[Super Junior] Act IV Scene III, PG-13, romance, KyuMin

Feb 02, 2008 23:41

For cityverse, as bribery to write the lovely extended KyuMin smut scene. Since she's already written it, I'm not sure this is entirely necessary, but I thought I should keep promises. ;)

I hope you like this! I have reservations about writing KyuMin since this is my first time and I am absolutely clueless as to how to write Kyu. Also I'm terrified of my characterization of Sungmin since I know you are picky with him and also because your Cityverse!Min pwns pretty much everything else in the world, ever. I hope you at least find this version tolerable.

(OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KYUHYUN~ ♥ I knew there was a reason I was trying to write this tonight...)

Act IV Scene III: This is the real love story
Super Junior, KyuMin, PG-13, 1417 words
The act of confession in one prolonged scene.

Act IV Scene III
This is the real love story
by meitachi

Sungmin was naturally friendly. He had the cheerful personality that had endeared him to producers and fans alike, the kind of personality associated with cute and pink things. He was easy to get along with, which was why he seemed to be close to everyone, from Hyukjae to Kangin to Henry.

But Sungmin was not so simple a person as that. He had his pride and he had a temper, the two often manifesting together and leaving Shindong muttering an awkward apology for having crossed the line from joking to offensive. He was impatient, too, and often selfish. He was used to getting his way, especially with his looks and his charm.

Less frequently seen than those so-called faults, however, was something Sungmin was careful to hide: his desire.

The typical twenty-three-year-old male was expected to be horny, of course, but Sungmin wasn’t a typical twenty-three-year-old male. This was even truer as the current object of his lust was a twenty-year-old male bandmate.

Sungmin buried his face in his pillow and pretended to be firmly asleep as Kyuhyun padded into the room in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, a damp towel in one hand and beads of water chasing down his neck and over his collarbone and under the edge of the shirt-

Frequently, Sungmin almost regretted the decision to share a room with Super Junior’s youngest member. His libido hated him with a passion that made him sometimes wish he’d chosen to room with Hyukjae or Hankyung instead. But even then, he couldn’t help squinting out of the corner of his eye at Kyuhyun’s body, tall and loose-limbed, a little too skinny and graceless with the traces of the accident that had almost taken his life.

Sungmin watched him and wanted. Wanted to place his lips against the trembling pulse of Kyuhyun’s throat, wanted to slide his thumbs with deliberate slowness over the juts of Kyuhyun’s hips, wanted to breathe into Kyuhyun’s mouth and kiss him until he moaned, tenor voice turning husky.

Instead, Sungmin bit his lip and rolled over to face the wall.


“I think we’re a little too old for hide-and-seek,” Kyuhyun murmured into Sungmin’s ear, his fingers pressing hotly into the bare skin of Sungmin’s shoulder.

He froze, facing the wall. “What do you mean?” he asked at last, his voice pitched in perfect confusion, with just enough bewilderment and curiosity to sound genuine.

A drop of water fell onto Sungmin’s cheek. “I don’t want to have to chase you down,” Kyuhyun said.


Sungmin liked pink because it was a perfectly nice color and because he hated the fact that it had been designated as “girls only”. He didn’t buy into labels and categories like that, and so he sought to break all the stereotypes by surrounding himself with as much pink as he could. Heechul told him once in disgust that he wasn’t breaking any stereotypes because he was so girly-“You’re just too damned cute,” he’d said-but Sungmin ignored Heechul as he saw fit, and this was one of those times.

Sungmin liked Kyuhyun because he was sane, perfectly comfortable in being the average guy with an incredible voice. Fame didn’t seem to get to him. He didn’t feel a need to hog the camera like Kangin or Yesung, didn’t feel a need to invent an entirely new persona like Leeteuk or Heechul. He laughed at the jokes and the retarded antics of the other members, as part of the group as he could be as a fully committed member and friend, but at the same time giving off the feeling of being entirely comfortable with himself and content with being just that.

Heechul had had something to say about that too, because Heechul always had something to say. “You make the rest of us look insane,” he’d told Kyuhyun once, caustically affectionate the way he tended to be. “But it’s good-it keeps the fans who don’t want to date crazy people.”

Sungmin thought Heechul’s opinion on pink was bullshit, but his opinion on Kyuhyun was…a little more accurate. Kyuhyun was normal, sane, down-to-earth; easy to understand.

All the more reason why Sungmin didn’t know what to make of his cryptic statement: I think we’re a little too old for hide-and-seek.

