Prompt List (February 15th thru February 29th) W.I.P.

Dec 20, 2007 16:33

February 14

- Angel, Charles Gunn/Buffy Summers: surviving the apocalypse- all I need is a miracle, all I need is you. [1st fic claim - marenfic]
- Blade the Series, Blade/Shen: martyrdom - "he loves thee, and thou dost neglect him"
- Blake's 7: Dayna/Servalan - seduction - just who is seducing who here?
- Bones, Angela Montenegro: angst - the faces they haunt her [1st fic claim - voleuse]
- Bones, Jack Hodgins/Angela Montenegro: schmoop - lovey dovey all the time
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kendra/Giles: nerd love - she could have been a scholar in another life [1st fic claim - beatrice_otter]
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Renee (last name unknown)/Xander Harris: fluff, pwp, or "we might die tommorow"-sex -- movie quotes as seduction and/or pillow talk
- Criminal Minds, Morgan/Garcia: first kiss - there's a light on in Chicago and I know I should be home [1st fic claim - scoob2222, 2nd fic claim - sandersyager]
- Crossover: ST:TNG/HL, Guinan & Methos: sex in zero gravity is fun... once. - "if you wanna find me, i'm going to the crystal ball / don't look in the morning, i won't be back at all"
- DCU: Legion of Super-Heroes, Jazmin Cullen: post-Legion Lost - she wasn't expecting to ever come back
- DCU: Outsiders, Anissa/Grace: accidental stimulation (proximity and friction; involuntary arousal; situations of adrenaline and reflexes) - What? [1st fic claim - rubynye]
- Due South, Elaine/Francesca: resolutions - comfortable colours
- Firefly, Book/OFC: Characters who can't go home again - He never married.
- Firefly, Zoe/Mal: fraternization/UST (either with or without carrying through) - bad, wrong, immoral, and she was going to hate herself in five minutes, much less in the morning
- Firefly, Zoe/Mal: AU, what if they'd hooked up in Serenity Valley? - "you're vicious like the blue sky / right before the rain comes pouring through"
- Hairspray, Maybelle/Corny: chance meeting - I got chills [1st fic claim - scoob2222, 2nd fic claim - supercaptain182]
- Harry Potter, Angelina/Fred: romance - This is our last dance [1st fic claim - hyel]
- Heroes, Elle and the Haitian: shared secrets - can't remember my past but I know you were there
- Heroes, Maya/Monica: first meeting - we can be heroes
- Heroes, Micah & Molly: sneaking around - secret code
- Heroes, Mohinder/Elle: electro-shock - Elle always gets whatever she wants
- Heroes, Mohinder/Gabriel: memory loss - skyscrapers
- Heroes, Mohinder & Maya & Elle: quest - don't think that you can stop me now 'cause there's no way that you could figure me out
- Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar: breath control - “life is bigger / it’s bigger than you / and you are not me / the lengths that I will go to”
- Miracles, Evelyn/Alva/Paul: Telepathy - "'Before I built a wall I'd ask to know / What I was walling in or walling out, /And to whom I was like to give offense. / Something there is that doesn't love a wall, / That wants it down.' I could say 'Elves' to him, But it's not elves
exactly, and I'd rather / He said it for himself." --Robert Frost, from "Mending Wall."
- Numb3rs, Het or Femslash-Amita/?: Charlie forgets about Amita one too many times, who does she turn to? - if you were mine, I would treat you like the sex goddess you are. [1st fic claim - edsnake05]
- Outrageous Fortune, Munter/other male character: Munter is exceedingly well endowed - Who else is interested?
- Outrageous Fortune (TV), Wayne Judd/Cheryl West: taking chances - "Be my bare skinned baby/In for a long night /A strong night/You! look what you've done to me"
- OZ, Alvarez/Mukada: hurt/comfort - after Timmy Kirk's fire
- Sapphire and Steel, Lead/Steel: Cold/sharing body heat - "He couldn't be doing that below-zero stuff without me"
- Sarah Jane Adventures, Clyde/Luke: first time - "we both go down together"
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla: Quiet during sex - "Silence is more musical than any song." -- Christina Rossetti [1st fic claim - cat_77]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: pampering - "s/he's not used to being pampered"
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Sam: Aliens made them do it. This is my beloved and this is my friend.
- The Invisibles, Boy/Jack Frost: "We might die tomorrow" sex - Black helicopters.
- The Sarah Jane Adventures, Kelsey: missing scene - why did she disappear between the pilot and the start of the series?
- Wilby Wonderful, Carol French/Sandra Anderson: post-movie - what your husband doesn't know

February 15

- Avatar: The Last Airbender, Iroh: a momen't peace - there is time for tea, even in the midst of war
- Blake's 7: Dayna - reflection - was going with them worth it?
- Brotherhood of the Wolf, Fronsac/Mani: Intimacy - "We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own." -- Ben Sweetland
- Casanova (RTD version), Bellino: character study - genius, talent, disguises
- Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid or Morgan & Reid: Stakeout boredom, Humor - Morgan and Reid chat during a boring stakeout -- "Love is metaphysical gravity."
- Crossover: Alias/Stargate: SG-1, Marcus Dixon/Jack O'Neill ('ship or friendship): waiting - "This omen is so bad, I want it stark" -Nanette Rayman Riverac
- Crossover: Heroes/VM, Eli Navarro & Peter Petrelli: What would Weevil's power be? Gen or slash ok - "These are your false prophets selling you Armageddon, these are the ones who are telling you that you are safe"
- DC comics, Anita Fite/Mia Dearden: Passing the mantle - "And love is a cord woven out of life, And dyed in the red of the living heart; And time is the hunter's rusty knife, That cannot cut the red strands apart" (Isabella V. Crawford, "Camp of Souls")
- Doctor Who, Mickey Smith/Jake: the invisible third person in the relationship - "you can't go home again" [1st fic claim - fluffyllama]
- Doctor Who, Seven/Trevor Sigma: masquerade as married (hey, they have the same last name, I can't help it) - German expressionist sets.
- Dresden Files (TV), Morgan/Harry: have to have sex for a spell to save something - poisoned apples. [1st fic claim - queenoftheskies]
- Due South, Eric & Fraser: friendship - trickster
- Eureka, Jo & Zoe: video games - Eureka had Guitar Hero years before everyone else
- Firefly, Book & Simon: secrets - "You haven't paid to see those cards"
- Firefly, Zoe/Wash: dead letter - she didn't think of him as a copilot, she thought of him as a safe port when the storms got too rough [1st fic claim - sarahetc]
- Heroes, Micah: a day in the life - adventures in cyberspace
- Heroes, Mohinder & Niki: adventure! - the time they get assigned to Saskatoon
- Heroes, Monica and her mother: learning - though she was born a long long time ago
- Heroes, The Haitian & Sandra: developing friendship - Not one thing, but everything tradition attributes to him is false.
- Homicide: Life on the Street, Lewis and Pembleton (gen or slash): competition - red and black markers
- House M.D., Chase/Foreman: courtship rituals (unusual gestures designed to win someone's attention) - Give me something to believe in/ Cause I don't believe in you anymore.
- Jeremiah, Theo/Erin: post-series - standing at the edge of forever [1st fic claim - ladyjax]
- Marvel 616/Marvel Ultimate, Ultimate Nick Fury/616 Nick Fury: Alternate reality! - THAT's not how you run SHIELD!
- OZ, Augustus Hill/author's choice: anonymous sex - meeting pre-prison
- Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ro/Guinan: taking chances - "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today"
- Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ford, John/Teyla: High school AU - On the field I remember you were incredible/In a car with a girl, promise me she's not your world (sex okay, but not interested in PWP)
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/anyone/gen: alternatives - coulda, woulda, shoulda [1st fic claim - tielan]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla Emmagan/Elizabeth Weir: courtship - in a garden of roses [1st fic claim - sugargroupie]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Weir: Voyeurism - "I've seen too much in this life to comprehend."
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: exploration of trust - germs at the gym
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla, Rodney and Sam (friendship): searching - blood sweat and tears
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla & Ronon: Remembering - There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance [1st fic claim - cinaed]
- Supernatural, Dean/Cassie & Mr Robinson: AU/counterfeit marriage - Cassie Robinson didn't dump Dean, and he moved back to Cape G with her, and went into business selling cars with her dad - until the monster truck showed up
- The Killer (Dip huet seung hung), Ah Jong/Li Ying: honourable adversaries - "You're an unusual cop/Well, you're an unusual killer"
- Ugly Betty, Betty/Christina: booze - you really need to learn more about the good things

