Jun 02, 2007 17:31
To keep things alive around here between big challenges, me and Sam are starting something new. Weekly ficlet challenges. One of us will post a challenge every Sunday night and you can interpret it however you like in a ficlet that you post in the community. If we get at least five entries, we'll have voting. (If we don't, then we won't.) The winner gets bragging rights for a week and the right to pick the next week's challenge.
This week's prompt is quicksand.
+ Your ficlet must be between 100-300 words.
+ It (obviously) must feature a crossover ship from an allowed fandom.
+ It (obviously) must feature the prompt in some (however abstract) way.
+ Post your ficlet directly to the community in it's own entry (with a real or fake cut).
+ It must be turned in by Saturday night at nine o'clock eastern time.
Also, we've recently added Friday Night Lights, Hidden Palms, and The Office to our list of approved fandoms. If you would like to write in a fandom we don't list, feel free to comment here to try and get it approved. We're pretty lenient as long as it's not a fresh-off-the-assembly-line cop/crime show.
prompt: week one,
prompt: challenge