Twenty-Fourth Ink Drop [Action | Voice]

May 22, 2010 13:55

Aaah...this heat! This is nothing like Kamui or Ponc'Tan at all...I'm going to melt!!

[After a busy week of dodging tree spikes, killing butterflies, and just generally making sure her friends were okay, Miyabi finally has a chance to go out into the hopefully safe plaza and do some extreme shopping. The now 4'10" young painter had been bustling ( Read more... )

halp plz, [char] - zoro, [char] - lilynette gingerback, [char] - china, wanna learn an instrument, [char] - usopp, augh heaaat, being big is awesome, [char] - raven, [char] - sokka thunderaxe

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Comments 72

markofthewise May 22 2010, 18:21:37 UTC
[Since he works at the smithy, Sokka is generally around this area anyway. Seeing Miyabi out and about is reassuring. At least not everyone he knows has went missing. So he decides to bug her while she's at the fountain. Especially since she has those huge bags with her.]

Wow. Did you empty out the shops?


chiisaichou May 23 2010, 02:18:59 UTC
[Miyabi spots Sokka even before he speaks and smiles brightly. She's not too aware of the people vanishing yet, as she's been busy with other things, so she's still as sunny and warm as the weather today.]

Hi, Sokka! Huh? Oh, hehe... well, it's mostly art supplies, really.


markofthewise May 23 2010, 02:21:11 UTC
Oh yeah, you mentioned that before. I'm something of an artist myself.


chiisaichou May 23 2010, 03:47:28 UTC
Really? I'd love to see it sometime if you could show me. If you want, I have all the things necessary, we can paint together! [Poor, unsuspecting victim.]


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[Action] chiisaichou May 23 2010, 03:20:24 UTC
[Miyabi wipes her face and pushes her bangs from her face, turning and smiling when she sees her friend close by. Nice threads, man, they remind her of home.]

It is. I'm not used to it being this hot...


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[Action] chiisaichou May 24 2010, 02:01:43 UTC
[What a surprise it will be when he learns the truth. Miyabi covers her eyes with her hand, shielding them from the harsh sun. She loved the sun, yes, she worshiped it, but this weather was just too hot.]

I agree. It's warm in Ponc'tan where I lived before, because the glade is protected by the gods, but it's never this hot... Then Kamui is a harsh and frigid land filled with snow and ice. I'm not used to this weather at all.


[Action] crisis_rain May 22 2010, 19:08:18 UTC
[Now all the wonderfully dangerous events have stopped, Raven is finally out and about when he spots Miyabi in the plaza.]

What are ya talkin' about hun? It's far from hot.


[Action] chiisaichou May 23 2010, 03:29:33 UTC
[As soon as she hears Raven's voice, the painter stops, and turns slowly. She stares for a minute, rubbing her eyes - you never know with this place - and then a large smile spreads on her face. She was still under the impression Raven had passed away.

So, of course all her things are dropped onto the ground as the girl races over and leaps right onto the older man, arms wrapped tightly around him.]

Raven!! Raven, you're back! You're back, I'm so happy...


[Action] crisis_rain May 23 2010, 03:54:41 UTC
Hey whoa wait a second! Weren't ya only a few inches tall?!

[Not that he minds the hug, returning the feeling with a big bear hug. He missed you too man.]


[Action] chiisaichou May 23 2010, 22:14:14 UTC
[Brb, getting eaten by your coat. Miyabi snuggles against his waist - being an itty bitty thing still - and looks up at him, grinning from ear to ear.]

Hehe, I got bigger! It's a long story, and you won't believe me, but this weird glowing mallet hopped out of the forest, bonked me on the head, and I got bigger somehow. But how are you, Raven?! I missed you so much; I'm so glad you're back again.


[Action] kickinabout May 22 2010, 20:22:19 UTC
[Lilynette's out finishing up some ice cream, and when she sees Miyabi, of course she'll smile and wave.]

Hey! Miya!


[Action] chiisaichou May 23 2010, 03:41:17 UTC
Lilynette! [Miyabi waves and smiles happily. It's nice to see her friends out, and the weather, albeit disgusting hot, is perfect to be in.] ...What's that thing?

[She gestures to her ice cream. You people and your strange foods. :|]


[Action] kickinabout May 23 2010, 05:17:12 UTC
[She laughs, and holds the cup out to her.] Ice cream. Wanna try?


[Action] chiisaichou May 24 2010, 01:13:52 UTC
Yes, please! Thank you. [She takes the little cup and kind of stares at it for a second. Iced cream? She's never heard of that. So it was just cold milk? Taking a little bite now.] Mmm...! It's sweet!!


[action] threeswordsoul May 23 2010, 11:27:56 UTC
[Oh so conveniently, Zoro just happens to be walking by and hears 'my name is Miyabi', and also somehow he hasn't met you properly even though you've been at the house, my isn't that strange. >_> He stops somewhere behind you, looking with interest and confusion at the back of your head, then strides up until he can catch a look at your face.]

...You're Miyabi? [He was expecting someone distinctly more...bug-sized. Maybe it's a different 'Miyabi'? :|a]


[action] chiisaichou May 23 2010, 21:58:08 UTC
[i c wut u did thar. Shewas just kind of cooling off lazily, kind of splashing her feet in the fountain water, and not paying attention, so the sudden voice behind her makes her jump a good inch of two. Thankfully, she does not land in the water. Miyabi turns and stares, who's this person?]

Ah! Huh? Oh, uhm...y-yes. Who might you be, mister?


[action] threeswordsoul May 25 2010, 04:05:06 UTC
Roronoa Zoro, of the Straw Hat pirates. [He tilts his head at you.] I'm told that I should know you. [And he needs to thank her for the her gifts, regardless of the fact that he doesn't remember her. :|]


[action] chiisaichou May 25 2010, 17:37:12 UTC
[FFFF--! Miyabi's eyes widen and she stands up quickly, clapping her hands together with a large smile on her face.]

Ah! Yes, I've been told of you by your crew!! You're their swordsmen who uses three swords. They say you're very strong. [Yes, she is totally looking at your swords, because they're katana and she uses one of those, too.] How exactly does that work, though? I've heard of two sword style, but not three.

[How does he hold the third one anyway? In his mouth? Hahaha~]


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