February 16

- Arrested Development, Annyong Bluth, the Bluth Family at Large: Trapped together in a cave, shack, etc - sibling rivalry.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sokka & Katara: traditions - There are certain Water Tribe traditions they follow wherever they go. [1st fic claim - voleuse]
- Bones, Dr. Daniel Goodman and Dr. Camile Saroyan: camaraderie - a friendly drink
- Bones, Sid Shapiro: magic - how does he do it
- Crossover: Torchwood/Heroes, Jack Harkness & Hiro Nakamura: What if Hiro hadn't met Adam Monroe, but a different immortal instead? (gen or slash ok) - "Space ain't man's final frontier / man's final frontier is the soul"
- DC (Fastest Man Alive), Valerie Perez and Linda Park: grief - "This wasn't supposed to happen."
- DC comics, Ron Troupe and Clark Kent (slash or gen): Enclosed spaces - "Ever think of leaving Metropolis?"
- DC comics (Green Lantern), Thomas Kalmaku/Hal Jordan AND/OR Carol Ferris: A gets a boy/girlfriend. Up until then, B hadn't realized A swung that way - "It's the same old soul, the same old song/The same old role/It's the same old soul, the same old song/The same old wrong"
(K-Os, "Mirror in the Sky")
- Firefly, the Operative: secret history - a ship in a harbor is safe from storms, but that is not what ships are made for
- Firefly, Zoe/Jayne: wall!sex - Jayne knows what Zoe needs [1st fic claim - squish_67]
- Firefly, Zoe/Wash: Blindfold - It's time to find that galaxy that was created and named after me.
- Harry Potter, Angelina/Fred: wartime romance - fear [1st fic claim - hyel]
- Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini: Five things - Sometimes, Blaise hates his mother.
- Heroes, Maya/Sylar: PWP - smile with all your teeth [1st fic claim - andrastewhite]
- Heroes, Mohinder/Peter: AU - We're all righteous; we have lost our faith / We're all righteous and afraid
- Heroes, Monica & Micah & Damon: adventure! - here's hoping you don't become a robot
- Inuyasha, Inuyasha/Kagome: territorial/possessive behavior - "You're mine - I just haven't told you yet."
- Kill Bill, O-ren: dark humor - you can buy anything in Japan [1st fic claim - hyel]
- Last of the Mohicans (LotM), Uncas/Alice: neither one wants to say the words - I heard the wind flaking sapphire/and willow could not hold a more steady sound
- Marvel comics (Captain America & The Falcon; New Avengers), Sam Wilson (the Falcon)/Steve Rogers: Pet/ghost/computer/whatever as matchmaker - "In the wee small hours of the morning,/While the whole wide world is fast asleep,/ You lie awake and think" (Mann & Hilliard,
"In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning")
- Master and Commander, Sarah & Emily: adventure - what they get up to when they grow up
- Outsiders, Grace Choi/Anissa Pierce: virginity (with another person of the same sex) - 'only straight girls wear dresses'
- OZ, Supreme Allah/Arif: hatesex - Arif still thinks he can take control of the situation in M City without Said's help. Supreme Allah shows him just how little control he really has.
- Red Dwarf, Lister/Cat: cat in heat! - Lister doesn't mind taking care of his pet's great-grandcat's needs and Cat doesn't mind being taken care of?
- Red Dwarf, Lister/Rimmer: aliens made us do it (bear in mind aliens don't exist in the RD universe) - vindaloo
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla: Orgasm denial - "An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises." -- Mae West [1st fic claim - telesilla]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon gen or Ronon/any: Scars, marks and tattoos - "I am becoming something more than humanity could ever allow me to be" [1st fic claim - telesilla, 2nd fic claim - margarks]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Team (Gen): It's a lot like nature. You only have as many animals as the ecosystem can support and you only have as many [1st fic claim - wojelah, 2nd fic claim - marag]
friends as you can tolerate the bitching of. - Randy K. Milholland
- Stargate: SG-1, Sam and Teal'c: Exoticism - "they walk down the street together and heads turn" (friendship only)
- Supernatural, John Winchester & Missouri Mosely: a spell where one can't leave the other's sight - The one where John Winchester took Missouri dancing [1st fic claim - anglophile_rat, 2nd fic claim - kepp0xy]
- The Invisibles, Lord Fanny/Hilde Morales: Brazil, alien abductions in Kathmandu - Tlazolteotl
- The L Word, Tasha/Alice: sex against a wall - Love that well which thou must leave ere long.

