So I never got to post about The God Complex last weekend what with being sick and then having too much time to think about it - meaning instead of a short bullet points post I have MANY THOUGHTS about the episode and some of how it ties into the rest of the season
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Comments 11
As for being old-fashioned I don't know how that relates to not seeing women as subservient to men. That is the old-fashioned way of seeing things after all, which is why using the name has so much baggage associated with it.
The Doctor also confronted Gibbis with his slyness, saying he used a ruse of fear but in reality he was sly and that was his true means of self-preservation. Frankly, I'm not sure the Minotaur was real either!
I still think somehow this will all echo back to the Time Lord Victorious, yet I'm not convinced RTD and SM would have colluded on a multi-series arc. Would they? (I'm also abstaining from spoilers BTW so that's just my own crackpot theory! I don't even know the title of any of the episodes including the one tonight.)
The Minotaur did remain after everything stopped so I'm going with it being real but I doubt that it was there for the reason the Doctor thought.
They would not have had to colluded for it to be connected! RTD put it out there and now that Moffat is charge he can use it or not as he pleases the same with anything from the Classic series. However, I would be happy to see an explicit connection there since WoM raised so many questions about the Doctor.
Reading this made me contemplate if perhaps older!Amy survives, she somehow becomes the (obviously quite bitter toward the Doctor) Mme. Kavorian? That could be really interesting...
Plus I think that neither of the Doctors we've seen is the real Doctor. I think RockThatToga!Jesus!Doctor is the real one, the Doctor (Compressed Time) Winston put in the Tower of London, as seen in the preview pics for The Wedding of River Song. OH BABY I'm BEATIN OUT A SAMBA.
It's threefold man, friends.
If I'm not right I'll eat a fez.
As for there being fake!Doctors about that would not surprise me at all! However, much has been made of other Doctors as also being the Doctor so I'm not sure how that's going to play out. (I think it would annoy me for the Doctor not to remember much of season 6 since he wasn't there - other versions were. I don't mind time loops and resets so long as the main characters remember and are affected.)
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