Hi, all you CFers! I am hoping some of you can help me with some questions related to endometriosis, since I don't know a lot about it personally; I'm asking on behalf of a friend whose English is spotty.
Have a cut. Plus a warning for brief mention of suicide. )
Comments 7
When you cycle the endo comes back (a very water downed version of what my doctor said. It's late, I'm tired). So after my surgery, she gave me a depot through injection of Lupron. It stopped my cycles, well it threw me into full blown menopause. I was given two shots, 3 months apart. After this month, I should start cycling again. And after two cycles I go back to my doctor to see where we are and if the endo is creeping back.
Good luck to your friend.
We were both told the same thing from our gp, go on a contraceptive that stops your cycle, the depot or the progesterone only pill etc.
Your friend does need to speak to someone about her depression. Maybe the drs will take the pain more seriously if she's seeing someone about the mental health problems the pain is causing.
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