CHINGUX 2014: morning, noon, and night (1/1) for knotweed

Aug 28, 2014 00:01

Title: morning, noon, and night
Author: puppyrexx
Recipient: knotweed
Pairing/Focus: chen/chanyeol
Rating: nc17
Warnings: crack, blowjobs in a public place, bad jokes
Length: 3562w
Summary: Chanyeol hates his coworkers with the burning passion of a thousand suns, but he can't quit his job due to the extremely cute customer who frequents the store, Jongdae.

Chanyeol hates his coworkers. With a passion.

He’s in the bathroom, scrubbing the giant hairy dick Baekhyun’d scribbled on his face while he’d napped in the break room off his cheek with a wet paper towel, obscenities spilling from under his breath without restraint. He’d stayed up late late late the night before to finish a few composition assignments he’d put off to the last moment, and of course the demon spawn he worked with would take the opportunity to make a complete ass of him.

His cheeks flush at the memory of being awoken, forehead poked lightly as he was roused from sleep, cheek buried in a pool of his own drool. Lifting his head, who would be there but the one guy Chanyeol kinda-maybe has a thing for? Obviously, nobody but Jongdae himself.

He hates his coworkers, so so much.

Jongdae’d given him a small little crooked half smile, tapping his own cheek a little with eyes on the taller’s. “You’ve got a little.. cock on your face.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” said Kyungsoo as he breezed by easily, close enough to be heard by both the boys but gone too fast for Chanyeol to be able to reach out and throttle him.

Entirely mortified at the way Jongdae was laughing (despite enjoying the sound nevertheless) he mumbled a quick “someone else will help you sorry bye” before scuttling off to the bathroom, where he still was now.

Dragging his hands down his face, Chanyeol sighs and glances in the mirror, tapping the small black tint still left on his skin with a frown. It’s mostly shrouded by the redness left behind from his excessive scrubbing, as well as a few paper towel scraps, but after taking a dry one and rubbing the flakes off he figures it’s better than cockface.

He wanders out of the bathroom hesitantly back into the main area of the store, big gangly neck stretching out the door to survey the shop from left to right. He doesn’t spot any small offending men nearby, nor any Sharpies, so he comes out, letting his breath come out in a big whooshy sigh of relief.

Chanyeol makes it about three steps towards the counter, where Jongdae is still waiting, before suddenly there’s a sharp pain in his right shin and the floor is hurtling alarmingly fast towards his face. He’s about to swear loudly when someone’s arms are hooking under his armpits and stopping him from falling over all the way, his body suspended somewhere in midair for a few moments in a perfect forty five degree angle from the floor.

It takes him another five full seconds to realize that someone’s crotch is in his face, scrambling up to his feet in record time and opening his mouth to tell Baekhyun that no, just because he gave Jongin a blowjob that one time that does not mean he’s going to give him on-- oh. Jaw falling slack and hand wilting from where it’d been about to shove Baekhyun away, Chanyeol’s eyes instead fall on Jongdae, crooked feline smile and high cheekbones and twinkling eyes and all.

“Twenty on pump two, if you don’t mind,” he says easily, like Chanyeol’s face hadn’t just been a miillimetre or two away from his cock a second before, sliding a twenty over the counter to where Kyungsoo has somehow magically (Satanically) appeared. He offers the flustered kid still beside him with his hand stupidly raised a small nod of acknowledgement before turning and leaving, calling out as he exits the threshold, “if you ever need a little more cock on your face, let me know!”

Chanyeol turns so red, Kyungsoo grabs the nearest pack of gum and compares its vibrant shade to his face, almost buckled over in laughter. The taller grabs the gum and throws it as his coworker, letting out a big huff of defeat and falling to the floor, leaning against the front of the counter in a sitting position.

“Why are you so grumpy?” Baekhyun asks as he comes out from his lurking spot (behind a display of special edition Slurpee cups), a sly smile on his face and hands behind his back. “Jongdae wants you to suck his dick, aren’t you happy?”

“He doesn’t even know my name,” mumbles Chanyeol, eyes closing as he lets his head tip back and all but slam against the linoleum. He swears lightly at the pain that comes with, thankful there’s no customers in the store. “Besides -- you guys know I don’t just like him that way.”

Chanyeol hears Kyungsoo scoff, and can almost hear the way his eyebrow raises in disbelief. “You mean you don’t want to slurp up that cock? You looked pretty eager when it was less than an inch from your face.”

