Concentric Fic - Week 2

May 18, 2010 20:52

Well, we had two fics for the Week 1 prompt:

  • strangecreature wrote: Irreversible Things - Jurassic Park III, Billy/Alan, PG, ~1800 words
  • I wrote: You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But He Can't Always Drink - NCIS, Tony/multiple, R, ~1800 words

  • This week's prompt: Accidental Marriage. :D Ever woken up with a wedding band on your finger and no clue how it got there? Twirled around the campfire one too many times? ;) Take it for a spin, see what you come up with.

    (Prompts for last week are still welcome, just leave a comment - or if you have questions. :))

    concentric ficcing

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