Ali's Birthday

Mar 15, 2008 19:06

It's about time the Ides of March were redeemed. Caesar is long gone, and there are far more significant people around today--at least, as far as Sasha and the children are concerned. The efforts at spoiling her begin as soon as she wakes, and the children have a loud and party-hattish party for her at lunch (with four cakes, yum yum!). As the day's festivities move on, the children's energy (though not their exuberance) begins to wane. By the time evening comes, with its slightly more grown-up birthday party (there is, alas, but one cake, and a dinner to precede it), they're considerably more settled, and at least one party hat has been lost in the course of adventure.

For her part, Sasha dearly hopes that certain parties remember to come.

((And alas, I'm for bed. But we shall continue, as each of us finds time, I am sure.))
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