Dec 10, 2007 21:26
It's time for a long-overdue new challenge for the community, and a festive one at that! The rules are the usual, but I'll refresh them for ya below since it's been forever and a day since you've heard 'em.
This week's challenge is cold.
+ Your ficlet must be between 100-300 words.
+ It (obviously) must feature a crossover ship from an allowed fandom.
+ It (obviously) must feature the prompt in some (however abstract) way.
+ Post your ficlet directly to the community in it's own entry (with a real or fake cut).
+ All entries must be turned in within (almost) two weeks (Saturday, December 21st).
+ Tags for your entry should be: *all fiction, prompt: week ten, user: fillintheblank
New & Old Allowed Fandoms:
+ Buffy/Angel
+ Chuck (New!)
+ Dirty Sexy Money (New!)
+ Everwood
+ Firefly
+ Friday Night Lights
+ Gilmore Girls
+ Gossip Girl (New!)
+ Harry Potter
+ Heroes
+ House MD
+ One Tree Hill
+ Pushing Daises (New!)
+ Smallville
+ Supernatural
+ The OC
+ The Office
+ Twilight (New!)
+ Veronica Mars
prompt: week ten,
prompt: challenge