CHINGUX 2014: growl me out (1/1) for colourstacia

Aug 22, 2014 00:08

Title: Growl Me Out
Author: coffeeromances
Recipient: colourstacia
Pairing/Focus: Chinguline Friendship Dynamic, teeny tiny bit of Chenyeol
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unusual blood sightings lol
Length: 5212
Summary: Messing with an angry coordinator is like waiting for an accident to happen, especially when that coordinator is named Do Kyungsoo.

"And the victor is Challenger Baekhyun."

"YEAH. We did it." Baekhyun screams at the top of his lungs, urging Pikachu to come over to his embrace.

"Very impressive. I never thought my Moltres would be beaten by such a tiny little creature. Here you are young man, the flare badge. You are now closer to being able to qualify for the Pokemon league." Beijing gym leader Wu Yi Fan hands over the wing shaped flame emblem to the celebrating Baekhyun.

"Aw hell to the yes. I got a flare badge." Baekhyun poses as if he's in some sort of TV show adaptation of their lives as Pokemon trainers.

"Yeah yeah. Stop with this nonsense and let's go. I want to be able to see the festival." Fellow Pokemon trainer and best friend of Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae, interrupts his triumphant cheering and shuts down his inflating ego by grabbing the badge and quickly hides it in the front pocket of his red skinny jeans.

"Hey. Give it back."

Pikachu shakes his head in shame and uses his nose to click the Pokeball button. He must have been tired after a long and hard battle with such a talented gym leader from the Asia region.

"Alright. Alright. I give. Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Baekhyun announces, dragging Jongdae by the arm outside of the scorching hot building leaving the referee and gym leader Wu Yifan watching them leave.

"That kid is something alright. He's going to make it far. Far into the galaxy." Yifan mumbles to himself, receiving a nod from the referee.

"JJAJANGMYEON." Baekhyun excitedly shouts walking towards the food stand packed with tons of people. A Poochyena barks at the fast approaching Baekhyun and stops after his owner calms him down.

“Easy Mr. Pooch, Easy." Poochyena growls at the stunned Baekhyun, canine teeth itching to bite a nasty chunk out of Baekhyun's exposed legs.

The owner picks up his Pokemon and glares at Baekhyun rather accusingly. "Will you watch it? You should know better than to run towards a Poochyena." The trainer blames Baekhyun for startling his Pokemon and abruptly stands up from his seat to leave.

"I'm sorry?" Baekhyun half-heartedly apologizes, thinking that he didn't do anything wrong.

"What was that all about?" Jongdae speaks up from behind, curious as to why some random guy blew off steam on his best friend.

"Beats me. He probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Let's eat. I'm hungry." Baekhyun's stomach, right on cue, growls like how the Poochyena from earlier did and receives a laugh from Jongdae.

"I can see that. No wonder that cute little Poochyena growled at you." Jongdae teases and skips towards the long line forming in front of the apparently popular food stand. Baekhyun and Jongdae haven’t had Jjajangmyeon in a very long time. Not since they’ve left the Asia region to explore other regions of the world to catch new Pokemon.

The two order their food and make their way towards an empty table. They sit down and start eating their freshly cooked, still warm noodles while having conversations about the gym battle and what they are planning to do after eating. A couple of minutes later, after Baekhyun's endless victory boasting and Jongdae's countless eye rolls in between bites, they head out to enjoy the rest of the activities set up for the EXO festival which happens only once a year in the city of Beijing. They planned their arrival accordingly so that after challenging the gym leader, they get to enjoy the festival that a lot of Pokemon enthusiasts religiously attend.

Different kinds of people are walking around, glancing at trinket stalls, gawking at magicians with their telekinetic Pokemon performing, and going on rides with built in Trainer+Pokemon seats so that the Pokemon too can enjoy. Parents with their children holding Pokemon shaped balloons exit a stall selling Igglybuff, Pichu, Elekid, Togepi, Smoochum, Magby, and Clefa balloons. An Alakazam is performing in front of a fast gathering crowd as he bends a human sized spoon using his psychic ability while the magician juggles three pokeballs with a Spoink jumping from one ball to another. A Pokemon grooming stand in the middle of the pavilion entertains several Pokemon trainers emphasizing on the appearance of their elegantly bred Pokemon. All nine tails of a Ninetails are being meticulously brushed simultaneously by nine people while a Gardevoir is being pampered with a mani-pedi. Several amusement park games are set where in couples and teenagers gather to win prizes for their significant others. At the far left side of the park holds Pokemon trainer battles, ranging from beginners to Pokemon league champion hopefuls.

