Title: Back to Me - 1 of 2
choc_frecklesFandom: Supernatural
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Rating: G
Word Count: Total words ~1600
Warnings: Spoilers up through 8.16, Remember the Titans. AU after 8.16. Completely discounts 8.17.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit form the fanfiction, other than the massive enjoyment of writing about my babies.
Summary: Cas finally shows up. So, this is how I would like to have Dean & Cas's reunion go.
They get back to the Batcave on a Sunday, slipping off their shoes and leaving them by the door, since they’re covered in mud. It’s been weeks since they’ve seen Castiel, and Dean is really worried. Sam’s got something going on that he’s not telling Dean about, and he’s about ready to explode. If he can’t get a straight answer out of his brother, then how the fuck is he supposed to get one out of his best friend?
Dean dumps out the dirty clothes from his duffle and starts a wash. Yet one more perk of the Batcave is that they don’t have to go to a laundromat anymore, and that’s pretty freaking awesome. He’s even bought some fabric softener. He accidentally got the kind that is lavender scented, and while he bitched and moaned about it for a whole day, he has to admit that it really makes the sheets smell kind of nice.
He pours himself some coffee and heads back to his room, looking forward to a quiet evening lounging on his bed. he’s been looking forward to the bed for two states now.
“Hi, mom,” he says to the photo on the desk. He strips out of his jeans and shirts and pulls on an old pair of sweat pants. It’s warm enough that he decides he doesn’t really need a shirt, so he lies back on the bed without a top. His muscles creak and groan a bit in protest as he lies down, but then after a moment, they quiet down, and he’s finally beginning to relax.
His eyes are drifting closed just as he hears the telltale rustle of feathers and trenchcoat, and then the words that he’s been wanting to hear for weeks: “Hello, Dean.”
“Cas?” Dean sits up, and sure enough, Cas is standing at the end of the bed, looking around the room. Dean remembers that this is actually the first time Cas has seen the Batcave, although Dean has described it to him several times in his prayers.
Cas looks exhausted - big enormous bags under his eyes, which are bloodshot. His clothes are even more rumpled than usual, and his shoulders sag a bit. Dean leaps up and grabs Cas by the shoulders and steers him down to the bed. Dean pulls off Cas’s trench coat and suit jacket, tossing them on the back of the chair. He gives Cas a gentle push, and Cas goes with it, sitting on the edge of the bed. Dean kneels down and removes Cas’s shoes. “Come on Cas, put your legs up on the bed, man. You look like you need to relax.”
Since Cas got there, he’s been quiet, other than his usual greeting, and this is a bit worrisome to Dean, but on the other hand, Cas looks wrecked, and so Dean imagines that Cas is too tired to do or say anything. In the end, Dean is the one who has to lift up Cas’s legs and get him arranged in a lounging position on the bed. Dean circles around to the other side of the bed and sits down himself. He studies the angel for a moment before making his decision, and then he’s carefully manhandling Cas into a prone position. Dean wraps his arms around Cas and they lie there, Cas’s back to Dean’s chest.
Cas lets a soft sigh loose, and Dean begins to feel the tension run out of Cas’s body. He pulls Cas even closer, and places a soft kiss on the nape of Cas’s neck. Cas hums softly, arching his head back into the caress, his eyes drooping closed.
“You’re okay, Cas. I’ve got you,” Dean whispers. Cas is now almost completely free from tension, and he pries Dean’s hand away from his chest for a moment to place a kiss on the palm.
“Dean,” Cas starts to speak, but Dean hushes him.
“Tell me about it tomorrow, Cas. Just… just relax.”
“Okay,” Cas says. “Thank you, Dean.”
The last of Cas’s tension melts away and he droops in Dean’s arms. Cas’s breathing settles into a slower, more even rhythm as he drifts off to sleep. Dean kisses Cas again, a million questions flying through his mind. It’s okay though, because the most important one - where was Cas? That one’s been answered.
Part two