February 17

- Aliens, Dillon: battle scars - a cold and a broken hallieluha
- Batman Comics, Cassandra Cain: voyeurism - ripe.
- Battlestar Galactica, Dee/D'Anna: break up - denial
- Blake's 7, Dayna/Soolin: weapons kink - She goes boom swagger swagger/Boom boom swagger boom boom boom ...
- Coffee Prince, Eun Chan: cross-dressing - when seh decided to let everyone think she's a boy.
- Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid: Dance - "Catlike agility" -- Either dance or weapon/fight training together. Bonus if Reid can teach Morgan a thing or two.
- Crossover: Angel/Sarah Jane Adventures, Charles Gunn/Sarah Jane Smith: courtship - dating an older woman
- Crossover: DCU/BTVS, Cassandra Cain & Tara Maclay - Learning to forgive yourself for not being what others want you to be; gen or slash ok - "They move so smooth, but have no answers"
- DC comics (Gotham Central), Renee Montoya: Noir AU - "I knew she'd be trouble the minute she walked through the door. The redheads, they always are."
- DC comics (Outsiders), Grace/Anissa (Thunder): Clubbing, coping with grief, the family you make and the family you break - Hit it hard, hit it fast, hit it, quit it, then let it all burn.
- Dead Zone, Bruce/Johnny UST, Bruce/O(male or female)CoC - miscommunication and misunderstandings - "I've come to find no peace of mind"
- Doctor Who, Bambera/Seven: gender role reversal - "I'm beginning to suspect you have a thing about Brigadiers."
- Doctor Who, Mickey/Jake: admitting attraction/first time - not the right moment [1st fic claim - lil_1337]
- Doctor Who, Mickey/Jake/Rose: road trip - zeppelins.
- Doctor Who, Martha Jones/Rose Tyler: body-swapping - "let's exchange the experience"
- Eureka, Allison/Nathan: divorce - watch while things collapse
- Fables, Mowgli: backstory - winter wonderland
- Firefly, Book: untaken paths - five lives that Book never lived [1st fic claim - raz0rgirl, 2nd fic claim - were_lemur]
- Firefly, Inara/Kaylee: A character who is highly desired by many others - Keep young and beautiful / It's your duty to be beautiful / Keep young and beautiful / If you want to be loved.
- Ghostbusters, Winston/Peter/Egon/Ray. In no particular order: Sex pollen - Brotherhood.
- Hairspray (2007 movie), Motormouth Maybelle/Corny Collins: Afraid of losing job if come out - "I'm a checkerboard chick"
- Harry Potter, Dean/Padma: chance meeting in the future - He always did say they were the prettiest girls in their year
- Heroes, Hiro/Ando: Time crash, time rifts - Every now and then, even sidekicks get to save the day.
- Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar: action - "a blunt, blank efficiency that's admirable and disappointing at the same time." [1st fic claim - kuwdora]
- Heroes, Simone: someone has the power to speak to the dead - I died, and where were you?
- Heroes, Simone/Mohinder/Peter: trapped in an elevator - getting to know you
- Highlander, Haresh Clay/Carter Wellan: pushy bottom - For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where thou art not, desolation.
- Marvel Comics (Young Avengers), Eli Bradley/Captain America: Student/mentor, training - "I strode all alone through a combat zone and
came out with my soul untouched" ("Growin' Up," Bruce Springsteen)
- OZ, Said: legend - some kind of saint
- Pirates of the Caribbean, Tia Dalma/Elizabeth: deals - they each have the need for freedom [1st fic claim - hyel]
- Power Rangers SPD, Jack/Bridge: getting dirty in the machine (or robot) shop - brains are the biggest sex organs
- Sky High, Warren Peace/Will Stronghold: Unspoken feelings - What happens in a supervillain's lair, stays in a supervillain's lair.
- Sliders, Remy "Rembrandt" Brown: fish out of water - "if the mountains should crumble into the sea/stand by me" [1st fic claim - voleuse]
- Slings and Arrows, Ellen/Barbara: being locked in a room together (and then sex) - age
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla: Sixty-nine - "The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself." -- Henry Miller
- Stargate: Atlantis: Teyla/anyone/gen: slip - It's clear this conversation ain't' doing a thing, 'cause these boys only listen to me when I sing, and I don't feel like singing tonight [1st fic claim - kepp0xy]
- Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Carson: understanding - he's always been willing to try and learn
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Ronon: confessions - how we spend what time remains
- Supernatural, Missouri Mosley: Five things - "the truth shall set you free."
- The Sarah Jane Adventures, Clyde/Luke: teaching and/or cheating - holey socks

February 18

- Aliens, Apone/Ripley: UST - what if wasn't Hicks who survived and kept the team together?
- Battlestar Galactica (original/1978), Adama/Tigh: comfort sex- all is not lost
- Battlestar Galactica, Tori/Anders: hurt/comfort - there's too much confusion, I can't get no relief [1st fic claim - nicole_anell]
- China Beach, Pvt. Samuel Beckett: impotence - My men, my modern Christs, your bloody agony confronts the world.
- Chuck, Anna: flirting - "Whatever gets the job done"
- Cleopatra 1414, Hel/Sarge/Cleo: investigations - every which way but up.
- Crossover: Psych/Heroes, Burton "Gus" Guster & Ando Takahashi: The curse of being the perpetual sidekick (gen or slash ok) - "You
were so sugar sweet, you may as well have 'kick me' fastened on your sleeve"
- DC Comics (Power Company), Celia Forrestal (Skyrocket): Uniform (superhero or Naval) - For truth, justice, and the American way!
- Firefly, Zoe: magic spells - Zoe gets hit with a babbling spell and can't shut up
- Gossip Girl, Isabel/Kati: slander - they keep their own secrets close to the chest
- Hairspray, Seaweed and Tracy: friends - I need some advice
- Harry Potter, OCs: other magical schools and societies - the Ugandan Quidditch team
- Heroes, Ando/Hiro: BFF - this is how we roll
- Heroes, DL/Niki & Micah: Family - DL returns.
- Heroes, Isaac Mendez/Simone Deveaux: pre-series - "and you plead to everyone/to see the art in me"
- Heroes, Maya & Mohinder: friendship - science!
- Heroes, Mohinder/Eden: first time - the desk chair was probably a bad idea
- Heroes, Mohinder/Nathan: UST - they need to take the future in their own hands
- Heroes, Yaeko, hero - Yaeko doesn't need a man to be her strength
- Numb3rs, Slash-David/?: Secret life as a rent-boy is discovered when a client turns out to be a familiar face - I want what I paid for.
- Outrageous Fortune, Munter and Van: friendship - they've always been there for each other
- OZ, Mukada/Alvarez/Torquemada: voyeurism - triangle inequality theorem.
- Pocahontas (Disney), Pocahontas/Nakoma: erotica - loss
- RPF Music, Rihanna/Avril Lavinge: champagne - let's make up bad pick-up lines out of our lyrics
- Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Utena/Juri: locket - picture worth a thousand lies
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Elizabeth: on a journey together - "i will praise your eyes, they have reduced this city to embers" [1st fic claim - margarks]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Teyla: Blindfold - "The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next." -- Ursula K. LeGuin
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Teyla (gen or ship): stranded - "It's where we came from, you know, and sometimes I just want to go back / After a day, we drink 'til we're drowning, walk to the ocean, wade in with our workboots / Wade in our workboots, try to finish the job. "
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: talking and communication - John talks dirty to Teyla. [1st fic claim - JumperOne, 2nd fic claim - ltcoljsheppard]
- Star Wars, Mace Windu: missing scene - the choices we make
- Supernatural, Agent Hendricksen: grudgingly admit - on his quest to find Dean, his interviews with the people the Winchester's have helped [1st fic claim - amaresu]
- Supernatural, Gordon Walker: soulmates - how Gordon got the little red car
- The Invisibles, Lord Fanny/King Mob/Ragged Robin: sex magick, or possibly tequila - Take a sabbatical/From your radical fanatical battle/Sit on the saddle and rattle rattle rattle.
- The Sarah Jane Adventures, Clyde/Sarah Jane: dreaming - an unexpected wet dream is probably the best way to go here [1st fic claim - aberrantcliche]
- The Thin Blue Line, Maggie Habib: humour - she's a slasher in canon, seeming especially fond of Holmes/Watson and Biggles/Ginger, so does she write fic or otherwise get involved in fandom?
- Veronica Mars, Jackie/Mac: wet clothing - Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
- Wolf's Rain, Blue/Quent: awakening - please forgive me for all of my sins

