The first of a few rec posts.

Sep 21, 2011 03:14

A lot of things happened at once: I started following a bunch of people who post recs (yay), BBB wave two came and went, Vividcon happened, and spn_j2_bigbang ended. Unsurprisingly, I hit my bookmarks pretty hard. Also unsurprisingly, I started a rec post and got too busy to finish it. This is the one I had in progress for about a month; I'll have at least one more in the next couple days, theoretically.

(And to make sure this got finished, I cut down the recs I was going to include. As usual, check Delicious for what I didn't put in/the recs that are coming.)

Fic: SPN and CW RPF

  • " Flying Weight" by fleshflutter, Supernatural, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 48k. Sam wakes after being soulless for three years to discover that Dean and his relationship with him have undergone some serious changes. Through traveling and hunting with Dean, Sam struggles to put his life back together after events he has only limited memory of. A season six wincest AU.


    I won't say what specifically I liked about this story because I think a lot of the joy is in the discovery. (Good fic dealing with Sam's lack of memory after he gets his soul back often goes that way.) I will say one of my favorite story themes is included in here, and that made the story very gratifying to read. The whole thing has a dark undertone that's quite a bit of fun.

  • " Until Crow Knows Your Name" by drvsilla, Supernatural, Sam/Dean, adult, ~38k. Sam Winchester had grown up riding the range for his father's band of hunters, his brother Dean at his side.

    He wakes one morning after a dream of a different life to Dean telling him their father's gone missing.

    They give chase to find him, but in the punishing miles and endless trail, it's Sam that might be lost.


    I was hoping for more Big Bangs in the Old West this year. Canon aside, I live in a place that makes a lot of its tourist dollars playing off that time period - I've been to Virginia City more than a few times, for instance - so I can't help but be interested. But I guess "Frontierland" was a little too late in the season to really hit well, so maybe next year?

    Anyway, this story scratched my urge for that kind of story and then some. The voice was absolutely stellar. I also want to say I like the dreamy quality to the story, but I'm not sure it was dreamy; I read it at a point when I was editing, and my head was pretty muddled. Still, the fact that it left such an impression on me even at that point is a very good sign.

  • " The Incredibly True Adventures of Padapan and Acklebell" by elizah_jane, CW RPF, Jared/Jensen, PG-13, ~11k. Jared's whole world is turned upside-down when he wakes up to discover his beloved dogs have been taken by Captain Misha C. Hook in an attempt to get Jared back to Neverland. The problem is, Jared doesn't remember Neverland, or the fairy who shows up to take him back there. He doesn't remember the Lost Boys, or that he was once known as the PadaPan. In order to return home, Jared has to get his memories back, battle some pirates, rescue his dogs, and find a way to make things right with those he left behind.


    So much adorableness! What I think was great about this was that it addressed the growing-up aspect of Peter Pan - which was one of my favorite books as a kid - in a way that was charming and not as depressing as the book itself. AUs don't really get much better than this, if you ask me.

  • " But This Is Something New" by painting_walls, Supernatural, Dean/tentacle monster and Sam/Dean, NC-17, ~2900 words. Dean gets lost in woods and is attacked by a tentacle-monster.


    Gratuitous tentacle porn with a side dish of Sam/Dean? Yes please! Just one warning: it's like a lot of tentacle fic where it's forced, and I'd say the Sam/Dean isn't very consenty either.

Fic: Bandom

  • "Floating Our Way Out" by
    frankie_ann, various bandom types, Brendon/Spencer, Ryan/Jon, Bob/Mikey, and others, explicit, ~20k. Ghost!Brendon AU. Brendon died five years ago and haunts a rundown house on the outskirts of Chicago. Ryan moves in with him! Brendon has a crush on Spencer, but won't let Ryan tell Spencer that Brendon exists, in case Spencer's creeped out by him. Ryan and Jon and Spencer start a band. Meanwhile Brendon helps Ryan write songs when the others aren’t around, since they don't know he exists, but he's frustrated that he can't join in for the rest of it. Sad, awkward ghost love with a happy ending and some fuzzy cuteness along the way. Guest starring Gerard, Mikey and Gabe.

