Christmas Sale Friday -- Win A Pendant

Nov 17, 2010 15:19

Over the weekend, beginning Friday, will be the CF Ginormous Christmas Sale. This is a preview of some of the shinies!

Sale goes live on Friday, November 19th, at 12:00 noon PST.

I'm taking a page from the marvelous elisem (and if you don't own any of her lovely jewelry, you should absolutely rectify that!) and giving away a couple of pieces in the interest of spreading the word about the sale. Because I seem to have made a lot of these...I have been working on regular pieces since before the last Seanan sale!

So, if you link this preview post, and then leave a note in the comments telling me where you've boosted the signal, I will put your name in a hat for a drawing to win one of two possible shinies. So yes, that's two winners.

Win one of these two -- and preview a random sampling of available shinies under the cut!







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