Title: The Mission Fandoms: Firefly/Angel the Series Pairing: Jayne Cobb/Cordelia Chase, Jayne/Kaylee implied Rating: PG-13 A/N: This can be considered as part of my Time and Space series. A prequel even.
I shall now inflict you with the Wes/Angel spatz dance combo.
Hehe. This made me very happy- the story, not the 'you-call-that-dancing?' part. :P
Her pretty face is a frown and Jayne can’t refuse a frownin’ woman. He’s had Kaylee do it enough times and it’s worse than cryin’.
I'll have to remember that if I ever meet Jayne *bg*
So he keeps still and tries to listen as best he can without getting distracted by her breasts swaying so prettily.
*rolls eyes at Jayne* Trust him not to recognize a higher being when she materializes in his room. Yup, focus on the important parts, Jayne :P
Jayne wants to hold on to her, mesmerized by the glow of her lips he can feel inside his brain, but he holds back because he knows somehow that he can’t actually touch her.
Phew! I'm glad he realized it! :D And I really can see Cordy looking down at him and having her hands on him.
Sooo beautiful. And it fits into your Time & Space 'verse too. Lucky us.
Aww! *adores* Thank you! I'm so very glad you liked it! Jayne and Cordy are such a great combination. I totally adored writing them. Jayne's pretty superstitious in my book, so I can totally see him believing in this "being" visiting him and not batting an eye. And Cordy would *so* be all over him even from so far up in her higher being post. She'd like teasing him and bossing him around, I think.
*hugs* Thank you for the detailed feedback and the dancing, hugging, squee-age! :D
Oh! :D A Time and Space prequel and Cordy/Jayne all in one shot... Awesome :) This is great, Chlare. Fun and interesting, and your Jayne voice is just right. Aw, and there's Jayne/Wes friendship on the horizon here :) I love it, love it, love it. May I add this to the Masterlist?
Thank you! I kind of cheated, since I didn't want to have to invent a way that they would know each other, thought I'd throw them in Time and Space. :)
your Jayne voice is just right.
Thank you! He's like Spike - a little hard not to go over the top with.
May I add this to the Masterlist?
Yes, you may. :) I left a comment with the link for this in the Masterlist comments.
As always, your Jayne-voice makes me go "Raaargh" with jealousy. *g*
The concept of Cordy still up there looking out for the boys is just plain sweet. Excellent concept. And the fact that Jayne verifies "he ain't crazy" by talking to his gun?? Hee! :D
*is flattered* Yeah, Jayne and his gun are too cute to pass up. And considering he thought his gun was a fair trade for a woman, I wouldn't put it past him to talk to Vera too.
That was perfect though. Aw! Cordy's makin' sure her boys are okay. It's always nice when people are concerned about Wes. And he'll be in good with Jayne watching his back. *tries very hard not to get slashy Jayne/Wes thoughts* ...
*snort* I can picture Jayne having a conversation with his Vera.
Comments 14
Haven't read yet but SO excited about Revolving Doors!!
(will read tomorrow when sober *g*)
Hehe. This made me very happy- the story, not the 'you-call-that-dancing?' part. :P
Her pretty face is a frown and Jayne can’t refuse a frownin’ woman. He’s had Kaylee do it enough times and it’s worse than cryin’.
I'll have to remember that if I ever meet Jayne *bg*
So he keeps still and tries to listen as best he can without getting distracted by her breasts swaying so prettily.
*rolls eyes at Jayne* Trust him not to recognize a higher being when she materializes in his room. Yup, focus on the important parts, Jayne :P
Jayne wants to hold on to her, mesmerized by the glow of her lips he can feel inside his brain, but he holds back because he knows somehow that he can’t actually touch her.
Phew! I'm glad he realized it! :D And I really can see Cordy looking down at him and having her hands on him.
Sooo beautiful. And it fits into your Time & Space 'verse too. Lucky us.
Thank you! *gives you, Cordy & Jayne a bear hug*
*hugs* Thank you for the detailed feedback and the dancing, hugging, squee-age! :D
your Jayne voice is just right.
Thank you! He's like Spike - a little hard not to go over the top with.
May I add this to the Masterlist?
Yes, you may. :) I left a comment with the link for this in the Masterlist comments.
As always, your Jayne-voice makes me go "Raaargh" with jealousy. *g*
The concept of Cordy still up there looking out for the boys is just plain sweet. Excellent concept. And the fact that Jayne verifies "he ain't crazy" by talking to his gun?? Hee! :D
Really enjoyed this!
*is flattered* Yeah, Jayne and his gun are too cute to pass up. And considering he thought his gun was a fair trade for a woman, I wouldn't put it past him to talk to Vera too.
Now to check on the other pairing...
That was perfect though. Aw! Cordy's makin' sure her boys are okay. It's always nice when people are concerned about Wes. And he'll be in good with Jayne watching his back. *tries very hard not to get slashy Jayne/Wes thoughts* ...
*snort* I can picture Jayne having a conversation with his Vera.
Brilliant. :)
Yes. :) Jayne is such a dork.
And Cordy has always been the boys' keeper I think. She'd be the one to get Angel and Wes together.
Wes has enough men after him in that series as it is. :)
Jayne/Vera = OTP
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