I'm sure you'll get used to the weather. ;) What's the new movie with Jun and Nagasawa Masami (I think) called? :D The correlation chart for Maou is already out? I'm looking forward to Toma's role in it. :3
I'm glad the issue has been resolved, or turned for the better. :) *high fives* Haha, I don't know if I'll ever eat as much things as you do in Japan. :P I probably won't have enough money to get them all.
I've not been watching much of the Euro 2008 but I'd probably prefer Germany to win. ;)
Wow, these mosquitos are scary... I hope you'll be able to survive to the rainny season! xD
And I am JEALOUS! I want to fly to Japan to watch this movie! T_T (j/k) The beach scene makes me go : "KYAAAAAAAA" whenever I see it in a movie trailer or in a magazine... >.>;
Ohno's new drama sounds interesting, but I can't totally imagine Ohno as a heartless serial killer... My brain refuses to figure this out! xDDD
I'm glad to know that the loud girl incident is closed now, and I hope you won't be disturbed anymore in the future. And this food looks totally yummy! :9
About football... I'm French and not very fond of this sport. So I'll just say : may the best team win! xD
yay i am so happy that the noisy bitch finally moved further from you so you dont have to put up with her anymore! :D hopefully your next neighbor is nice and quiet. -prays and as usual...the food. -drools-
OMG,... was das für ein riesen Insekt x___x ;___; Buhwäääh!!!
LOl, da mein Pc immer ncoh nicht repariert ist hänge ich sehr mit allem anderen nach .___. Es ist schon etwas doof... aber nyo.. zur Zeit habe ich eh anderes zu tun... nur ich denke... das ich weder Yamapi sein Dorama gucke und auch nicht das von Ohno und Toma XDDDD Da spielt auch noch Shugo mit.. nein nein das tue ich mir nicht an....! Aber Monster Parent will ich sehen.
Was ne Bitch ey... aber so was von!!! Weint die einfach... tzzzz!!!!
Lecker Essen *_*
Und ja, wegen Fußball.... na ja habe heute besseres zu tun XDDDDDDDD*hust* Man wird sehen, wie gesagt der bessere gewinnt!
Comments 42
What's the new movie with Jun and Nagasawa Masami (I think) called? :D
The correlation chart for Maou is already out? I'm looking forward to Toma's role in it. :3
I'm glad the issue has been resolved, or turned for the better. :) *high fives*
Haha, I don't know if I'll ever eat as much things as you do in Japan. :P I probably won't have enough money to get them all.
I've not been watching much of the Euro 2008 but I'd probably prefer Germany to win. ;)
And I am JEALOUS! I want to fly to Japan to watch this movie! T_T (j/k) The beach scene makes me go : "KYAAAAAAAA" whenever I see it in a movie trailer or in a magazine... >.>;
Ohno's new drama sounds interesting, but I can't totally imagine Ohno as a heartless serial killer... My brain refuses to figure this out! xDDD
I'm glad to know that the loud girl incident is closed now, and I hope you won't be disturbed anymore in the future. And this food looks totally yummy! :9
About football... I'm French and not very fond of this sport. So I'll just say : may the best team win! xD
hopefully your next neighbor is nice and quiet. -prays
and as usual...the food. -drools-
aber wenn ich das Essen seh ist es wieder weg V___V
Viel Glück jedenfalls, dass neben dich ein blinder Taubstummer einzieht. XDD
LOl, da mein Pc immer ncoh nicht repariert
ist hänge ich sehr mit allem anderen
nach .___. Es ist schon etwas doof... aber
nyo.. zur Zeit habe ich eh anderes zu
tun... nur ich denke... das ich weder
Yamapi sein Dorama gucke und auch nicht
das von Ohno und Toma XDDDD Da spielt
auch noch Shugo mit.. nein nein das tue ich
mir nicht an....! Aber Monster Parent will ich sehen.
Was ne Bitch ey... aber so was von!!!
Weint die einfach... tzzzz!!!!
Lecker Essen *_*
Und ja, wegen Fußball.... na ja habe heute
besseres zu tun XDDDDDDDD*hust*
Man wird sehen, wie gesagt der bessere gewinnt!
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