Title: Happines
Fandom Smallville
Pairings:Chloe/Davis Clark/Alicia
Rated: PG-13
Word Count: 1,668
Summary: Clark muses everyone's happiness on Chloe's wedding day as he ponders about how they got there.
Disclaimer: I don't own Smallville if I did Alicia and Davis would have not died.
It was finally over and Chloe and Davis could finally be happy. If anyone deserved it, it was them. Read more... Beware it's mushy! )
Comments 2
Aww! That's just lovely! XD
Two de-fail relationships- it's like 'Bride' if it had been happy and if it had 'worked'.
Chlavis and Clalicia? yays!!
I just love Calicia and Chlavis. And just love the idea of both of them being together.
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