February 19

- Aliens, Vasquez & Drake: soul bond - "I will show you something different from either/Your shadow at morning striding behind you/ Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you"
- AtS/BtVS, Gunn/Woods: The Prince and the Pauper - "It's the snobs versus the slobs"
- Batman Comics, Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown: undercover lovers - 'you're my best friend, but could you be more?'
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Robin Wood/Rupert Giles: Daddy issues - "What exactly do you propose?" [1st fic claim - hyel]
- Crossover: DCU/Marvel, Storm & Wonder Woman: The last time they met, they had to battle each other... what would happen if they just talked? Gen or slash ok - "She sits quietly there, like water in a jar, says baby, why you trembling like you are?"
- Crossover: Farscape/Firefly, Crais/Zoe: big fucking guns - hot like a very hot thing. [1st fic claim - ijemanja]
- Doctor Who, Mickey/Rose/Jake: flat tire - heat [1st fic claim - doyle_sb4]
- El Mariachi/Desperado/Once Upon a Time in Mexico, the mariachi: warfare - freedom
- Eureka, Allison/Jack/Nathan: swingers - Jack is really the only one who needs convincing
- Firefly, Inara/Simon: Sharing - All the comforts of home.
- Firefly, Kaylee and Zoe: hurt/comfort (injury) - never knew how much you cared
- Firefly, Zoe/Mal: Massage - like ships in the squall/we rise and we fall'
- Heroes, Ando: AU, Ando has secret powers - sidekick or partner?
- Heroes, Maya/Alejandro: fairytale - looking glass
- Heroes, Mohinder/Bennet: wake up in the same bed and don't remember what happened - Chicago
- Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar: abduction as seduction - I want to break your heart and give you mine.
- K-ville, Boulet: character study - family
- Law and Order SVU, Dr. Huang: secret private life - I feel like he just disappears whenever he's not here.
- LOST, Sun/Michael: misunderstanding - a simple mistake leads somewhere unexpected
- Marvel comics, Lemar Hoskins (Battlestar)/Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier): Rescue and resulting gratitude and/or irritation - "Every single thing will only bring another sad solution / Every single hurt will only curse another substitution" (Nellie McKay, There You Are in Me)
- Psych, Gus/Julia: Unexpected encounters, teamwork against their will - Shawn's been kidnapped! It's time for his favorite nerds to team up and save the day.
- Psych, Burton Guster and Shawn Spencer: buddyfic - no way you are talking me into this
- RPF Music, Eve/Gwen Stefani: sex standing up - oh yeah, I'm gonna blow your mind
- Star Trek: TOS, Chekov/Sulu: uniform - one wants to keep it a secret for some reason
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: revelations, Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. [1st fic claim - liviapenn]
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c: Stargate has too many cliches; pick one to puncture (author's choice) - Teal'c POV.
- Supernatural, Gordon Walker: five things - Edged weapons: switchblade, sickle, ax, chainsaw, Arkansas toothpick - or whatever.
- The Rundown, Travis/Beck: Claiming - "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone." -- Audrey Hepburn
- Thoughtcrimes, Freya/Brendan: Undercover as a couple - What if Freya lost her powers, temporarily or permanently?
- Ugly Betty, Wilhemina Slater: masturbation - self-pleasure.
- Ultraviolet (UK series), Vaughan/Angie: ultra-cool professionals - When I close my eyes, I think it's me. [1st fic claim - raz0rgirl]

February 20

- Andromeda, Tyr Anasazi: on the outside looking in - desert, bloom, survival, love.
- Crossover: Sugar Rush/Bad Girls, Sugar/Denny: saying things without words - kindred spirits
- CSI, Archie/Greg: trapped together - There's nothing I'm afraid of like scared people.
- Dark Angel, Tinga: sacrifice - leaving her family.
- Doctor Who/Red Dwarf, Martha/Lister: the last human beings in the universe - trying too hard.
- Firefly, Zoe/Wash: first date, who asked who? - "What's your favorite dish? / I'm not gonna cook it but I'll order it... from Zanzibar!"
- Heartbreak Soup (by Gilbert Hernandez), Maricela: erotica - Maricela makes a mistake
- Heroes, Ando/Hiro: growing distant - I know you better than you know yourself
- Heroes, Kimiko: grief - Kimiko, after her father's death.
- Heroes, Kimiko Nakamura: the one time she didn't think her brother's American comic books were stupid. - "Funny how perceptions change when you know secret history / Suddenly you see right past the thin veil of diplomacy" [1st art claim - leyna55]
- Heroes, Maya/Elle: reform - witch trial
- Heroes, Mohinder/Mira: endings - magnetic north
- LOST, Jin/Michael: understanding - actions speak louder than words
- LOST, Rose/Bernard: pre-series (honeymoon) - the stars in the Southern Hemisphere
- Marvel comics, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones: holiday celebrations - humor
- Miracles, Paul/Alva/Evelyn: Love Spells - "But we by'a love so much refined / That our selves know not what it is, / Inter-assured of the mind, / Care less eyes, lips, and hands to miss." --John Donne, from "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning."
- Psych, Gus/Shawn: outsider assumes they're gay, revealing the light to them - Particle man / Is he a dot, or is he a speck? / When he's underwater does he get wet? / Or does the water get him instead?
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla: Sensation play (heat, cold) - "We don't have a language for the senses. Feelings are images, sensations are like musical sounds." -- Anais Nin
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Jack: Taming (the Taur'i) - "I will chain these legs and arms of thine"
- Supernatural, Agent Henriksen & Danny Gunderson (Asylum) & various others: conventions (National Black Police Association.) - "You would not believe the crazy-ass story these two white boys were telling us last month"
- Without a Trace, Danny/Martin: undercover as gay - loose change
- X-Men, Bishop: Five Things - "No, where I come from, we do it like this..." (Bishop comparing now to the future he came from)

February 21

- Angel, Charles Gunn/Wesley Wyndham-Price: Something hopeful/sweet/domestic? - "Tonight I want to watch the evening news and share a beer with you, and be in bed by nine or so"
- Battlestar Galactica (original/1978), Apollo/Boomer: sex pollen - allergies
- Battlestar Galactica ('04), Lee/Dee: Lay Down Your Burdens - All we have is each other.
- Blakes 7, Dayna: Courtship rituals - There's rosemary, that's for remembrance.
- Crossover: AtS/BtVS, Charles Gunn/Anya Jenkins: mistaken identity - angel's wings. [1st fic claim - callmesandy]
- Crossover: BtVS/Utena, Anthy and the First Slayer: remembering dreams - make a wish
- DCU: Legion of Super-Heroes, Jazmin Cullen/Rokk Krinn: first time - and then the date got much less awkward
- Doctor Who, Bambera/Ancelyn: invert a cliche of choice - oh, the OTPness of it.
- Doctor Who, Mickey Smith/Rose Tyler: five things - "it's all just a little bit of history repeating"
- Eureka, Henry/Kim: memory lapse - what happens when your soul is stolen?
- Firefly, Book/Inara: soft - it's not that she wanted him to break his vows
- Firefly, Inara Serra: prostitutes - an honorable profession
- Firefly, Shepherd Book: religion - a holy man with an unholy past
- Firefly, Zoe/Kaylee: silk - both experienced but learning something new
- Firefly, Zoe Washburne/Wash Washburne: sex at work - god bless autopilot
- Heartbreak Soup, Tonantzin: poetry - love and madness
- Heroes, Hiro/Charlie: during "Six Months Ago" - movie night at Charlie's place
- Heroes, Mohinder/Matt: first time sex - please show me how these two hooked up? [1st fic claim - kajikia]
- Heroes, Mohinder/Matt: future fic - I'd never lie to you unless I had to
- Heroes, Mohinder/Peter: reunion - the same face I once knew
- Heroes, Monica & Niki: friendship - when i grow up
- Northern Exposure, Marilyn - missing scenes - Marilyn's vacation
- Pushing Daisies, Emerson & Olive: an unlikely partnership - When Ned's away. . .
- Star Trek: The Next Generation, Ro/Guinan: everything happens for a reason - liberty
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: silk bonds - addicted to you
- Supernatural, Victor Henriksen and Missouri Mosely: lost journals - Hendriksen is trying to track the Winchesters and comes across Missouri.
- Teen Titans (comics), Vic Stone/Gar Logan: accessories/toys - 'nothing's gonna my love for you'
- The Baby-Sitters Club, Jessi/Mallory: dancing - armor [1st fic claim - wisdomeagle]
- The Fast and the Furious, Dom/Brian: Vulnerability - "they're all looking down on you / everybody knows what's best for you" [1st fic claim - supercaptain182]
- The Rundown, Travis/Beck: Accidental stimulation - "An exhibitionist is nothing without a voyeur." -- S.A. Sachs
- Wildstorm (Ex Machina), Dave Wylie/Mitchell Hundred: You disappoint me. You deeply disappoint me - : "I'm a twenty-first century digital boy / I don't know how to live so I got a lot of toys."
- XMen, Storm/Yukio (or Storm & Yukio): drinking contests - alphabetically down the list of available drinks (and then start over in Japanese)