    "Bleed Right Again" by
    frankie_ann, various bandom types, nine ships that I don't feel like writing out, explicit, ~32k. Ensemble fic. Gerard wants his own musical project (and also to man up and kiss Frank), Brendon wants to be on stage with his band (and also to have actual sex), Kevin wants Mike to stop being a stubborn ass (and to also sex him up), Greta wants to find a boy that isn’t already in love with another boy, Ryan wants to feel like he fits in with his own band, and Butch just wants to play the banjolin (and to maybe get Chiz naked).


    I'm normally not too into ghost!fic. I would be - more supernatural beings? Yes please! - but it's one of my biggest depressive triggers. (There's an extremely popular Frank/Gerard story that sent me into a week-long downswing, for instance.) I very tentatively gave these a try with that in mind. It's probably the highest recommendation that I can give that these stories didn't depress me at all; in fact, I felt considerably cheered after reading them.

  • "Doggy Style" by
    fifteendozentimes, Panic! at the Disco/Disney, Spencer Smith/Nicole Anderson, explicit, ~2k. Spencer and Nicole are dog people. In a number of ways.


    I almost didn't read this fic; my Disney RPF knowledge starts with Zac Efron and ends with the Jonas brothers. (Although I still don't know why Kevin Jonas/Mike Carden is so popular. I have so much to learn! I actually learned this while I was not writing the post: no basis in reality. Good to know. But Pete Wentz has tweeted about Joe Jonas in the recent past, so I would say it's not as cracked as it could be.) But I love kinky fic, and even though I'd never read this kink before, I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I've reread this a lot. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised - puppy play isn't that different than werewolf fic - but I am. I love new discoveries!

  • " This Modern Love" by alasse, Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, PG-13, 2700 words. Written for reni_days‘s prompt on the bandom pretend dating festival: spencer has invented an imaginary boyfriend for some longstanding work-related (or other) purpose. his friends (including brendon) all know about the epic story of his pretend romance, and think it is hilarious. eventually, spencer runs into the work people while out with his friends (including brendon) and it turns out that, unbeknownst to him, brendon has been spencer's imaginary boyfriend all along.


    I LOVE PRETEND BOYFRIENDS OMG. (As you'll see in the following recs.) This one's short and sweet and made me giggle, which I always love.

  • "Alternatives to a Panic Button" by
    littlemousling, Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer and Brendon/OFC, explicit, ~6k. Spencer pretends to be Brendon's boyfriend to keep the creeper fans away from him, until he starts wishing it weren't pretend.


    The jealousy in this one is absolutely delicious. As is the pretend gay that becomes real gay. And the banter! And I'm going to stop before I list everything in the story.

  • "Wuthering Heights and Stormy Nights" by
    torakowalski, My Chemical Romance, Bob/Brian, explicit, ~34k. When Bry thought about her post-touring future, she always imagined herself crusading for truth, justice, and girls in the music scene. She'd picture herself managing female artists and female bands because that was where her passion lay, showing that girls had a place in the scene and a right to take it up. She never imagined My Chemical Romance.


    GENDERSWAP YAY. I'm not opposed to genderswap with het, even though my preference is strongly for femmeslash, but I've never read it more intriguing and visceral than it was here. Brian in this story is one of the most compelling characterizations I've ever read, probably because she reminded me so much of women I actually know. The Bob/Brian relationship is fantastic and also feels very real.

    (The other two stories in the universe are just as good in a shorter, smuttier way.)

