A childfree woman I know was considering adopting a cat. My response went over so well that I thought I'd post it here for the amusement factor. :)
13 Reasons To Adopt A Cat
#1: Protecting your Voltaire CD's.
#2: X-ray vision.
#3: Keeping your chair pillows warm.
#4: Substitute teddy bears.
#5: Guarding various boxes o'stuff.
#6: Cataloguing. *ba-dum-PSSSHT!*
#7: Practicing Jedi Mind Tricks.
#8: Cats really like Chee-tos.
#9: They tend not to succumb to peer pressure.
#10: You'll always know if your feet stink or not.
#11: They get their own water fountains.
#12: Aliens come for them first.
And last but not least...
#13: CUTENESS!!!
Feel free to add on!