February 22

- Aliens, Vasquez: mistaken identity - "No, have you?" [1st fic claim - raz0rgirl]
- Bandfic (Linkin Park), Mike Shinoda/Chester Bennington: hot spots - nape of the neck, inner wrist, navel, etc. - that make someone crazy when stimulated - Let them call it mischief; when it is past and prospered t'will be virtue.
- Battlestar Galactica, Dee/D'Anna: under your spell - my at last
- Battlestar Galactica, Dee/Kara: hot enemy sex - back from the dead. [1st fic claim - marenfic]
- Brotherhood of the Wolf, Fronsac/Mani: Undressing, "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." -- Oscar Wilde
- Crossover: 11. Sorkin-verse (Sports Night/The West Wing), Isaac Jaffe/Leo McGarry: Past-fic - "Oh, no. If you say you're a Sox fan, Jaffe, you're walking back to New York."
- Crossover: SPN/TXF, Henrikson & any of the TXF crew (Doggett?): hidden codes - Did Henriksen originally find the Winchesters through an X-file?
- DC Toonverse, John Stewart/Wally West: bondage - I want a man with a slow hand [1st fic claim - rubynye]
- Dead Zone, Bruce/Johnny (Bruce/other - of any gender- ok in addition): Outsider Angst - "just a friend of the family"
- Doctor Who, Martha/Zoe Heriot: secrets - travel in time and space [1st fic claim - biichan]
- Doctor Who, Mickey: growing up - Mickey can be brave; he is brave.
- Fastlane, Deaq/Van: courtship/dating rituals - brothers.
- Firefly, Zoe/Wash: pegging - some kinky marriage sex PLEASE! [1st fic claim - were_lemur]
- Firefly, Zoe/Wash: birthday - the best presents are made, not bought
- Friday Night Lights, Ray "Voodoo" Tatum: nightmares - Don't want to reach for me, do you/ I mean nothing to you/ The little things give you away/ But now there can be no mistaking/ The levees are breaking.
- Heartbreak Soup, Carmen: fluff or humour - vicious little beast
- Heroes, Hiro/Ando: communication issues - they keep not talking about the important things
- Heroes, Mohinder: Five things that never happened - The optimist believes that we live in the best of possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true.
- Heroes, Mohinder and Chandra: pre-series - Mohinder's feelings as Chandra leaves India
- Heroes, Mohinder/Noah: cuffed to the bed - for your own safety
- Heroes, Shanti Suresh & Kimiko Nakamura & Simone Deveaux: the AU version of the show where *they're* actually the main characters (gen, any pairing or threesome) - "I can't explain why I don't belong to the same world / I don't fit in and I will not stay" [1st fic claim - rubynye]
- Heroes, Yaeko, future - Yaeko must move forward without Kensei or Hiro; she makes her own life.
- Marvel Comics (Agent of SHIELD), Gabe Jones/Jimmy Woo(/other agents of your choice!): Super-spy equipment is good for all sorts of things! - "There's a man who leads a life of danger..."
- Marvel comics (Heroes for Hire/Power Man & Iron Fist, &c.), Misty Knight/Luke Cage/Danny Rand: Let's Work Out Our Differences. In BED. - the one you're with?
- Marvel Comics, Monica Rambeau (aka Photon, she was also Captain Marvel once): 5 things - "she's a maneater..."
- Men In Black (MIIB)/Stargate: Atlantis, Jay/Ronon/Sheppard: Doing their job, one set of Our Heroes runs into another set of Our Heroes doing their job. Sex results - "You're shitting me. He's an alien??"
- Numb3rs, Slash-David/Charlie: First-Time - Charlie's the experienced one and David the uncertain one - How can you imagine that I never noticed you?
- Power Rangers Dino Thunder, Conner/Ethan: boys and their toys - the Breakfast Club's not just for the movies [1st fic claim - dragovianknight]
- Star Wars, Mace Windu/Qui-Gon Jinn: first date - "when I look at you, I see ... "
- Stargate: Atlantis, Radek/Teyla: trapped together - And it's beginning to get to me, that I know more of the stars and sea than I do of what's in your head. [1st fic claim - darkrosetiger, 2nd fic claim - marag]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon & Rodney (gen): building a friendship - "I could teach you to do that, you know." [1st fic claim - margarks]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla gen: futurefic, with her kid(s?) - "Little girls gather flowers for their hair / Little boys shoot their play guns into the air"
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: delectable - trial and error
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla Emmagan/John Sheppard: secret relationship/sex - "Maybe it's a woman he met, she said. Look, isn't that a woman's scratch or bite?" from Ondaatje's The English Patient
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c: Religion in a world of false gods - Pack up your sins and go to the devil
- Supernatural, Jake Talley and Ruby: mislead - silly rabbit, tricks are for kids
- The Sarah Jane Adventures, Clyde: futurefic - Clyde joins UNIT [1st fic claim - livii]
- X-Men Comicsverse, Hisako Ichiki (Armor)/Celeste Cuckoo/Phoebe Cuckoo/Mindee Cuckoo: foursome - far from the madding
- Young Avengers, Eli Bradley/Tommy Shepherd: fighting leads to sex - 'you're too much like me'