"Ooh ooh. Let's go to that." Baekhyun excitedly points at an intense battle between a Machamp and a Scizzor.

"Baek, your Pokemon are exhausted. One Pokemon center trip doesn't mean they're fully recharged. Let them rest for a bit. Enjoy the festival for pete’s sake. I didn’t come all the way back here to Asia just to watch you fight battles." Jongdae pats Baekhyun's shoulder as his two eyes follow a tall Pokemon trainer dressed in a long, black cape and a fedora hat holding a cane stick as he walks along side his Smeargle towards a huge red tent opposite the battle arenas.
"What's that? Let’s go check it out." Jongdae points to the tent as a crowd of people enter; an indication that a show or whatever it is that's going to happen in there is about to start.

"Fine. But we won't stay long though. I want to ride the Ekans roller coaster and go to the Duskull haunted house later." Baekhyun agrees, pulling Jongdae towards the venue in a hurry just to get it over with so he can finally have some fun at the battle arenas.

As the two finally enter through the extremely cramped security checkpoint at the entrance of the tent, the speakers around them blast the familiar voice of the Pokemon Contest MC. "Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats as we are about to start the Pokemon contest." The speaker wearing the black crisp suit announces the start of the show.

"Aw lame. It's just a Pokemon contest. Isn't this just about dressing up your Pokemon or something?" Baekhyun remarks in disappointment but is immediately shushed by Jongdae from his left side eager to finally get a chance to watch a Pokemon contest in real life. Baekhyun doesn’t really appreciate the art of Pokemon contests so he does not bother attending them, despite Jongdae’s protests claiming that the latter just wants to experience it once. It never pulls through, however. After all, Jongdae can never get through Baekhyun’s extremely stubborn and thick head.

"Welcome everyone to the annual Beijing EXO Festival. It's my pleasure to introduce the mayor of Beijing for a few words." The speaker climbs down the pedestal and gestures to a blond, angelic looking man wearing a suit similar but a bit more sophisticated than the one the MC is wearing. He must be well off, Baekhyun guesses.

"Hello everyone. To those who are visiting our beautiful city, I am Kim Joonmyeon, mayor of Beijing and I gladly welcome you to this year's annual EXO festival. I am delighted that the Pokemon contest is finally being held at our city. I wish all the coordinators the best of luck and once again, welcome to Beijing everyone. Enjoy." The man, Joonmyeon, despite being the mayor, doesn’t seem like he’s cut out for the job. But then again, Baekhyun has no idea who he is so he pushes away the thought of a city full of rules but when broken, people are given leeway because of the obvious fact that Joonmyeon looks like he can’t even hurt a fly let alone punish those who don’t follow the rules on the dot. He is probably more than meets the eye.

A loud roar of applause bounces from corner to corner as the contest begins with a ring of a bell coming from the judges table.

"Now. Everybody knows all the rules so I will not explain further. Here is your esteemed panel of judges."

The lights dim and a spotlight illuminates three individuals sitting on an elevated rectangular table at the middle of the audience seats.

"First, from our very own Pokemon Center, we welcome Nurse Yixing." The audience claps as a dark haired man in a typical white nurse outfit stands up from his seat smiling to the crowd with deep indentations on his cheeks.

"Those are really deep dimples." Baekhyun mutters, restlessly tapping the armrest attached to his seat, antsy to leave. He could have been jumping up and down celebrating yet another victory instead of watching this stupid show about Pokemon and their appearances.

"Up next we have our mayor, Kim Joonmyeon." The familiar angelic faced man stands up and waves to the crowd.

"Hey look isn't that…?" Jongdae takes a closer look as the speaker interrupts his question.