“Shut up,” groans the taller above Baekhyun’s obnoxious laughter, ignoring the sound of their palms slapping together in a highfive. He rubs his temples slightly, eyes closing with a loud, dramatic sigh.

“How do you feel about him, then?” Kyungsoo asks, actually sounding semi serious after his chuckling fades out and he leans over, poking the top of Chanyeol’s hair. “Tell us.”

“I wanna suck his dick, yeah.. but I also kinda wanna take him out on a date to an amusement park,” he begins, smiling just slightly at the thought. “I wanna make him smile, and laugh, and then I want to take him home and fuck him ‘til he cries. And then we’ll cuddle after. And kiss a little.. or a lot.”

“You’re ridiculously dumb,” says Baekhyun, overly exasperated as he throws a dirty shammy at Chanyeol’s face. “Now go clean the bathroom, I think someone came all over the wall opposite the toilet and it’s starting to smell.”

Baekhyun is lucky he has demon powers, else he’d be smushed to the ground underneath the taller’s foot right now. Instead, his clown shoes lead him over to the bathroom door and he unlocks it, stepping inside with the dirty cloth and flicking the lights on. When he turns around, though, he’s shocked so bad him and all four of his impossibly long limbs decide to go opposite ways and send him tumbling to the floo.

“J-Jongdae?” He stutters, eyes wide and cheeks pink and blood rushing away from every place but his face and dick because why the fuck doesn’t this kid have pants on and jesus christ is he seriously that well-endowed for such a small guy?

He shuffles forward towards Chanyeol, pants round his ankles, and promptly slaps his dick on the taller’s cheek. Too shocked to speak, his lips are parted by the tip of Jongdae’s cock as he smears the precum already spilling from it over them, tugging his full bottom tier down with a hum.

“Pretty,” coos Jongdae, dragging himself over the other’s cheek yet again and smirking as he notices the way Chanyeol’s throat bobs as he thickly swallows. “Kyungsoo was right, wasn’t he? You really do seem the type..”

Wanting to make the shorter shut the fuck up before he passes out from all the blood in his face and also completely bewildered with whatever the fuck is happening, Chanyeol leans forward and nudges the hand around the base of Jongdae’s dick away with his own, lips wrapping round the head. He suckles noisily, fingers circling round the bottom to give it a gentle squeeze as he delights in the way he feels fingers sneak into the mess of his hair.

Half of his mind is screaming in confusion because he’s had way too much cock near his face in the past ten minutes than should be normal, but the other is rejoicing at the fact that he’s actually? sucking? Jongdae? off???? So he concentrates on doing it well, eyes fluttering closed and head lowering down to fit as much in his mouth as he can.

Jongdae murmurs praise beneath his heavy breath, cock hardening in the cage of Chanyeol’s tightly pursed lips as the latter starts to bob on and off his length slowly, tongue dipping into the slit ever so often to lap away the fluid gathered there. Fingers circle soothingly into his scalp and coax him down further and further each time he slips down, nearly gagging with how far the other seems to want to push him down.

Inhaling deeply through his nose and tucking his thumb into his palm, Chanyeol fits his lips round the base and swallows, hard. His throat constricts and cheeks hollow all at once around Jongdae’s length, the gasp the other lets out from above clearly audible.

“Clearly not your first time,” he moans softly, fingers raking through Chanyeol’s hair and nails dragging along the back of his neck as if to try and push him further down. Lashes flutter and the taller looks up through them to the other, marvelling at how Jongdae’s throat stretches with how far back his head is tilted.

He has a hand braced on the wall beside him and it’s clear he’s having a hard time standing up, small legs wobbly with arousal. Chanyeol’s big hand comes up to the back of his thigh and cups it in support, keeping him upright with one hand as the other trails down to his balls.

He cups those, too, massaging them both between his fingers in some juggle-massage-makehimfeelgoodinanywayyoucan motion he completely makes up on the spot. Truthfully Chanyeol’s only given about four blowjobs in his life, all to people he didn’t really give two shits about, and he’s willing to try anything to get to be able to suck this one all over again.

Apparently, whatever he’s doing is good, cause Jongdae is pressing his hips both into Chanyeol’s mouth and his hand, mumbling more encouragement between the small sounds of pleasure that he lets out. He continues to do whatever he’s doing, tongue fitting beneath the length of his cock somehow and running along what feels like a vein.

Chanyeol thinks he likes watching Jongdae fall apart like this, a little bit of a sweat on his forehead, mouth open, smirk gone. He’s prettier than before, something genuine coming out besides that stupid cocky look on his face all the time, like he knows just how much the taller wants him. (He probably does know -- but that’s besides the point.)

