Sooo~ ... where to begin ?!
(I apologize right here, cuz it´s VERY random today ^^;..)
I´ve finished:
たったひとつの恋 (Tatta hitotsu no koi):Well, ... what should I say ? It wasn´t bad. I really wasn´t bad, but I personally didn´t like that drama very much ! I don´t hate it though ! It´s definitely worth watching, especially when you´re a Kame or KAT
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Comments 20
i've wanted to buy the densha otoko bookks for some time!! but i have too many other books to read..
i've friend-ed your journal for some time but never got the chance to say hi, so.. hi ^^;;
Are you good enough to understand it (almost) all ??? WAAAAHH ;__; ... I want to be able to read books, too, soon .. not only books for children (x___X;) ...
*lol* Back-Hi !
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it's popular in hong kong, so there is a chinese version around ^__^;;
WAAAAH that´s unfair ;__; ... oh well I think I wouldn´t want a German version ^^; ... I want to be able to read and actually UNDERSTAND the Japanese version some day (@_@) ... which is prolly pretty tough cuz it´s veeeery colloquial, isn´t it ? ^^ ... well at least I know the series, so I KNOW what they are talking about ! XDDDD
The drink on the left is natural (unfiltered) sake, served cold.
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dei geil..wenn ichs denn auch verstehen würde...aber die paar einzelne Wörter...
IRGENDWANN ... irgendwann ... können wir das beide lesen ... ;__; .... irgendwann ... und ich kauf mir das spätestens in Japan ^^; .... (noch was, was am Ende zu dem ZU VIEL Gewicht beitragen wird *g*)
ja bei youtube gibts bestimmt was.
Da gabs doch noch so ne alte Sportserie über rythmische Sportgymnastik...weiß nicht mehr wie die heißt..
*lol* ja...wir müssen glaub OHNE Gepäck hinfliegen!
Das hieß im Original "Hikari" in Italien "Hilary" XD und bei uns "Die kleinen Superstars" .. bilde ich mir das nur ein oder hat Deutschland einen "Superstar"-Tick ?
"Mila SUPERSTAR", "Die tollen FußballSTARS", "Die kleinen SUPERSTARS" ... *hust* XD
apropos wir sollten uns im Februar mal "zamhockn" und so langsam alles planen, damit wir irgendwann Anfang März buchen könne ?! ^^
Some tipe of fishcake lol .
Densha Otoko was based off a that book, I think it was a best seller that's why they made the movie/series right afterward. I heard that both the movie actor and the drama actor made a cameo in each other's show. I didn't confirm this by going back to watch. That was a really good movie!
HEEEH~ so the book was first ! Thanks for this information !!! ^^b
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