Jan 18, 2009 14:01
We only got two entries for this challenge so it's new prompt time. The word limit is still 300-500 words, though if that is what's keeping you from entering, please let me know. I did that to encourage participation and I won't do it again if it's going to have the opposite effect.
This week's prompt is never.
The rules are still the same.
+ Your ficlet must be between 300-500 words.
+ It (obviously) must feature a crossover ship from an allowed fandom.
+ It (obviously) must feature the prompt in some (however abstract) way.
+ Post your ficlet directly to the community in it's own entry (with a real or fake cut).
+ All entries must be turned in by January 30, 2009 at midnight (eastern time).
+ Tags for your entry should be: *all fiction, prompt: week twenty-two, user: fillintheblank
+ Multiple entries are not only allowed, but encouraged, so feel free to submit up to three fics!!
*mod post,
prompt: challenge,
prompt: week twenty-three