It doesn’t take long for him to come undone completely in the small sanctuary of the bathroom, pulling Chanyeol’s head back with the grip he has on his hair to grab his own dick and jerk himself to a finish. His cum paints the brunet’s face white, catching on his eyelashes and in his mouth as it hangs open, leaving him dirty and sticky and way too aroused for comfort.

After Jongdae stops panting and comes down from his high he tucks himself back in his pants and glances down at Chanyeol, all smirk and sass again as he chuckles and swipes a finger through the mess on his cheek.

“Good boy,” he says, all but purring as he rubs his own release on Chanyeol’s bottom lip. Said boy has less than three seconds to even think of a response before the other is gone, bathroom door swinging shut with an audible thud behind him.

Cleaning up quickly, Chanyeol exits the bathroom with a semi hard-on after doing his best to calm it down and a filthy shammy, taking one look at Baekhyun’s shit-eating grin before tossing the fluid covered rag right at his face.

He isn’t the only one with something related to cock on his face, that day.


Somehow, this becomes something weird.

Jongdae comes in, pays for his gas as per usual and fills up the tank of his shitty baby blue Prius, returns to the store, and goes into the bathroom with a meaningful look towards Chanyeol. The latter sucks him off day after day with no questions asked until after, when he’s alone and messy for the nth time, wondering why the fuck he keeps doing this.

The boy never says anything to Chanyeol other than how pretty he is with face stuffed with dick, how nice he looks, how much gas he wants -- and it kind of sucks. There are no openings, no time in between ringing up his payment on his regular pump two and coaxing him to a daily orgasm in their dingy bathroom where he can maybe ask for a date sometime.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo notice soon enough, because despite the fact that they endlessly tease him about sucking dick everyday so often they.. can kinda tell he’s upset. Though, that doesn’t mean they’ll be sensitive about it.

“Y’know, I’m sure he won’t mind if you ask him to maybe jerk you off every now and then,” suggests Baekhyun, ignoring the affronted look he gets from a lady looking at the lottery ticket display beneath the counter. “I mean, he must be one to know about sexual frustration, seeing as how he’s equipped you as his personal living fleshlight.” He seems to pause a second, before adding on, “or is it the fact that you’ve gone through two tubes of chapstick in the past week the thing that’s bothering you?”

“That’s not it,” mumbles Chanyeol, biting back an apology as the woman leaves seemingly as quick as she can and trying to keep quiet for the courtesy of any other unwitting customers around. “I care less about the constant blue balls -- and the chapsticks -- and more about the fact that I still don’t even know if he knows my name.”

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes almost audibly, shoving at Chanyeol’s shoulder. “Stop being such a pussy and ask him to lunch sometime. Maybe he thinks you actually have a pussy, that you’re a chick. A really flat one, but. You know.” He pokes the other’s nipple and snickers to himself, promptly getting slapped away. “He’s definitely gay, with that car -- maybe he just noticed your blatant attraction and wanted a blowjob or seven.”

Despite how he kind of just insulted and assaulted him all in one go, Kyungsoo admittedly has some decent advice. Chanyeol, knowing Jongdae should be pulling in soon, vows to maybe give him his number today. Or maybe even just his name. Or maybe he’ll just kiss him. Then he doesn’t have to talk. Yeah. Talking is hard.

Today, he’ll make a stand.

Okay, no, maybe not. He’ll just kneel again. He can talk to Jongdae after his face has been stuffed to the brim with dick, right? If the other sticks around long enough for him to swallow and catch his breath, it shouldn’t be too too hard. He’s heard some people get courage after blowjobs anyways, or something. (That might have been Baekhyun giving him a false pep talk beforehand, though, everything has sort of blurred together.)

Practice makes perfect, and it takes just a press of Chanyeol’s finger against the other’s perineum after a few minutes for him to practically explode down his throat, release coating the insides of his cheeks and neck. He moans low and thick, the sound reverberating against the ugly bathroom walls in a way the taller has begun to appreciate.

He’s hard, as per usual, mind clouded by arousal, but he has enough of his consciousness to know that he can’t let Jongdae walk through the door no wait stop lemme say something. And Jongdae does stop, the words apparently slopping somewhere past Chanyeol’s thoughts and through his vocal chords.

“What is it?” He’s smirking down at Chanyeol, who’s still on his knees kind of leaned towards him, eyebrow raised in challenge and eyes twinkling in interest. He almost seizes right where he is and retreats back to living-fleshlight status, before swallowing the intimidation Jongdae is emanating right down into the thick of his throat and continuing.

