Thank you!

Sep 16, 2011 15:15

Thanks so much for all your birthday wishes. Made me feel all warm inside to know you still think of me even though I suck with all thing LJ recently...

Anyway You're awesome!


birthday, thank you, awesome flist

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Comments 2

ficwriter1966 September 16 2011, 15:11:05 UTC
Oh, was it your birthday??? I'm so sorry I missed it! Hope it was an enjoyable day for you and that you spoiled yourself rotten!



chocca2 October 12 2011, 19:06:01 UTC
Almost a month, I suck.

Thank you so much for thinking of me, I've been so busy my birthday came and went with a blink of an eye. I hope life's treating you well?

*hugs you hard*


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