  • "(take me now) as the sun descends" by
    inlovewithnight, various bands, Pete/Mikey/Gabe, explicit, ~2500 words. Written for the kink_bingo square bites/bruises


    It's no secret that one of my bandom OTPs is Pete/Mikey. It's also no secret that Pete/Gabe's taking a decent-sized portion of my heart. Now throw those two pairings together, add werewolves (Mikey and Gabe!), and put them right before the full moon and give them a biting/bruising kink. That's not just a list of some of my favorite things in the world; it's an exact description of the above story. Yeah. Talk about ensuring I'm going to attach to a story!

    (I've read and reread this fic some ten or so times in the last ten days. I'm sure I'll rack up more reads before long.)

  • " A Life Less Ordinary" by sunsetmog, Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, PG-13, ~6k. Brendon needs a new place to live, and so does Brent's friend Spencer. The problem is, they're running out of options, and the only affordable apartment will only rent to a young professional couple. Are they desperate enough to pretend to be a couple?


    More pretend boyfriends! Apparently, this is very loosely based on Spaced (which I wouldn't know anything about; I'm a terrible Pegg/Frost fan because I've never seen it. :\), but either way, the story was ridiculously charming and perfect.

  • " Runaway Car" by hermette, Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, NC-17, ~8700 words. Spencer's career is going well, but in his last evaluation his boss complains about Spencer's lack of social ambitions. Spencer thinks this is bullshit. He's an accountant, a damn good one, why does he need a social life?

    But now he's suddenly in need of a boyfriend for a function his firm is organising and Spencer has to come up with someone now. He knows Ryan's busy, so he says the first name that pops up in his brain--Brendon, a one night stand Spencer picked up at one of Ryan's parties.

    And now he's in a mess: none of his friends are willing to lie and pretend they're Brendon and his boss wants to meet Brendon beforehand and everyone in his office is asking Spencer about him, happy that he "finally found the right person".


    ...yeah, I can't say much about the pretend boyfriend stories because it's all a bunch of OMG LOVE and similar storylines that are differentiated through the summaries. But trust me: they're all worth reading!

  • " Indoor Fireworks" by fictionalaspect, Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, PG, 5200 words. Spencer has to go home to go to a wedding (Ryan's, his sister's whatever) where he'll have to see his ex-fiance. CONSTANTLY. What to do, what to do? Perhaps he should hire that escort he saw in that magazine article.


    Pretend boyfriends and Brendon-the-escort. Yes, basically. Mmm.

  • "Basement Rhapsody" by
    autoschediastic, MCR and Adam Lambert, Frank/Gerard/Adam/Tommy, explicit, ~14k. When Gerard glances up, Adam's right in front of his face, hand held out. "I'm Adam. Thanks for having us over. Are we doing it down here?"


    I read this one on the beach! Perfect illustration of the beauty of ereaders, if you ask me: sun, surf, and lots of pretty characters having sex. I can't recommend the fic or the experience enough.

  • " Geometry" by helluvalot, FOB/actor RPF, Patrick Stump/Keira Knightley, PG, ~3k.


    I love rare pairings, and this one is pretty much as unlikely as it gets. The story's really sweet, so really, I was content all around.

  • " A Troubling of Hummingbirds" by jukeboxghost, Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer, NC-17, ~11,500 words. "Man," says Spencer, articulately, but Brendon gets it, he does.

    Here they are, here for a few days with two rented surfboards held together by layer after layer of duct tape and surfwax, the sweet smell of pungently rotting kelp, even sweeter surf, fresh fish and smokin' BBQ and gentle dusk every night and it's so utterly indulgent.

    Brendon feels fucking, like, nourished, feels like his insides have been scrubbed clean and copper-bright with wire wool, like all the dust and detritus and loose, lost feelings have been swept neatly into the corner, pruned and weeded and spring-cleaned.

    He takes a huge breath in. "Fuck yeah," he says.


    Brendon/Spencer doesn't get much better than this. The mood and tone of the story is unique and immersive, and it's fun and sexy and lazy and everything a summery surf fic should be. I'll probably pull this one out during the winter, when I'm hating everything about the season.

