The MONKEYS are cute!!! they look so puffy!!! XDDDD Love the pics!! can I take some of the pic? wanna show them to my pupils... XD Kids always love animals... Me too... hehe...
Bhahahahaha the monkeys doing 'ahem ahem'..... LOL!!! and you manage to captured that! XDDD Made me remember of my university life... *My university got monkeys and I sometimes saw them doing 'ahem ahem' on the roofs* XD;;;
Thank you for share with your vacation. xD I love the Snow Monkeys. <3 I was near fainted about see small cute monkeys. =3= ..*this ahem-ahem scene*...O.O *hums and turn away slowly let's their business*.. XD
Comments 26
Und an was erinnere ich mich? Gefühlte 3 Millionen Affen (wie viele waren da denn tatsächlich im Pool?)
Außerdem verdanke ich dir das Bild von Gandalf in Lederhosen und einem "Du kommst hier ned rein" _._
Aber ja, deutschen Touristen begegnet man schon vereinzelt ^_^
Gute Frage. Ich schätze mal so an die 20 im Schnitt. Das hat sich ja ständig geändert! XD
Ich hab bisher eher selten deutsche Touristen getroffen und wenn dann v.a. in den Touristenhochburgen wie z.B. Kyoto :)
Bhahahahaha the monkeys doing 'ahem ahem'..... LOL!!! and you manage to captured that! XDDD Made me remember of my university life... *My university got monkeys and I sometimes saw them doing 'ahem ahem' on the roofs* XD;;;
and SNOW!!! *always excited seeing snow*
Sure, go ahead! I'm glad you like them :D
Haha!! XD
..*this ahem-ahem scene*...O.O *hums and turn away slowly let's their business*.. XD
yummy foods. xD
Haha XD
I love the snowy landscapes. *__*
And your food pics, needless to say. ;D
Beautiful, but cold. But that's pretty much like back home, so I'm used ot it (just without onsen and monkeys! ;) ...)
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