Week 37 - Cosmic World lyrics

Feb 22, 2008 14:36

Hello! sorry for the major unexpected hiatus o.o; anyway, new theme! I tried making it easy x.x

Theme: Lyrics
Your icon must have the lyrics somewhere on the icon. It must be three consecutive words.

I chose this song cuz I like it LOL this is a translation which came from here

Cosmic World by alice nine.

Wearing monochrome chic clothes, it's been said before
Even you who are acting cold is holding some warmth

In the cloudy night where even the stars don't shine in the starless night
The thoughts that floated gently in the air and disappeared I feel cosmic world
It's life-sized, I take a deep breath and release the power put in my shoulders, singing to myself

The melody that will tie us flies in this sky, it takes aim and reaches you!
We flew out on an unending journey, even if you're clumsy, you can take hold of the sky

I stood still without a smile, I saw a stork in my dream
Giving its first cry loudly, until it flew off in the colourless sky

From the corner of my headphones I could hear it in the starless night
I miss your familiar voice I feel cosmic world
I understand that you can't even say the things you want to tell me, so let's go?

The place where the 24 o'clock chime rings, fly across the neon, towards far away
Lit by a bluish sheen, our stage is the wonderland under the moon

Beyond this cloud, thousands of lights are lighted
Swim in the night sky, towards far away where you can't overtake any planets

The melody that will tie us flies in this sky, it takes aim and reaches you!
We flew out on an unending journey, because you're clumsy, let's run together

-Icons must be Final Fantasy related.
-You may submit up to three icons.
-Icons must be LJ-compatible (100x100 & 40kb or less)
-Do not showcase your icons anywhere until after the contest is over.
-Icons are due on Saturday March 1st at 12:00pm.


oh and could you please put the character and series? to help out bannermakers...thanks

#submission, week 037

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