Fic: Other

  • "Dress Up" by
    such_heights, Amy/Rory, explicit, 1700 words. It's Rory's turn to pick the outfits.


    I love that Amy and Rory, in canon, play dress-up. I love this twist on it (and yes, it's my personal canon). I'm so glad Doctor Who's coming back at the end of the week.

  • " Alone on the Water" by madlori, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, G (but extremely angsty/depressing), ~8k. Sherlock gets an incurable brain tumor. Angst ensues.


    I cried ridiculously hard over this story. That isn't always a recommendation, but in this case, it is; the characterization was very good, and I really liked the ending, downer though it was. I read it at a point where it didn't trigger me, but I'm sure it could very easily do it, so keep that in mind.

  • " For Which I Have To Howl" by emilianadarling, Glee, Kurt/Blaine, NC-17, ~48,500 words. Werewolf AU. Tension is rising in the pack, and having the very-human Kurt Hummel come to visit his brother and boyfriend is putting a strain on everyone. Having Blaine and Kurt mate should help the problem, but the process proves to be more complicated - both physically and emotionally - than either of them could have imagined.

    " My Body Betrays Me" by emilianadarling, Glee, Kurt/Blaine and non-con Kurt/Karofsky, NC-17, ~62k. Kurt’s been in a secret relationship with his roommate at Dalton for months. That would be fine... if he wanted any of it. If he could say no, and if Dave would listen. If he were with Blaine, his wonderful friend from the school’s glee club, instead.


    Believe it or not, I didn't actually find this author from the werewolf fic; I found it through the twisted Ella Enchanted-style story (which is amazing! The amount of my kinks it hits!). But I love them both; they really scratched the urge for long fic I had around the time I finished edits. I've reread them several times in the last month.

  • " Epitaph" by rosa_acicularis, Doctor Who, gen, no rating but it's definitely adult, ~6300 words. When she is in Paris, she sleeps in the catacombs. Written for the then_theres_us vampire challenge.


    This is not only one of the best Doctor Who stories I've ever read, but one of the best vampire stories I've ever read. It's not uncommon for vampire stories to be ones about time, so it's no shock it goes well, but the tone of the story is so perfect and dark that it makes me wriggle with glee. (Which is probably not quite the right reaction for a story this sad, but that's me, I guess.)

  • "Athelas" by
    astolat, Thor, Thor/Loki, explicit, ~19k. There was a sharp and bitter edge crept into the words, a reminder that not all was well: that Thor still had a brother, but not a friend.


    I didn't think I'd like this one; seeing the "Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event" part in the tags gave me pause. But I actually did. It had one of my favorite tropes (which, again, is spoilery, so I won't mention it), and I'm apparently fond enough of Thor/Loki that I can read stories that don't seem initially interesting to me. Neat.

  • "Rigging screws, size 1 3/8 inch, galvanised" by
    ajhall, Sherlock, gen, teen and up, ~15k. "How's a woman supposed to prove her husband's a murderer, dammit?"

    On the eve of a planned voyage to Brittany, Marjorie Jameson starts her day with no problems more pressing than forcing a boatyard to do an emergency repair to the family yacht. A chance encounter at the Cowes hi-speed ferry terminal begins to unravel a web of conspiracy and murder, with her charming, untrustworthy husband Julian right at the centre and Marjorie as the next intended victim.

    But no-one's going to trust the word of an aging housewife whose complaints of abuse the police have previously dismissed as delusions.


    This is the first pure casefic I've read in Sherlock fandom; all gen, pure awesomeness. And the POV character's an original female character! I got sucked in pretty much right away, and judging by the comments and kudos, I wasn't the only one!

  • "The Student Prince" by
    fayjay, Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, mature, ~145k (yes, you read that correctly). A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love...


