home again

Oct 16, 2007 15:39

My return home was everything I thought it would be. Greeted by my brothers, but only after the puppies jumped me, occasionally growling at the strange smells (I think they smell Akako and Miako on me). I didn't even get the chance to change into some older robes. And now, I have a set of newer-older robes for when I need them.

The first thing I did (after a bath and a change of clothes) was go to my room and sleep. With the puppies insisting I shouldn't be by myself. Takanobu let me sleep in, which was rather kind of him. And odd. Monks don't sleep in.

I found out why when I saw the mail.

My packages managed to beat me home. But more than that, a letter awaited me from Ieyoshi in Konoha. Barring official business approved by the Hokage... I've been barred from the village.

Ieyoshi didn't know why; he said that information wasn't made public. But I can well enough assume the reason - I was the instigator of what happened to Kureno-san. And considering his punishment, which was made public...

Rin-san wasn't in trouble at least. And Asuka's still hospitalized.

I need to write letters to everyone, just to let them know I made it home all right.

asuka, rin, great fire temple, kureno

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