"And last but definitely not the least, our very own, world renowned gym leader, Wu Yifan." A much louder applause from the previous two judges echoes throughout the tent. Baekhyun covers his internally bleeding ears as three girls right next to him squeal like delusional fangirls. "KRIS KYAAAA."

Baekhyun impatiently nudges Jongdae to leave but is once again hushed by his friend, still occupied from glancing around trying to find something or perhaps someone.

"Who are you looking for?" Baekhyun finally asks. "Is it that guy wearing that tacky cape from earlier?"

"NO." Jongdae defends himself almost immediately. "And it wasn't that tacky."

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, slumping down in his very uncomfortable chair in defeat, knowing that once his best friend is hooked on to something-err someone, they will never be able to leave any time soon. Baekhyun’s and Jongdae’s personalities are similar in this aspect which is both good and bad. With both being stubborn, one can only imagine how they manage to not kill each other and still stay as best friends.

"And without further ado, let the first round begin. First up, Gentleman Park."

The man wearing the coat and the fedora hat emerges from the stage doors and walks towards the designated area.

"Hey, found your little crush." Baekhyun teases the other, noticing that Jongdae looks like he’s going to bore holes for staring too much.

"What are you twelve? I don't have a crush on him." Jongdae fails to convince Baekhyun because of how unwavering Jongdae's gaze is towards the man at the middle.

The gentleman walks to the center and smiles creepily at the audience. "What's his deal?" Baekhyun raises an eyebrow. He just wishes he can just leave and go to the battle arenas.

The man with the creepy, ear-to-ear smile unclips two pokeballs from his belt and throws them. Suddenly, the stage lights shut off, dimming the tent aside from the lights illuminating the audience portion of the venue.

Two sets of hooves stomp the pavement, lifting a cloud of dust all around the center. The entire audience squint their eyes and crane their necks trying to figure out what the two Pokemon were.

As the blinding cloud dissipates, faint flames slowly appear and two elegant creatures of the wild emerge.

"Aww. That is so adorable." A school girl from Baekhyun's right squeals.

"I know right." Jongdae cheekily agrees receiving an eye roll from the extremely annoyed Baekhyun.

An elegant but fierce looking Rapidash stands proud on all fours along with a just as elegant but smaller in size Ponyta standing right beside her. The man at the center starts off by slowly trudging towards the flaming horses, increasing the anticipation forming around the audience. He rubs his hand on the back of his Rapidash and receives a nuzzle from his Ponyta. After one small barely noticeable nod, the two horses gallop around the ring with such amazing speed, causing the dirt to swirl around once more. Gentleman Park taps his cane on the ground two times, signaling his Ponyta to jump out of the whirlpool of dirt. A second tap occurs, this time only one, signaling Rapidash to dash out of the brewing mini sand storm.

"Fire spin." The gentleman orders and Rapidash slowly breathes out plumes of fire, encircling the exterior of the sand storm. Ponyta suddenly jumps inside the sand storm on fire and roars an attack that is familiarized as ember pointing towards the ceiling. After a few minutes, the sandstorm slowly dissipates with the two horses still producing fire attacks nonstop. The crowd gasps in amazement as they slowly but surely realize what the performance was all about. The careful precision of the use of the fire attacks of both Pokemon produced a cage made up of their ember and fire spin, trapping Ponyta inside, neck craning upwards still, accentuating a look of desperation, of wanting to get out while the Rapidash looks as if she is trying to break the cage to free her foal using her own fire attacks but to no use.

"How very poetic. Now can we go?" Baekhyun pesters the amazed Jongdae, eyes unblinking as he witnesses a one of a kind performance. "You can leave if you want, I don't really care. We'll just meet up at the Pokemon center in a few hours."

"Fine. Geez. No need to shoo me away."

As Baekhyun stands from his seat, Gentleman Park finishes his performance with a bow alongside his two magnificent stallions. A round of applause fill the room as Baekhyun makes his way out of the seats and towards the exit.