I didn’t know we were playing a game, Sungmin thought, fisting a hand in his covers and continuing to stare at the wall.

Sungmin breathed out through his nose and Kyuhyun’s presence suddenly drew back, no longer in his personal space. “Hyung,” he said, his voice gentle. “I will chase you down if you want me to.”


A blur of fantasies, dreams, wants, hopes flashed through Sungmin’s mind: sloppy kisses, hand-holding, easy smiles and affectionate words, tired cuddling after a long day. He didn’t mind being chased down, held down, being fucked in long, slow strokes that made him arch and gasp; he wouldn’t mind doing the chasing either, slipping curious fingers under fabric and over skin, toying with risk and temptation as they touched, mere seconds or meters away from discovery. He’d like to hear Kyuhyun’s voice break, would like to see the way he flushed, test the way he moved against another body, carefully, so carefully.

Sungmin wanted the gentle stroke of fingers in his hair, wanted the sleepy contentment in Kyuhyun’s eyes when he woke up, wanted trust like air and passion like pulsing, low thrums of bass to a familiar song.

Touch me, touch me, touch me.

Sungmin blinked and turned his head, meeting Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Keep me.


“It’s really cute the way they cuddle,” Yesung had commented in the early hours of that morning, part of a yesterday that had never quite ended.

Sungmin had taken a look around the studio, the bright fluorescent lights painting all the occupants a pale, sickly color. He’d looked around and wondered who Yesung had been talking about: Donghae with his head pillowed on Kibum’s thigh, Heechul on the ground slumped against Shindong’s side, or Ryeowook resting his head on Leeteuk’s shoulder.

“Yeah,” he’d agreed wearily, too exhausted to pursue the question.

Yesung had looked at him with some surprise. “I was talking to Kangin.” He’d paused and then smiled, reaching over to pat Sungmin’s head affectionately. “You two are cute, too.”

Sungmin had realized then that he’d been holding Kyuhyun’s hand, unthinkingly, and had then looked over at Super Junior’s youngest member to find him dozing against the wall.

“Kyuhyunnie,” he said now, slowly, seriously, as he’d wanted to say then. “Do you want me?”

Seeing Kyuhyun’s smile from this angle was new, Sungmin stretched out on his bed with Kyuhyun standing over him, his hand still on Sungmin’s shoulder, the touch light. It was nice, Sungmin thought, staring up at the younger man. He shifted until he was lying flat on his back, head no longer twisted at an awkward angle. His hand reached out involuntarily, seeking as it always seemed to.

Kyuhyun caught his hand, his body bending forward again, towards Sungmin. He laced their fingers together and Sungmin felt a tentative smile begin to curl his lips. It was an answer to more than just the question he had voiced, but to all the silent ones as well.


The room was dim, lit only by the lamp from Kyuhyun’s side of the room. “You’re wet,” Sungmin said as more water dropped down Kyuhyun’s damp hair as he climbed into Sungmin’s bed, crowding them in a tangle of warm limbs, pajamas, and blankets.

“I know,” he replied simply, wrapping his arms around Sungmin. “Let me sleep with you.”


Sungmin wondered if Kyuhyun had known all along or if he’d only discovered it recently. He whispered his question against Kyuhyun’s forehead, soft black hair brushing his lips as he spoke.

Kyuhyun said, sounding embarrassed, that he hadn’t always known but he’d hoped. “Heechul-hyung knew, though,” he added with a grin. “He’s the one who told me I should make the first move.”

Sungmin rolled his eyes, because Heechul needed to find a hobby other than minding other people’s business. But as he tightened his grip on Kyuhyun’s hand under the covers, he supposed he didn’t mind this one time so much.


(“It wasn’t me this time,” Heechul denied later. “It was Leeteuk. You know how he babies Kyuhyun. He told me to set this whole thing straight between you two. God, he’s such a mother,” he sighed dramatically. “And I’m like the best and oldest kid, so used.”)

Started/Finished: 02.02.08

Notes: I don't think my Min is as aggressive as you normally like him, but I hope you don't find him a totally useless, spineless girl either. I am no good at writing any of SuJu, really, and I am only marginally better at KI, LT, and HC only because I've had more practice in previous fics. I will try for more KH & SM in the future though! (I have these dreams of writing more KiHae and maybe even attempt some combination of the ShiHanChul triangle, but life likes to laugh in my face about free time to write.)

P.S. Vaguely inspired/helped along by SuJu's Sapphire Blue and I Am. Very vaguely. You should go read the translated lyrics, because they're lovely.

super junior, super junior: kyuhyun/sungmin

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