February 23

- 24, Jack/Assad: mutual redemption - what could have been if he'd lived
- Aliens, Vasquez & Drake & Hicks (read that any way you want to): waking up not remembering the night/day before - "Who is the third who walks always beside you?/When I count, there are only you and I together"
- Angel, Charles Gunn: Bildungsroman - lawyer jokes.
- Babylon 5, Stephen Franklin/Michael Garibaldi: courtship - dinners
- Banana Fish, Ash/Eiji: angstfluff - skin and hair
- Brotherhood of the Wolf, Fronsac/Mani: Mirror: "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." -- Emily Brontë
- Crossover: Stargate: Atlantis/Supernatural, Teyla Emmagan/Dean Winchester: mix-up - I heard the drums and I found my way
- CSI, Warrick Brown/Nick Stokes: damsel in distress - cowboys!
- Dr. Who, Martha Jones/Reinette(Madame Pompadour) - AU, obviously; anything with these two characters & preferably Ten not in the picture much/at all - "Has it really been a year? Where the hell do we go from here?" [1st fic claim - jaynem89]
- Doctor Who, Martha/Shakespeare: Sensory overload or enhancement - play on;/Give me excess of it.
- Doctor Who, Martha Jones/Tish Jones: Incest - aftermath.
- Hairspray (2007 Movie), Lil' Inez: Futurefic - POTUS
- Harry Potter, Cho Chang: Grief - she doesn't know how to stop crying.
- Heroes, Simone/Peter: angst - 'Cause I built you a home in my heart with rotten wood, and it decayed from the start.
- Hustle, Mickey Stone/Danny Blue: Pretending to be married for a con. - "This wasn't part of the plan."
- Marvel (Runaways), Xavin/any: Cabin fever - "You get used to hanging if you hang long enough."
- LOST, Hurley and Libby (gen or het): pre-series - not supposed to be here [1st fic claim - redeem147]
- NCIS, Michelle Li/Abby (possible Ziva threesome): It's not about your outside appearance - Sisters under the skin
- OZ, Alvarez/Mukada: post-series - happily ever after, of a sort
- OZ, Kenny Wangler: masturbation - What it meant to me / will eventually be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard and got so far / but in the end, it doesn't even matter
- Private Practice, Naomi/Dell: natural - if only I knew what I know now, I'd make it a point to say so, to everyone that got me here [1st fic claim - ladyjax]
- Psych, Gus/Shawn: Flashbacks aplenty - The sordid truth behind the Cinnamon Festival has been kept secret for long enough. Bonus points for including the Konami code somehow.
- RPF: Actorfic, Jesse L. Martin/Wilson Jermaine Heredia: one partner clothed - an Angel of the first degree.
- Sports Night, Mr. Isaac Jaffe, Natalie Hurley: Bodyswitching - "I wasn't going to say 'purse'. What's with the gay bag?"
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla & Keller (gen or femslash): deathfic (not necessarily either of the prompt characters) - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger [1st fic claim - ijemanja, 2nd fic claim - merlins_sister]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Rodney: Pegging - "Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth." -- Julie Andrews [1st fic claim - apple_pi]
- Stargate: SG-1, Sha're/Daniel: heat/anger - I've been a rose, I've been a rage.
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Cameron/Jolan: sex with clothes on - leave no trace behind.
- Supernatural: Jake Talley: first day with the new powers - Go home British soldier go home/haven't you got a home of your own.
- Supernatural, Jake/Ava: bodyswitching - here there be dragons
- The Corruptor (movie), Nick/Danny: Absolute Loyalty - After a while, you get better at lying to yourself.
- The Rundown, Travis/Beck: Absence makes the heart grow fonder - "It's a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy." -- Lucille Ball

February 24

- Bend It Like Beckham, Jess and Pinky (gen): body swap - A mile in your shoes? On that football pitch, it's more like 50, isn't it?
- Brimstone, Poem: betrayal - his princess is dead to him
- Cupid, Champ Terrace: seeking fame - someday I'll be a big star
- Cupid, Champ Terrace and Trevor Hale: buddyfic - how did I let you talk me into this
- Doctor Who, Tish Jones/Jack Harkness: Bondage - "This is how it feels to drown"
- Eureka, Henry/Nathan: antagonism - it's an intellectual competition
- Grey's Anatomy, Callie/Addison: Amnesia - What child is this?
- Heroes, Chandra and Mohinder Suresh: family - the prodigal son can't replace the daughter
- Heroes, Chandra and Shanti Suresh: angst - he kisses her goodbye before she dies
- Heroes, Hiro Nakamura: strength - we can be heroes just for one day
- Heroes, Simone/Isaac/Peter: confessions - this is stranger than i thought / six different ways inside my heart
- I Spy (TV), Scotty/Kelly: banter - the sporting life
- Justice League (animated universe), John Stewart/Wally West: Gender-swap or transformation - If you're gonna run with me, it's gonna be a wild ride.
- Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Utena/Anthy: the future - I got them in my garden now and you're not welcome here
- Stargate: Atlantis, Elizabeth/Teyla: first(s) - awkward
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Kate H: Rescue - I need you.
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Keller: Claiming or establishing ownership - "he feels he should clean up for her - that, or grab her and rub his scent all over her" [1st fic claim - scoob2222, 2nd fic claim - margarks]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla: She was like Barbie on steroids.
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla&Keller: comfort-fic, gen or slash ok - "I used to think / As birds take wing / They sing through life, so why can't we?"
- Sugar Rush, Sugar/Kim: voyeur - I gotta step back and accept the fact that\ you're my you're my bad habit
- The Faculty, Nurse Harper: five things that never happened - saving my sickdays for when I feel better
- Ugly Betty, Wilhelmina/Alexis: deception - they both know how to get what they want

February 25

- BtVS, Kendra: becoming - just next in line.
- Doctor Who, Mickey/Jake: sharing a bed by necessity - Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man (Dog) that he didn't already have. [1st fic claim - lil_1337]
- Heroes, Claire and Monica (gen or femslash): future fic - strangers
- Heroes, Mohinder & Molly Walker: Mohinder's decision to take Molly in; parent/child bonding? - "Acting invincible just ain't sensible"
- Heroes, Monica & Camille: friendship - violets
- Heroes, Simone/Isaac: pre-series - why you stay
- I Spy (TV), Scotty & Sofia: character history - expanding on the relationship between Scotty and his daughter
- Jeremiah, Jeremiah/Kurdy: Fuck or Die - Needs must when the devil drives.
- NCIS, Lee/Abby: Toys - "Well, you did ask."
- One Tree Hill, Peyton/Ana: first times - wheel
- Pushing Daisies, Emerson & the coroner: snark - Snarking over a body
- Star Trek: TNG, Geordi LaForge/Data: holodeck mayhem - Pinocchio was too much of a real boy.
- Stargate: Atlantis, OT4 (John/Teyla/Rodney/Ronon): Sleep and bedding themes - "Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold." -- Zelda Fitzgerald [1st fic claim - liviapenn]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Carson: payment!sex - Ronon owes Carson for getting that tracker out of his back
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/John: Heroes - "Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some." ~ Robert Fulghum
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Cameron: trapped in a cave! - Triangle man hates particle man / They have a fight, triangle wins / Triangle man.
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Drey'auc: reconciliation - "forgiven not forgotten"

