Broken Ties, pt. 2

Jan 28, 2010 16:03

Torren has just gone down for his nap, and Teyla rocks the cradle slowly, watching him sleep. In moments like this, the decision seems so easy. Of course, she should stay with her son.

The door opens behind her, and she can hear Kanaan creeping in, trying to be quiet.

“He's already sleeping?” Kanaan whispers, and Teyla smiles at him as he approaches. “Why does it take so much longer when I try to put him down?”

She whispers as well, though she doesn’t think it will wake Torren. “You worry too much. Perhaps he senses your anxiety.”

“Or maybe he prefers the comfort of his mother's presence.”

Teyla closes her eyes briefly, then stands. She wants to resent him when he says things like this, wants to believe he’s trying to manipulate her into staying at home, but she knows him to well to believe that is the truth.

“Well,” she says quietly, “there may be times when he will have to learn to do without.” She steps away, from the cradle and from Kanaan.

“Does that mean you've decided?” There is no hint of censure in his voice, no clue as to what he thinks of this decision.

“I thought so. How can I return to the team with the knowledge that every time I step through the Gate, there is a chance that I might not come back? That, given the dangers, there is a possibility that our son will grow up without a mother?”

Both of them turn to look at the sleeping child, and not for the first time, Teyla wishes she could see what Kanaan was thinking.

“You have a responsibility to him,” Kanaan says after a moment, closing the distance between them, “but you also have a responsibility to the people of this galaxy.”

She should not be surprised to hear him say this, but she finds that she is. Kanaan takes hold of her shoulders gently before continuing. “Follow your heart without remorse and take comfort in knowing that you'll be doing so to safeguard the future of many,” he glances at Torren again, “including your son." He smiles. "Just promise me you'll be careful out there.”

[ooc: All dialogue from the SGA episode "Broken Ties"]

broken ties, kanaan, oom

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