
Sep 24, 2011 01:20

I should probably stop cramming this in other posts where it gets easily covered by other things, but my emotional state is bad. Very bad. And the way it manifests changes by the day. One day, I can't even look at comments because the thought makes my insides hurt. The next, I need to be on Twitter and I need people to talk to me and I'm desperate and alone. All of the time, I can't evaluate my behavior rationally (which is why I'll apologize for not posting even though I post almost every single day, or for not commenting even though I leave comment and am only a little slow to answer ones left to me). If nothing else, believe me when I say no one's doing anything to make me unhappy. It's all internal.

Anyway, happy things in the comments would be greatly appreciated. Here's my contribution:

Bandom fic recs! I'm putting all the AO3 versions because that's just what I feel like doing, even though I know most of these writers on LJ/DW. And I recommend all of their works because I've read multiple stories by all of the following, and they all knock my socks off.

-Meltdown by
fleurdeliser and
tuesdaysgone. Scorching Frank/Gerard/Grant in the OT3verse set around the Evening With Grant Morrison and Gerard Way presentation. Seriously take-no-prisoners smut in the wonderful tone of the rest of the series.

-Plus One by
littlemousling. Spencer/Ian set around Brendon and Sarah's wedding. So so real and sweet. I have few better compliments for romantic stories than "I want a relationship like this", and that's what I have to say here.

-Stupid Love Songs by
inlovewithnight. Domestic Pete/Gabe puppy play! I can't decide what I love the most: the kink, the domesticity (seriously, little I love more than rock stars kicking it at home), or the way Pete and Gabe are so very them, and the little character insights that come through.



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+ RAY PLAYS THE SAME GUITAR HIS BROTHER GOT HIM AS A TEENAGER. I seriously wanted to cry happy tears.

+ Everyone's take on the creative process. I liked in particular that Gerard bounces around instruments depending on what feels right at the time. And that different songs spark in different ways, and that even though they all come from different places, they all work well together. BAND OF MY HEART

+ I knew about Frank's custom guitar, but I've been studying electric guitar more, so I appreciate his talk of the pickups and lighter body. (I know people are ribbing him for that, but I have a cheap guitar and I'm probably a couple inches taller than Frank, and it's heavy. And I don't throw my guitar around. So I get it.) (My electric acoustic is much lighter, though.) Plus, it was cool hearing that Mikey got a custom bass, and that he can play regular guitar, too. It's not a stretch - on standard tuning, the four bass guitar strings are the same notes as the first four notes on a six-string guitar - but still, nifty. (And probably something I knew and forgot, but whatever!)

+ THE SHIRTS. Evil Dead on Ray, Empire Strikes Back on Mikey (FAVORITE STAR WARS ON FAVORITE BAND MEMBER), Mickey on Frank.

+ They support each other. On everything. ♥___♥

+ I'm starting to learn about the various tech add-ons you get on guitar, so I loved their insights there. Seeing how much they use is a big reminder that rock guitar is aural alchemy, and while it's highly technical, it's definitely more art than science. Hearing Ray say he had a specific pedal for solo notes to add more tone was a big eye-opener for me in particular; it explains a lot about his sound in general.

(And of course, as I play drums too, I'm still sad they've never been able to make it work with a drummer [coughbobcough]. Partially because I wanted technical stuff there, mostly because I just like drummers as part of an official band [like Spencer!]. The Pedicone glimpses in the video were very depressing.)

+ This is a very attractive band. I forget sometimes because they're so adorable and I'm so fond of them, but then I see stuff like this and go "...heyyyy".


On the attractive note, a couple MCR pictures:

I've been staring at this ever since I found it. The gloves. The rosary. The popped hip. STOP BEING SO SEXY, GERARD. (Except don't.)

FAVORITE PUNK VAMPIRE. Unsurprisingly, this has spawned several fic ideas in my head. Whether or not they get written remains to be seen.

I have a very strong fondness for/attraction to Ray. But he often gets neglected by me (and others) because he's not as much of an upfront person as some others in the band. (And also because I'm drooling over Mikey. Sorry, bb.) But see! Look at his hair! And his hotness! I don't have a good pictures of his legs, which is a shame because he has the best thighs.

Mikey Way. No further comment needed.

Didn't think I'd forget my favorite drummer, did you? (Socks! ♥)


This one came from littlemousling on Twitter, and I loled hard.

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Brendon talks about cutting off his toe, and Spencer is enthusiastically bloodthirsty about it. I can't even. I am seeing them and their failboat faces two weeks from tomorrow jfc, and I'm almost sad because I won't really have reasons to daydream about them abducting me to be their drum tech after that happens. (...that's normal, right?) (Ooh, or maybe PStump'll steal me to do backing vocals. That could be fun.) But when I'm not living in fantasy land, I get SO EXCITED IT HURTS.

Edit: Oh hey, and now there's this:

I think I know what I'm including in one of my Crash sequels. (Gosh, I love how idfic-y those are turning out.)


Non-bandom things also make me happy. For instance!

-that was just a dream by
such_heights. A great Doctor Who fic that goes a long way to soothe a lot of the hurts from this season. (Spoilers through 6x11.)

-Set Fire to the Rain by
talitha78, remastered by
isagel. One of my favorite vids this year: Thor set to Adele! The Thor Blu-Ray has been a go-to mood booster for me (or, at least, distraction/something that won't make things worse), and this is great for when I need a taste but don't feel like the whole movie.


And I wanted to include more non-bandomy stuff, but that tends to be where my mostly uncomplicated happy lies these days. (I have ~thoughts about how I'm abandoning all my non-bandom friends and all the things I normally love but have been too depressed to feel much of anything for, but. See above about not thinking rationally.) If you have non-bandom happy to share, please do! Or share bandom happy! Really not picky!

Ooh, I know. One not fandomy thing at all. This has to do with creativity.

From here. It's supposed to be specifically for designers, but there's so much that applies to anyone who makes things, it's ridiculous.

Also posted on Dreamwidth (
comment[s]). Feel free to comment on either entry.

fandom: comics: marvel, fanworks: picspam, fandom: bandom: cobra, real life: mental health, fandom: bandom: mcr, fanworks: vids: recs, fandom: bandom: patd/tyv, fandom: comics: movies, fanfic: recs, fandom: bandom, fandom: doctor who/torchwood

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