February 26

- AtS/BtVS, Charles Gunn/Cordelia Chase: power outage - wax play
- Battlestar Galactica, Boomer/Caprica: comfort - there's a glitch in the transmission
- Brotherhood of the Wolf, Fronsac/Mani: Rimming - "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." -- Mae West
- Crossover: BtVS/Heroes, Kendra and the Haitian: can't turn off the Slayer - who are you.
- Crossover: Torchwood/Firefly crossover, Toshiko Sato/Inara Serra: kissing, making out, necking - hiding out.
- CSI, Warrick Brown/Nick Stokes: Adultery - "On we go drowning / Down we go away"
- Doctor Who, Martha, Two, Zoe, Jamie: stranded - strange music
- Fastlane, Van/Deaq: undercover as rentboy - This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race.
- Heroes, Hiro Nakamura and Ando Masahashi: buddyfic - I'll stand by you
- Heroes, Hiro and Kimiko Nakamura: family - sibling rivalry
- Heroes, Hiro Nakamura/Yaeko: time travel - he visits when he can and the children Heroes, understand
- Heroes, Mohinder/Noah: angry!sex - betrayals and aftermath
- Heroes, Simone: alternate s1 - let's tell everyone, let's tell the world.
- LOST, Walt: life with the Others - You were never one of them
- Miracles, Evelyn Santos: Five things - Backstory.
- Pirates of the Caribbean, Tia Dalma/Jack Sparrow: smut - my only love is the sea
- Sandman, Morpheus/Nada: instant attraction - heaven and hell
- Sandman, Nada: angst - cursing his name
- Star Trek: TOS, Uhura/McCoy: h/c - there are illnesses that no medicine can cure.
- Star Wars, Mace Windu: barfight! (possibly & either Depa Bilaba or Qui-Gon Jinn) - the gen equivalent of fluff (something with a happy ending) "this has all been a terrible misunderstanding"
- Stargate: Atlantis, Bates/Teyla Emmagen: forced to work together to survive - What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding?
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla: Body painting - "I found I could say things with colors that I couldn't say in any other way -- things that I had no words for." -- Georgia O'Keeffe
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Radek: Sharing a tent/sleeping bag - "'Stay' is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary." -- Louisa May Alcott
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John: breakdowns - bring me to life. [1st fic claim - wojelah]
- Veronica Mars, Eli "Weevil" Navarro/Veronica Mars: Intoxication, altered states - natalie wood gave her heart to james dean, high school rebel and a teenage queen. - 1st fic claim - scoob2222
- X-Factor, Monet St. Clair: bondage - 'finding my own way'

February 27

- Crossover: Angel/Doctor Who crossover, Gunn/Martha: Historical or period settings - better days and getaways/'cause every day's a holiday with you.
- Crossover: Doctor Who/Torchwood, Martha Jones/Jack Harkness: stuck in an elevator/a lift - "21 things I want in a lover" [1st fic claim - raisintorte, 2nd fic claim - hegemony]
- Crossover: Farscape/Stargate: SG-1, Aeryn & Teal'c: Hurt/Comfort - "In Persian, there are 89 words for love./
I would be happy just to remember one." -Nicole Walker
- CSI: Las Vegas, Archie/Warrick: Innuendo - What I say is not what I mean.
- DC Comics, Anita Fite (Empress)/Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl) OR Mia Dearden (Speedy II): Drag/crossdressing - "the biggest crime/is just to throw up your hands/say this has nothing to do with me" (Ani, "Willing to Fight")
- DCU (Green Arrow/Outsiders), Connor Hawke(GreenArrowII)/Roy Harper(Arsenal) OR/AND Connor Hawke/Eddie Fyers: gender switchery - Girls Who Are Boys Who Like Boys To Be Girls.
- Eureka, Henry/Jack: mutual masturbation - you've made adjusting to this place easy
- Heroes, Hiro and Ando (gen or slash): quarrel - take me with you
- Heroes, Maya/Mohinder: comfort sex - taking back the life you stole
- Heroes, Mohinder/Peter: phonesex - distance is only an idea
- Heroes, Mohinder & Shanti: Some sort of AU where Shanti lived? How would things be different? - "Lost in the Milky Way / smile at the empty sky and wait for / the moment a million chances may all collide." [1st fic claim - unlovablehands]
- Heroes, Monica/Claire: going on patrol - no spandex. [1st fic claim - rubynye]
- Homicide Life on the Street, Frank Pembleton and Tim Bayliss: deep non-romantic love between men - partners
- Homicide Life on the Street, Frank Pembleton and Tim Bayliss: humiliation - razzing the newbie
- Pirates of the Caribbean, Lian/Park: action - they're natural born fighters and they love it all
- Star Trek: The Original Series, Uhura: backstory - why did she join Starfleet?
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon: Courtship - "It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like 'What about lunch?'"-- Winnie the Pooh [1st fic claim - margarks]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/anyone: Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome. - Isaac Asimov [1st fic claim - doxymom]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Rodney: Roleplaying or fantasy - "Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time." -- Tallulah Bankhead
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Cameron: teasing - Going for Szechuan.
- Stargate: SG-1, Teal'c/Sam (gen or ship): sparring - weight of non-existent years [1st fic claim - beatrice_otter]
- The Office, Kelly/Daryl: fatal attraction - take it off, the paper is your game (crazy bitch) [1st fic claim - scoob2222]
- Torchwood, Toshiko/Jack: five things that happened in 1941 - hiding
- Wonderfalls, Mahandra/Jaye: Miscommunication - If something goes right / Well, it's likely to lose me / It's apt to confuse me / Because it's such an unusual sight.
- Xmen, Storm: Five Things (weather patterns?) - drops of Jupiter in her hair
- Zatoichi, Osei & Okinu: childhood fic - terrible fate

February 28

- A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia, Emir Feisel/Lawrence: secrets - What have they done to you?
- Bleach, Chad/Orihime/Ishida - threesomes yay! - we know who we need to protect.
- Brotherhood of the Wolf, Fronsac/Mani: Biting, marking - : "No one worth possessing can be quite possessed." -- Sara Teasdale
- Criminal Minds, Derek Morgan: learning - school for sexual predators.
- Criminal Minds, Morgan/Gideon or Morgan & Gideon: Boss/Employee relationships; Father issues - Looking for approval. Nightly chat on the airplane.
- Crossover: Stargate: Atlantis/Angel, Teyla/Gunn: Ensembles - "Don't want to travel in the danger zone/Take another number/Don't want a lover who can hold her own/Baby step aside if you don't want to ride..."
- Doctor Who, Martha Jone/Seventh Doctor: pretending to be married - "Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine"
- Doctor Who, Martha/Ten: an alien planet with odd customs - "Actually, I am pretty awesome!" [1st fic claim - calliopes_pen]
- Heroes, Alejandro/Sylar & Maya: AU, the twins have always had each others' powers - swimming/
- Heroes, Hiro/Ando: Trapped in an elevator - "You're a superhero! Do something!" [1st fic claim - eyesdelight]
- Heroes, Monica/Mohinder: second date - missed the last train home
- Heroes, Maya/Alejandro: us vs. the world - these things start to seem normal very quickly [1st fic claim - sophinisba]
- Heroes, Micah: post-apocalyptic future - how we got here and how he's gonna fix it
- Heroes, Simone/Niki: working together - employed by the Company [1st fic claim - unlovablehands]
- Heroes, The Haitian & Mohinder: Futurefic - "I told him that only lost causes can interest a gentleman."
- Homicide: Life on the Street, Frank Pembleton: kidfic - time with Olivia
- Homicide Life on the Street, Meldrick Lewis: average guy - just trying to get through another day. [1st fic claim - inlovewithnight]
- Jeremiah, Theo: Intelligence - I will survive.
- Marvel Comics (Nextwave), Monica Rambeau/Dirk Anger: I H.A.T.E. you! Let's make out! - It's for Justice.
- Marvel comics (Supreme Power), Stanley Stewart (The Blur)/Mark Milton (Hyperion): The bellows of Stanley's lungs; Mark doesn't need to breathe - Outracing the sun.
- Northern Exposure, Chris and Bernard: reunion - a trip to Portland
- Pirates of the Caribbean, Calypso/Anamaria: tentacles - I am no mermaid / I am no mermaid / I am no fisherman's slave (Sinead Lohan) [1st art claim - hyel, 1st fic claim - anglophile_rat]
- Pushing Daisies, Chuck/Emerson: UST - Emerson and Chuck have to solve a case without any help from Ned
- RPF Music, Missy Elliott/Ciara: new - she's the star maker they all wanna be with.
- Serenity, Mal/Zoe/Wash: Snark and Laughter - "oh what fun we had / But, did it really turn out bad?"
- Star Trek: Voyager, Tuvok: Coming home at last - The distance seven years can bring.
- Stargate: Atlantis, Rodney/Ronon: First time, "To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first." -- Janeane Garofalo
- Teachers, Kurt/Brian: denial - "what we need is a plan"
- Teachers, Kurt&Brian (or Kurt/Brian): zombie apocalypse - they want our brains [1st fic claim - lakester]
- The Crying Game, Fergus/Dil: freeform - wholly holy
- X-Men, Storm: powers - the birth of a goddess
- X-Men, Storm: outsiders/outcasts - she will never be one of them