The next competitor appears in Baekhyun’s point of view as he climbs down the theatre style audience seats. It’s the rude man with the Poochyena from earlier. Baekhyun stops midway, curious to see what this man can do, waiting for him to embarrass himself because Baekhyun believes in Karma. He silently laughs to himself as the man walks to the middle of the arena.

"Now for our next contestant, Coordinator Do.”

The man throws two Pokeballs to the center and a Happiny appears right next to a towering Torterra. The cute little pink baby Pokemon is a complete contrast to the gigantic, stern looking turtle Pokemon right next to her.

"Terra, fissure,” the tiny man commands. A few seconds after the command, a low shaking sound signals the crumbling of the entire building. The audience struggle to grab on to their seats and railings as debris falls all over the arena and dust blinds their vision. Baekhyun tips over the railing and luckily grabs on to it, hanging from the metal bars over a 10 foot tall fall. A gasp from the crowd diverts their attention from the unnoticed performance towards the screaming Baekhyun.

The coordinator throws an annoyed and irritated glare at the man in distress. "Terra, Happy, get him down."

Jongdae notices the two Pokemon moving towards where Baekhyun was hanging.

"Look over there." Jongdae shouts, making the crowd look towards the direction of the Pokemon.

Torterra positions himself right under Baekhyun still screaming for help, while Happiny slowly lifts the enormous Pokemon with her small hands.

"Woah." The entire crowd utters in awe at the spectacle that is happening right in front of them. However it is still too steep of a fall for Baekhyun to let go.

"Terra, sunny day and growth." The annoyed man orders once more, crossing his arms.
A blast of blinding light illuminates the room and Terra's stems grow slowly in size until it reaches Baekhyun's dangling two feet. As the light fades, an explosion of applause fills the room. Happiny slowly lowers Torterra and Baekhyun climbs down from the branches of the gigantic leaf Pokemon. Two medics and a Chansey run towards Baekhyun and escort him out of the arena towards the first aid tent right outside of the contest venue.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to temporarily postpone the competition for maintenance and safety reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience. In the mean time, please enjoy the other activities of the festival." The event host announces to the audience in an apologetic tone.

Jongdae rushes towards the first aid tent after squeezing his way out of the larger one. "Baek?" Jongdae shouts trying to find Baekhyun.

"Shhh." A Chansey shushes him and points towards sleeping patients and Pokemon on portable hospital beds.

"Oh sorry." Jongdae mutters in apology, quietly tiptoeing towards the ward where Baekhyun is lying down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay. Just scratches from the branches of Torterra and my sore hand." Baekhyun sits up from the bed and brushes dirt off his shirt.

"You're lucky Torterra and Happiny were there to save you. You could have gotten seriously injured."

"Yeah. I have to thank him somehow. But I don’t know where to find him."

The two check out of the ward and walk all the way back to the battle arena. They settle on a bench after buying two ice cream cones to counter the immense heat. They both release their Pokemon for a breath of fresh air after staying in their pokeballs for too long. Jongdae's Plusle and Minun are playing zap tag with Baekhyun’s Pikachu while Baekhyun’s Altaria and Jongdae’s Pelipper quietly sleeps next to each other on a branch of the tree right behind them. Baekhyun’s Espeon nuzzles in between his legs underneath the bench that the two are sitting on.

A few minutes pass and several ice cream cones are thrown at the trash bin when suddenly, a shadow blocks Baekhyun’s nice stream of light from the sun up above.
Baekhyun immediately registers that it’s the Poochyena owner/life saver from earlier and quickly stands up to thank him for saving his life. “Thank---“

“You owe me an apology.” The man disrupts his expression of gratitude with a scrunched up face trying to show anger but fails because of that overly cute baby face.

Baekhyun stands in silence, failing to register what the man in front of him has just said. “What?”

“I said you owe me an apology.” The man, Coordinator Do Baekhyun guesses, repeats in a much louder tone.

Baekhyun couldn’t believe that this man can be so rude even though he has already thanked him for saving him earlier. “Apologize for what? I’m already thanking you for saving me. Excuse me if I’m being rude but I think I have nothing to apologize to you for.”

