Title: These Nonsense Boys and Their Nowhere Music
ijemanjaRating: PG
Word Count: 200
A/N: The prompt was 'love was never like this with any man - I would do anything for love, but I won't do that'. Augie March gave me the title.
"So I got hit on today. Chainsaw guy's brother."
Cristina, slumped over on her arms, stared at Meredith through the beer pitcher. "Was he hot?"
Meredith, head propped on one hand, just shrugged. "Asked me out tonight."
"Is this where you tell me you're ditching me to hook up with chainsaw boy?"
"Chainsaw boy's brother. And no - I said no. I mean," she sighed. Just lifting her glass to drink was a struggle. "It was weird. I know I'm not - I'm single. I know that. But it just - it would have been weird."
Cristina blinked. "You could ditch me if you want. I'm not going to cry about it."
Meredith kicked her ankle under the table. "Seriously, listen when I talk."
With an effort, Cristina reached out and pushed the pitcher aside. "Do you think," she began slowly, "We should... whatever. Get back on the horse."
Meredith thought about that.
"The problem with getting back on the horse," she said finally, "Is that there has to be a horse."
"Yes." Cristina drew her arm back in, bringing her beer mug with it. "Because they suck."
"Seriously," Meredith said, nodding drowsily, her foot resting against Cristina's under the table.