    I've read a couple modern-day Merlin AUs where the gang is non-magical, and it frustrates the crap out of me. Why would you write it as Merlin if there isn't going to be something going on? A story like this without the magical elements would fit extremely well in Social Network fandom, for instance. (Although I get the casts are very different and the characters have different dynamics...yeah. Still get frustrated.) So this was perfect because hey! Magic happens! And on top of everything, Arthur's still a prince instead of being a business or fortune heir (although that can work well; it was just nice to see how little they changed there).

    But it was just a fun read in general. I loved the non-corporeal dragon, and how Merlin fixed things behind Arthur's back, and of course the ending. If you have time to read nearly 150,000 words of fanfic, there are certainly worse ways to do it! (I read fast, so it took me less than a day. That never hurts.)



  • " Rolling in the Deep" by arefadedaway, all the X-Men movies (minus Wolverine), Erik/Charles. "And I will always be there, old friend." Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, from beginning to end.


    I've seen a lot of First Class-related vids. Heck, I've even started a vidlet of my own that I'll hopefully get to finish next month. But this is pretty much my definitive canon for Erik/Charles. I rewatched the last third of the vid two or three times; it's heartbreaking, but perfect.

  • " Blow" by winterevanesce, Sucker Punch. "It's time to lose your mind & let the crazy out."


    I still haven't seen all of Sucker Punch, but the vid almost makes me not want to; it can't be better than this. (And I don't know what it is, but Ke$ha songs seem to vid incredibly well. No complaints from me!)

  • " Whenever, Wherever" by obsessive24, Twilight, Edward/Jacob. Team Edward/Jacob <3 <3 <3


    For those of you new to my journal: yes, I'm kind of in a weird corner of Twilight fandom. Looooong story there. But the Twilight fic on my fic list isn't an accident or anything. I just tend to get bunnied and follow through when I really have problems with canon, which is why stuff from canon I actually like languishes in my WIP folder and why I nearly had finished Glee fic at one point.

    Anyway. I wish there was more Twilight fandom like this: cracked out and slashy. It's fandom exactly how I know and love it, and fandom that doesn't really seem to exist in Twilight circles. It's self-aware and mocking, but still fond in its own way. (Some people are addicted to badfic. I use RPattz ragging on Twilight to pick me up on bad days.)

  • "Roll With The Changes" by
    fan_eunice, How To Train Your Dragon. I'll be here when you are ready.


    PERFECT VID IS PERFECT. It's an excellent movie summary - so extremely spoilery - and it really conveyed the charming sense of fun the movie had. It even made me teary at the end, which is what happens when I watch the movie.

  • " Bye Bye Bye" by elipie, Social Network. Mark and Eduardo make angsty faces to a 90s boy band song, which just so happens to be sung by the actor playing their homewrecker.


    The summary says it all, really. Extremely clever idea, fun execution.

  • " I Swear" by dualbunny, greensilver, and sweetestdrain, Smallville, Clark/Lex. 12 years later. A Clark/Lex story.


    This was apparently the hit of Vividcon this year, and for good reason: rahnekat1 and I watched it together, and we laughed so hard we cried. And it wasn't just one moment; we got worse and worse as time went on. This is the pinnacle in cracked-out goodness.

  • "Hook Shot" by
    kuwdora, multifandom. Female BAMFs for the win.


    I love the female-centric vids that come out of VVC, and I love kickass women vids, and this is no exception. Extra-awesome bonus: Kitty from Breakfast on Pluto! I just about cheered when I saw her.

  • " Thistle and Weeds" by sisabet, Game of Thrones. Fire cannot kill the dragon


    If "Dany theme vid set to Mumford & Sons" doesn't sell you, I don't know what will. It's heartachingly good.

  • " Freakum Dress" by sweetestdrain, all the Batman movies (minus the Adam West one). "Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must become a creature of the night, black, terrible..."


    THE BATSUIT IS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS. This vid is perfection. I'd never heard the Beyonce song before, but it's a perfect fit.

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