“What’s going on here?” Jongdae pipes up from his seat after being woken up by the loud confrontation happening between his best friend and the coordinator from earlier.

“This is none of your business.” Coordinator Do says almost immediately leaving Jongdae speechless.

“Hey. You have no right to act so rudely to people you don’t know.” Baekhyun retorts feeling overprotective over his best friend. As Jongdae is about to punch the guy in the face, some tall guy appears out of nowhere.

“What is it now?” A deep voice rings in all their ears as the tall guy stands right next to the angry coordinator.

“He needs to apologize to me.” The angry coordinator says with a humph to his overly tall best friend.

The tall man sighs. “I’m Park Chanyeol. This is my friend Do Kyungsoo. Please excuse my friend here for his behavior. I apologize in his behalf--.”

“Why are you apologizing, he’s the one who needs to say sorry.”

Chanyeol sighs once more and diverts his gaze towards Jongdae who he notices staring at him with a twinkle in his eyes. “Wanna get Churros? I’m not in the mood for this.”

Jongdae nods his head in agreement, not being able to say anything as a blush forms on his cheeks.

The two walk away from the scene towards the Churro stand. “You’re gonna get it later Park Chanyeol.” The angry coordinator shouts and turns his attention back to the equally fuming Baekhyun.

“Who do you think you are? I don’t need to apologize to someone who is so rude.”

“You’re the rude one. You ruined my performance by that stupid stunt. I’m supposed to win that contest. Now I’m disqualified just because they told me I put you in danger. Why were you standing near the railings anyway? You’re supposed to watch the people perform not stand up and leave. Now that’s rude. And you startled my Poochyena from earlier.”

“I said thank you didn’t I? It wasn’t my fault you almost destroyed the tent and almost killed everyone inside it. That would have gotten you disqualified either way. I didn’t need saving anyways. And I didn’t do anything to your Poochyena. I’m free to be excited over food whenever I please.”

“Why you little!” As Kyungsoo is about to hit him, Baekhyun stops the man by holding up his hand.

“How about we settle this through a Pokemon battle? Whoever loses apologizes for being rude and disrespectful.” Baekhyun offers, a smile starting to form as he feels that he will beat this rude person in front of him.

Kyungsoo squints his eyes and breathes through his nose heavily. “Fine. Whoever loses apologizes for being rude.”

Baekhyun notices the grin forming from the other man. Baekhyun isn’t one to brag but he’s pretty sure he’s a good Pokemon trainer, especially after defeating the esteemed Beijing gym leader. This man is just all talk and no action, Baekhyun thinks to himself.

With unparalleled confidence oozing from both of them, they situate themselves at a reasonable distance and prepare their pokeballs for battle.

“I can’t wait for you to kneel down and apologize for ruining my performance.” Kyungsoo utters from his side.

“What did you say? You can’t wait to apologize to me?” Baekhyun mocks the other in retort.

“We shall see. Pokeball go.”

Baekhyun was half expecting Torterra to fight his battles for him seeing he’s so overly confident yet so child-like. But what he didn’t expect was the little Poochyena from earlier. Baekhyun barely contains his laughter as he sees small little Poochyena growl at him.

“Bad idea.” Kyungsoo mischievously grins at him.

“Pikachu go.” Baekhyun releases Pikachu from his pokeball and the electric mouse excitedly emits sparks from his red tinted cheeks. “Bolt Tackle.” Pikachu replenishes his barely contained energy and readies himself at a running distance before charging towards the oddly relaxed Poochyena. Poochyena simply turns sideways making Pikachu miss his attack.

“Is that really the best you’ve got?” Kyungsoo mocks with his devilish grin.

Several minutes pass and Pikachu slowly wears down attack after attack that keeps on missing. “Pikachu, are you sure you can still fight?” Baekhyun asks with an extremely worried face seeing that his Pokemon is extremely exhausted and worn out. Pikachu nods twice despite the obvious weakening of his electrical charge.
On the other side of the battle field, Poochyena yawns while scratching his ears with his hind legs. “And here I thought Pokemon league champion hopefuls are hard to beat. I am extremely underwhelmed.”

