snagged from .. bloody everyone!
I hate doing "favourites", as I have a hard time saying if I prefer New York City to Bratislava Castle - I love both, but how could one be "better" than the other? Ack. So all my choices are (a) ambiguous (b) often picked to avoid something someone else has already taken.
chilliconpictures )
Comments 9
I just can't get over how phallic the Westerhever lighthouse looks. Especially with those side buildings.
And I can't help but appreciate that Katy Manning picture. And not because of the Dalek. Even if I'm straight.
I'm slipping. Supposedly my mind is down the gutter, yet I didn't notice that...
Even my mother insists that Westerhever lighthouse is a penis. Ack! It is NOT!!
I love B5 too. And your film choice? Wonderful - I've seen it so many times, and cry buckets every time. "I have been, and always will be...your friend." *sobs uncontrollably*
And you are just a tiny bit obsessed, you know.
Favourite TV show was a hard choice for me - between Babylon 5 and Star Trek (TOS, mostly. TNG and DS9 moderately). I've been insanely obsessive about both for a very long time (More than 15 years on Star Trek - considering my age, that's an eternity!) .. I picked Babylon 5 because ( a ) you had picked Star Trek ( b ) Typing in "Star Trek" might have entailed the possibility of getting pictures of Voyager. Blech.
Star Trek II is one of the very few films that even makes me cry, manly as I am. And I don't even slash Kirk/Spock!
Have you seen that new series (pre-TOS) at all? Is it any good?
It was not, overall, as painfully bad as Voyager. But it was still pretty painful.
It especially pained me how obviously it was being written for teenage fanboys (even if I was a teenage fanboy at the time), more blatantly even than Seven of Nine was written in for the fanboys.
Firstly, Vulcan women are all sexy, horny, have D-cups and run around in cat suits. Every episode came with a so-called "decontamination scene" in which various crew members sex eachother upapply decontamination pouder on eachother's almost-naked bodies. It was totally "WTF???".
And then the completely insultingly juvenile attitudes towards other issues, such as vegetarianism. Like that Vulcans only are vegetarians because they are boring. (There was actually an episode on this. A-heh??)
So I gave up very quickly. I hear it got quite good in its fourth year when it got a new creative staff, but I never got to check on that.
That's a cheeky Dalek!
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