstamped apps.