Hi there, I've been a frequent reader of your LJ and I remembered leaving comments here and there but I never get any replies (^^;) Would like to friend you this time cuz I've always enjoyed reading your posts and looking at your photos! The colours are so vibrant and it just makes my day looking at them!
Also, I'll be in Japan at the end of the year and I might just be able to pick up some tips from your travel log! ;)
Wow, echt beeindruckend. Auch, wenn das Wetter nicht ganz so mitgespielt hat, immerhin hattest du im Endeffekt doch noch die Möglichkeit, den Krater zu sehen ^^ Dieses Grün sieht echt toll aus <33
(Im Übrigen freue ich mich immer über deine Reiseberichte, du machst immer so interessante Fotos und man lernt eine Menge über die verschiedenen Orte... Danke!)
Beautiful pictures! I actually recognized that crater area because of D No Arashi. It looks exactly like the place Aiba went to when he was looking for the smelliest place in Japan! (he also walked through the poisonous vapours lol obviously it must have been a safe time )
Comments 67
Also, I'll be in Japan at the end of the year and I might just be able to pick up some tips from your travel log! ;)
Glad you enjoyed my photos :D
That's great ^-^ How long will you stay here? :)
(Im Übrigen freue ich mich immer über deine Reiseberichte, du machst immer so interessante Fotos und man lernt eine Menge über die verschiedenen Orte... Danke!)
=] Viele liebe Grüße,
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