February 29

- Bandom (Linkin Park), LP GSF: space AU - You got a job, we can do it.
- Black Sash, Tom Chang: taking on the world - it's time for him to be the teacher
- Charlie's Angels (movies), Alex: sci-fi - alone in this space.
- Criminal Minds, Derek Morgan: Families - yearly visit.
- Crossover: Doctor Who/Highlander, Methos/Martha Jones: time travel - surprise. [1st fic claim - amaresu, 2nd fic claim - calliopes_pen]
- Crossover: X-Men/Transformers, Forge: telling the story over and over again - Forge gets called in by the gvmt to investigate/repair the Transformers (before/during/after the movie)
- CSI, Warrick/Archie: Undercover in gay bar - Oh no, not again.
- DC comics (Batgirl, Robin), Cassandra Cain & Zoanne Wilkins: Your Boyfriend is a Sellout - "ever been kidnapped / by a poet / if i were a poet / i'd kidnap you" (Nikki Giovanni, "kidnap poem")
- DCU, Victor Stone/Gar Logan: First time - You can't hurt me; I'm bulletproof.
- Doctor Who, Martha/Shakespeare: Sex outdoors/outside - Daffodils,/That come before the swallow dares, and take/The winds of March with beauty. [1st fic claim - rubynye]
- Farscape, Crais/Aeryn: Prison cells - "Give away the stone/Let the waters kiss and transmutate these leaden grudges/Into gold."
- Firefly, Zoe/Wash: drunk!fic and/or barfight - "oh I've got friends ... in low places"
- Harry Potter, Angelina Johnson/Oliver Wood: Random meeting in a pub/bookstore/etc. - She had to stop herself from hugging him when
she recognized him. Apparently, she'd never gotten over her schoolgirl crush.
- Harry Potter, Dean and Ted Tonks (gen pls!): odd couple -life in the wilderness
- Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Nebula/Iolaus: being pranked by the Gods - "Well, this seems oddly familiar..." - 1st fic claim - scoob2222
- Heroes, Kimiko: a day in the life - a girl has to have her secrets
- Heroes, Maya/Sylar: control - one day she's going to push back
- Jeremiah, Kurdy/Jeremiah: post-series - holding hope so tight
- Last of the Mohicans, Uncas: bravery - greeting death with peace
- Marvel (Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD v1), Jimmy Woo/Nick Fury: getting used to a new job - "I know how you feel... I lost someone once, too."
- Marvel Comics (Captain America & The Falcon), Sam Wilson (Falcon)/Leila Taylor/(Captain America/Sharon Carter): Solving bed! - "Cap and Leila are my two extremes."-- Sam Wilson. (From canon.)
- Marvel comics (Young Avengers), Eli Bradley (Patriot)/Nathaniel Richards (Iron Lad): Future shock, AU - Whose side are you on? "Same side I've always been on--yours."
- Mysterious Ways, Peggy Fowler/her husband (basically an OC since we never even learned his name) : cliche or fannish trope: angst - "over Kansas the whole universe was stilled/by the whisper of a prayer"
- Psych, Gus, Gus/Shawn: Amnesia - "Of all the friends I've had ... you're the first"
- Se7en (the movie), Detective Lt. William Somerset/Detective David Mills: Hurt/Comfort - "every hour wounds, the last one kills"
- Shakespeare, Othello: Swords and sword-play - Sky
- Star Trek: DS9/Star Trek: Next Gen (crossover), Julian Bashir/Jean-Luc Picard: hurt/comfort - looking for a father figure.
- Stargate: Atlantis, Aiden Ford/John Sheppard: trapped together for (almost) forever - time dilation field.
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon & Teyla: We don't trust the Wraith because they are Wraith - Oh, white people. [1st fic claim - tielan]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Jennifer: growl - I've been trying hard to do what's right [1st fic claim - scoob2222]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Sheppard/McKay/Emmagen/Dex: Bonds (telepathic or empathic; psychic links; mating or soul bonds) - Family. [1st fic claim - ladyjax]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teamslutfic (i.e. Teyla/Ronon/John/Rodney): experience that can't be shared outside of the group - Person man / Is he depressed or is he a mess? /Does he feel totally worthless? / Who came up with person man? /Degraded man, person man. [1st fic claim - kajikia]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla, Ronon, John, Rodney (gen or OT4): silence - "Although they strained their ears, the only thing to be heard was their own labouring breath in the silence." [1st fic claim - wojelah]
- Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon and Teyla: Guns and gun-play - "Ronon finds the Lantean obsession with size amusing" (friendship only)
- Stargate SG-1, Teal'c/Daniel/Vala: killing time, set during the "Unending" years - "jesus christ you have confused me / cornered, wasted, blessed and used me"
- Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Simon Stiles/Tom Jeter: trapped or stranded together - I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it.
- Supernatural, Dean Winchester and Jake Talley (gen): stuck - Ya know, if things had been different, I could see myself liking you
- Supernatural, Sam Winchester and Missouri Moseley (gen): slow burn - Sam seeks her out to ask a few questions. [1st fic claim - voleuse]
- Torchwood, Toshiko/Jack: AU rom episode "Jack Harkness"; stuck in the 1940s for several years - Would it be too evil to pick that old chestnut of a song, "As Time Goes By"? Cuz there's gotta be something that can be done with that song, time travel and omnisexual slutboys.
- The L Word, Carmen/Shane: post-acocalypse - future shock.
- The L Word, Carmen/Shane: restraint, particularly pinning someone down - historical/period AU.
- Vanishing Son, Jian-Wa Chang and Wago Chang: brothers - nothing will come between us
- X-Men comics-verse, Hisako Ichiki (Armor)/Celeste Cuckoo: sex in public - storytelling.
- X-Men, Storm: spell of deafness/blindness/can't taste/no longer responds to gravity/invisible/whichever - make it *funny* (Okay, so Storm isn't a great joker, but the reactions of people around her could be funny)
- X-Men (comics), Storm/Remy: use of superpowers to augment sex - 'love's an electric storm'

This is a work in progress so let me know if you spot an error or omission of any kind.

[ Prompt List - February 1st thru February 14th]

february 14 - february 29, prompt list

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