The loud exchanges of insults attract several people passing by, slowly forming a crowd encircling the battle. As the battle ensues and the crowd increases in size, Jongdae and Chanyeol make their back towards them with their newly bought, already half-way bitten, churros. “What’s going on? What’s everyone looking at?” Jongdae stands on his tiptoes, internally cursing for being so short.

Chanyeol giggles. “It’s Kyungsoo and your little friend with the attitude. They’re still going at it.”

Jongdae gives up and pushes through the thick throng of people while Chanyeol follows suit.

Baekhyun, clenching his tight fists harder by the second, finally snaps. “No wonder you got disqualified. You barely put any effort in battling and you let your Pokemon do all your hard work. You probably don’t even care about your Pokemon.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widen at the harsh words Baekhyun has thrown at him. Without even talking back, Kyungsoo signals Poochyena to attack. Poochyena suddenly turns rabid and runs towards the exhausted Pikachu at record speed whilst readying his sharp fangs.

Sharp teeth sink through Pikachu’s soft yellow skin causing Pikachu to groan in pain. Pikachu faints almost instantly at the sudden contact between teeth and flesh. Poochyena releases his grip on Pikachu’s left arm and walks back a few steps, staring at the now unconscious Pikachu.

“PIKACHU!!!.” Baekhyun screams in shock as he registers the trickle of red liquid slowly oozing out of the small Pokemon unto the pavement.

Baekhyun runs towards Pikachu in a hurry as the crowd gasps in response. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” Baekhyun, cradling the seriously injured Pikachu in his arms, yells at the shocked Kyungsoo.

“I-I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to seriously hurt him. I-I…” Kyungsoo apologizes with a stutter, guilt eating at his insides after the fated accident.

“Baek. Take him to the first aid tent. NOW.” Jongdae runs towards Baekhyun and urges him to get Pikachu medical attention.

“I got it.” Chanyeol offers his hand. “I took first aid classes before I became a coordinator. Jongdae, find some cloth to stop the bleeding. Kyungie, make yourself useful and call for help. Ask for Nurse Yixing, tell him I sent you. Hurry.”

Kyungsoo, unable to move, snaps out of his shocked daze and immediately runs towards the direction of the first aid tent.

Broken sobs silence the murmuring crowd around them. “Baekhyun, get yourself together. You need to be strong for your Pokemon.”

Baekhyun wipes his tear stained cheek as he cradles the little Pokemon in his now bloody hands.

Jongdae comes back with a piece of cloth and hands it to Chanyeol. “Hold him upright please.” Chanyeol orders to Baekhyun who quickly obliges. Chanyeol folds the cloth expertly and wraps it around the deeply injured wound on Pikachu’s arm.

As Chanyeol finishes up with the last knots holding the cloth together, the sound of wheels approaching catches their attention. “Make way people. Stretcher coming through.” A familiar dark haired man from the contest earlier runs towards the scene with two Chanseys pulling a stretcher behind him.

“Nurse Yixing. Thank you for coming right away. This Pokemon is badly injured and needs blood transfusion immediately.”

“Just doing my job. Stand back people.” Nurse Yixing instructs the crowd to keep their distance as he signals the Chanseys to transfer Pikachu to the stretcher. “Who’s the owner of this Pokemon?”

Baekhyun pops out of nowhere, face still plastered with a worried look. “I am. Will Pikachu be okay?”

Nurse Yixing nods to the commanding Chansey and the two run back towards the first aid tent pushing the stretcher carrying Pikachu. “We’ll do everything we can but next time, please take better care of your Pokemon. They can only take so much and Pokemon center visits do not completely heal them.”

As Nurse Yixing and the others rush back towards the tent, Kyungsoo watches them pass by, tearing his gaze away feeling guilty for what he had done.

Several hours pass when the treatment is finally done and Pikachu is well bandaged and sleeping like a baby. Baekhyun has been watching him the whole time whilst Jongdae and Chanyeol stay outside of the ward Pikachu is stationed in.

“Where’s your friend?” Jongdae asks Chanyeol as he sips his glass of water offered by the resident Chansey.