“Do you,” he starts off slowly, enunciating his words like he’s talking to a four year old (for some unknown reason), before clearing his throat and starting again. “Do you even know my name?”

Jongdae snorts, a hand raising to point down somewhere beneath Chanyeol’s face. “Yeah, of course. “Yilin, right?”

Confused, the taller glances down. He sees his shirt, his nametag, his pants, the floor.. his nametag. It takes a bit to get his brain to work well enough to read it upside down but when he does, it clearly reads Yilin, Jongdae isn’t wrong -- but it’s very obviously written in Kyungsoo’s handwriting.

“Fuck,” he hisses, head shaking as a flush climbs its way up his neck and all the way to the tips of his ears. He glances up at Jongdae again who’s head is cocked in interest, only going redder at the lilted smile he’s receiving and ducking his head slightly in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I-- my coworkers are a bunch of assholes, they keep doing shit like this. I’m, um.. I’m Chanyeol.”

“I know.” Jongdae grins at him, before walking out. He’s left confused. Nothing is new.

When he pulls himself up off his knees and leaves the room, he promptly pins Kyungsoo to a nearby display and throttles him for a good two seconds before he’s taken to the ground. Worth it anyways. After fixing his nametag and ignoring the evil cackling of the two watching him scrub off Sharpie from it, he vows to keep trying.

And try he does. Cheesy flirting at the counter when Jongdae comes to pay for his gas (--and Chanyeol starts to wonder what the hell he’s doing with all that gas, considering he drives a Prius??????) which never gets returned, shamelessly trying to make conversation after their bathroom brouhahas and failing miserably -- he tries not to let the way Jongdae brushes him off each time get to him, but he’s not very good at succeeding at that either.

Rejection after rejection bares down on him and it isn’t long before he’s sort of given up, or at least stopped putting effort into his attempts. He still finds it within himself to smile and make casual talk at the counter, but once he’s dragged his feet over to the bathroom any of that verve sort of stays back in each of his footsteps.

It isn’t until he comes out of the bathroom earlier one day (right after Jongdae instead of staying a bit longer to calm and tidy himself like he usually does), rufffling with the back of his hair as he drags his feet back over to start working. He lifts his head and?????????????????????????????????

There’s a trio of short people bumping fists and laughing and smiling and after being around them so long, it isn’t too hard to recognize two out of three as Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. And despite most of his observing having been done from the weird vantage point of waist up, it’s not too hard to see Jongdae with them as well, a couple bills stuffed in his palm.

“Hey!” He yells, not bothering to check if there’s anyone else in the store he may be disrupting. All three heads turn towards the sound of his voice and though his coworkers have shit-eating grins on as per usual, Jongdae uncharacteristically flushes pink at the sight of him. He storms over, doing his best to keep his anger and not start swooning over how cute Jongdae is. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Uh---” Jongdae glances over at the other two as if searching for help, but they both shrug and lift empty palms, still grinning like the idiotic duo they are. His throat visibly bobs as he thickly swallowes, chuckling nervously.

“Were you getting paid to let me suck your dick?” That has got to be the weirdest question Chanyeol has ever asked. He barely hears himself saying it, as if it’s coming from some other part of him he can’t control. Kyungsoo steps in to help.

“We paid him to do it so you’d hopefully get off your lazy ass and actually ask the poor boy out,” he adds (un)helpfully, angelic smile anything but as he bats his eyelashes. “And I’d say it was about to work, no? I mean sooner or later you’d have to say something.”

“He’s interested, by the way,” puts in Baekhyun, who gets promptly smacked on the shoulder by an even redder, flustered Jongdae, who sneaks a furtive and embarrassed glance over at Chanyeol before quickly looking away.

“I hate all of you,” states Chanyeol promptly, ignoring the way Kyungsoo very visibly rolls his eyes. He reaches to the back of his neck and undoes the strap of his uniform apron, tossing it into said person’s face before grabbing Jongdae’s sleeve. “Unfortunately, my hate for you is overpowered by sexual frustration and heart fluctuations. Let’s go.”

And with that he drags a bewildered but pleased boy along with him out the front door and to his car, taking him back to his apartment where it’s almost positive there will be a lot of gross fluffy feeling talks, probably a lot of fucking, and maybe a couple tears shed from either of those two things.

(And hopefully no more blowjobs from Chanyeol’s part, because he’s pretty sure his lips are permanently swollen by now.)

ship: chanyeol/chen, cycle: summer 2014

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