Title: Compass Rose Author: chilly_flame Fandom: Voyager Pairing: J/7 Rating: M Disclaimer: All the characters included herein are property of Paramount. Alas.
Wow finished the fic. I really really really really loved it lol There are not enough J/7 fics being written anymore especially at this quality. Thank you so much for finishing it *G* I really hope you write more.
J/7 will always be my first love closely followed by Mirandy. Thank you for hours of happiness now in both.
I think this will my lone J/7 entry into the field (apologies) but hopefully I'll be able to continue on for a bit longer with Mirandy. It's tough to keep the creative spark lit after many years! So glad you liked this, and thank you.
I am always in awe at your writing. You did justice to this paring and these characters. I was extremely excited to see you had posted, and like I knew would be the case, I was not disappointed. Thank you for sharing. It was brilliant.
Comments 85
You can put links up for J/7 at the Voyager Conspiracy http://www.voyager-conspiracy.co.uk/forum/index.php and at the J/7 faction. http://j7faction.com/community/index.php Lots of members at both *G*
There are not enough J/7 fics being written anymore especially at this quality. Thank you so much for finishing it *G* I really hope you write more.
J/7 will always be my first love closely followed by Mirandy. Thank you for hours of happiness now in both.
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