001 || Video

Nov 14, 2011 23:58

[Hello, Barge. Ivy is sitting in the midst of a circle of trees, too perfect a shape to be natural. Her hostages - Kirk, Prefect, Hoffman, Rex and Ariadne - are sitting around her, none of them beyond arm's length. They all have a slightly dazed, affected look about them; the vines around Ivy's wrists have grown around them, encircling wrists and ankles. They aren't 'tied up' as such; if they wanted to they could get free. Black Jack is a little further away and clearly still has his wits about him.]

Wardens. Fellow Inmates.

My name is Poison Ivy.

I'm going to spare you the speech about how I'm here without trial, against my will. As I'm sure certain members of your crew will be dying to tell you, I'm no stranger to being hothoused by incompetents. In return, you can spare me the speech describing how I've been snatched from the jaws of death and dumped here so that I might earn my freedom. I've already gathered the details from your indulgence of less observant newcomers.

[She smiles almost cordially.]

Now we all understand how reciprocity works, my terms. The Admiral is apparently beyond my reach, and I'm not petty enough to take out my frustrations on his hired hands. [At the moment.] As a gesture of good will, I will release - half - these people. They're strangers to me, and they're unhurt - ask the doctor if you must. Their only crime was happening to cross my path. And if the rest of you would have the tact to leave me in peace then I will release the others in due course.

This won't be a permanent arrangement. If the lot of you can demonstrate willing to meet me halfway, I will reopen this place to its usual pollutants. And it will be more beautiful than you've ever seen it. I can promise you that.

[She glances over her shoulder.] That seems fair, doesn't it?

[There's a blurry chorus of 'yes, Ivy' from the five people around her. She turns back to face the camera.]

Alternatively, you can try some heroics, in which case, I can't be expected to hold to my end of this arrangement. I'm aware of the 'death toll'. I can't deny there's a certain appeal. Before now, besides setting a good example, it's always seemed meaningless to design a death to remember. But here? No time to push up daisies. They'll actually remember it.

All I want is some peace and quiet. Think about it.

[OOC: EDITED FOR A THING I FORGOT TO MENTION: At this point, Ivy will have Black Jack escort Ariadne and Prefect out of the CES.  Their pheromones should wear off completely just as they're leaving.

Relevant plotting post is here, and I'll be putting up a thread for takedown purposes in an hour or so.  ADDITIONAL REQUEST for hostages and takedown-ers: I would ideally like Ivy to score at least a couple of fatalities or serious injuries during the course of this, and since she's taken Kirk's phaser it's feasible beyond her plant powers.  I know this is partly a case of 'log it out and see how it goes' but if you'd potentially be okay with this then please let me know.  FWIW death toll will only last 'til Thursday because of port.  In which everyone will be dead.  Ironically.]
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