“No clue.” Chanyeol notices Jongdae furrow his brows as he thinks. “I know Kyungsoo did something very wrong but he’s not a bad guy.”

“Tell that to him. It’s his Pikachu that’s seriously injured.” Jongdae points to Baekhyun holding his Pokemon’s uninjured hand.

Chanyeol simply nods in understanding.

A few minutes after the successful treatment, Kyungsoo comes inside the tent and makes his way behind where Chanyeol and Jongdae are standing. In a low whisper, Kyungsoo speaks up grabbing the attention of the two. “How’s Pikachu doing?”

The two turn their heads in unison and stare at the disheveled looking Kyungsoo. Chanyeol pats his tired friend on the shoulders. “Apologize to him.”

Kyungsoo slowly walks towards Baekhyun and stops at a distance, not too close and familiar, but not too far and informal. Baekhyun hears footsteps coming his way immediately feeling the unwanted presence of the one who hurt his beloved Pikachu. He abruptly turns his head, anger already bubbling up inside him, and stands up from his position.

“Get out.”

Kyungsoo cringes from the sudden outburst although it was to be expected.

“I..I’m sorry.”

“Please, just get out.” Baekhyun responds, too depressed and worried about his Pikachu that he doesn’t even have the energy to yell anymore.

Kyungsoo obliges and walks out of the tent, eyes a little glossy. Chanyeol follows his friend out and comforts him.

Baekhyun sits back down on his seat waiting for his Pikachu to wake up from this nightmare. Jongdae comes closer and places his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “Baek. I don’t think he did it on purpose.”

Baekhyun turns his head with a look of disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re taking his side. Pikachu is hurt.”

“I know. But what’s done is done. What matters is that Pikachu is okay and that Kyungsoo is willing to ask for your forgiveness.”

Baekhyun sighs and turns his attention back to the rising and falling of Pikachu’s delicate chest.

Pikachu wakes up an hour later, full of energy like nothing happened. Baekhyun hugs his Pikachu and constantly apologizes for pushing him too hard. Baekhyun insists on keeping him hospitalized for just a few more hours but Pikachu decides for him by getting back inside his pokeball. After signing some papers and saying their thanks and goodbyes to Nurse Lay and the resident Chansey, the two make their way out of the tent.

Baekhyun and Jongdae meet Chanyeol and Kyungsoo outside of the tent giving reassurances that Pikachu will be okay. Kyungsoo once again apologizes sincerely in which Baekhyun finally accepts and thanks him for helping. Chanyeol offers to buy everyone a drink to make up for the dramatic turn of events.

The four make their way to the food stands, with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, and Jongdae sitting down on a table while Chanyeol orders four bottles of freshly harvested moo moo milk.

After what seemed like forever, Chanyeol finally walks back towards the table they’re sitting at and places the tray of milk on the table. With Kyungsoo and Baekhyun already deep in conversation about understanding the differences of Pokemon Contests and Pokemon Battles, along with other things they apparently have in common, Chanyeol notices Jongdae once again staring right at him with a twinkle in his eyes.

Chanyeol offers Jongdae a bottle of moo moo milk seeing as he hasn’t grabbed his yet from his tray. “Oh. Thanks.” Their hands brush lightly causing Jongdae to retract already feeling his cheeks turn a shade of pink. Chanyeol ducks his head and gives him a small smile. A tug in Jongdae’s chest suddenly wakes up the butterflies inside his stomach. However, the feeling suddenly gets interrupted and destroyed as he hears yelling coming from the other two.

“What did you just say about my Poochyena?”

“I said teach your Poochyena not to growl at innocent bystanders. They might think it’s rabid.”

“Why you little. Pokemon battle right here, right now.”

Both Chanyeol and Jongdae sigh. “Here we go again.”

A/N: Dear recipient, I apologize in behalf of this. Although I tried to make it as close to the prompt as possible, I’m not sure if it worked. I hope you still enjoy reading this somewhat, even if it’s just a teeny tiny bit. A million thank yous to my rock. M and S. Idek if I would have finished this without your help. OG fam for life.

ship: ot4, ship: chanyeol/chen, cycle: summer 2014

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