5 Beach Drabbles

Jun 01, 2011 23:22

Title : 5 Beach Drabbles
Pairings : Tadaiki, Chiitaro, Inoobu, Yamajima, Yamachii
Rating : PG
Author : chii_mao_13
Summary : Some romantic things can be happened in the beach
Note : This drabbles aren't related with each others. You can just read the pairings that you want to read.. XDDD

1. Tadaiki

The sunset still could be seen clearly as the two pulled away from each others after some minutes of warm embrace. The tears were still flowing from Daiki’s eyes. He looked straightly to his front, an open ocean with the twilight sky as the background. Takaki sat beside him quietly.

“I hate it. They decided by themselves, without troubled by asking me. Who am I for them? Am I really their child?”

Takaki didn’t even give him a reply or said something to cheer up the younger boy. He just stayed quiet.

“I always adored them as the best couple I’ve ever seen. They loved each other so much, and even never forget to give each others a morning kiss and goodnight kiss everyday. But I just realized that all is a fake thing. They ended up divorce like this. What was love they used to say everyday? Does it mean that their love to me is also a lie?”

Daiki let a small wave hit his body. His shirt was all wet. He let the tears rolled down again, dropped to his wet shirt.

“This made me thinks that every love has its limit time when it’ll stop, and vanish from the world.” Daiki laughed sarcastically. Takaki looked at him with serious look. “Right, Yuya?”

“Yeah. That’s right.” Takaki nodded. But then he stood up and used his right hand to collect Daiki’s tears. Then he stepped closer to the water. Daiki watched him. Takaki then dipped his hand on the water. After it, he came again to Daiki. He smiled to him. “Someday my love for you will stop too. When you can take your tears that I’ve put on this ocean back, it will be the time when I stop loving you.”

With that one last sentence, Daiki knew, he’d found a true love that wouldn’t leave him forever.

2. Chiitaro

Chinen approached Ryuu who was just sitting in the beach, watching their other friends with annoyed look. The ocean looked so calm today that they finally decided to swim instead of playing beach volley. And it was a hard time for Ryuu who had a trauma in swimming, especially in the ocean, as he ever drowned in the ocean once.

“You really don’t like swimming in the ocean ne.” Chinen asked as he landed his butt beside him. Ryuu sighed.

“Kinda.” Then he laid himself on the mat. He stretched both of his hands, and looked at his fingers. “Aaaah, how I wish I have hands like duck’s web. With that web, maybe I could swim perfectly without even afraid of drowning again.”

Chinen laughed.

“What a thought, Ryuu.”

Ryuu blinked.

“Why must we have empty space between each fingers? Ne, see it. Maybe it will be better if we have web like the duck’s.” Ryuu moved his fingers.

Chinen smiled now.

“There’s a reason for it, Ryuu.”

“Eh? What is it?” Ryuu sat up and looked at Chinen. Chinen took Ryuu’s hands, and made his fingers intertwined with Ryuu’s.

“Because someday, there will be someone who is destined just for you, who will fill those empty spaces with his fingers, and hold your hands forever.”

Ryuu smiled. He let his fingers intertwined with Chinen’s fingers. He pulled back his previous wish to have a web like the duck, because now he already knew the reason behind those empty spaces on his fingers. And the most important, he also already knew the one who would fill those empty spaces.

3. Inoobu


“Kei, I’ve said that it was just a artificial respiration!”

“But you did kiss that girl right? I hate you!”

“Inoo, but she is…”

“Shut up! I don’t need any further explanation!” Inoo shouted.

Yabu chuckled. His boyfriend was so stubborn. Inoo crossed his arms on his chest, refused to look at Yabu. He inhaled night sea air deeply to calm his mind.

All the things was should to be alright for Inoo today. He had a picnic with his lovely boyfriend and some other boys to the beach, and they had a very fun time there. But as he was going to come to Yabu’s place after buying some drinks, from afar he saw Yabu gave an artificial respiration to a girl. He felt very irritated when seeing his boyfriend’s lips landed on a girl’s lips, although it was just for saving her life. He wanted Yabu’s lips for him only. Yeah, it was called jealousy.

Yabu could do nothing after his boyfriend said that. He knew, Inoo was hard to be persuaded.

“Oi, Yabu! Your sister calls for you!” Suddenly a friend shouted from afar. Inoo immediately turned his head to Yabu with a frown.

“Tell her to wait!” He shouted back to reply.

“Your sister is here?” Inoo asked Yabu cautiously. Yabu looked at him and nodded.

“Yeah. The girl you saw before. My older sister. She came with her friends this afternoon, and it surprised me that she went to the same cottage with us. Then she tried to swim, but unfortunately she drowned.” Yabu said with a sarcastic tone, tried to see Inoo’s reaction.

Yeah, after that incident, Inoo went somewhere alone to calm himself, and didn’t even bother to contact Yabu first. He rejected every call the latter gave. That was why he was the only one who didn’t know about Yabu’s sister’s presence there. Now he knew the fact. He had let his jealousy conquered his mind and caused a terrible thing.

“So it’s your sister…” He murmured.

“Still mad at me?” Yabu teased. He knew now Inoo was struggling with himself, and he bet Inoo was also blushing because of embarrassment.

But Inoo was still Inoo. He had too high pride to admit his mistake and say sorry to Yabu.

“I… I don’t know.” His voice became softer, but he still refused to look at Yabu. Yabu sighed. He didn’t like this awkward situation. Instead of going back to the cottage and met his sister, he grabbed Inoo’s hand, and dragged the pretty boy came closer to the water. “What are you doing?”

Yabu didn’t answer. He took a branch, and started writing something on the sand near the water. Inoo read as Yabu finished.

‘Today, Yabu Kota and Inoo Kei have a useless fight for a stupid thing.’

Inoo frowned with his boyfriend’s action. When he was going to say something, the small wave suddenly rolled to their direction. It even brushed their bare feet. And when the water had rolled away from them, the sentences on the sand had wiped away, and left no remain. He looked at Yabu.

“The water has wiped it away. There’s nothing wrong again. See, even it remains nothing on the sand.” Yabu smiled. “Someday when we fight again, let’s write it on the sand and let the water wipes it, or the wind blows it away, and let’s continue the day as lovely as before.”

Inoo smiled. He knew, having a boyfriend like Yabu was a wonderful bless for him. And he closed his eyes as Yabu kissed him on his lips and showing him such a great love.

4. Yamachii

“Look, Ryo-chan! Even I can do surfing now after 2 hours of practicing!”

Chinen exclaimed happily, still carried the surfing board. He was all wet. He took a surfing class today, and as expected from a genius acrobat boy, he learned it fast.

“Sugoi! Sasuga from my Yuri.” Yamada complimented the smaller boy and clapped his hands. Chinen grinned proudly.

“I’ve never expect that there will be a day where I can surf in the open sea like this. This proves that nothing is impossible for me.” Chinen stated in excitement.

Yamada loved the way his boyfriend grinned because of excitement and became a narcist person like this.

“I believe it, Yuri. You’re my almighty boyfriend, after all.” Yamada smirked. Chinen stuck his tongue out. But then he came closer to Yamada.

“Ne, Ryo-chan, you can do it too. Why don’t you take the class with me?” Chinen asked him. Yamada shook his head.

“Maybe because I know I won’t be able to do it?’ He raised his eyebrows up. Chinen laughed.

“You always be modest ne, Ryo-chan. I know it right, there’s nothing impossible for you.” Chinen poked Yamada’s chubby cheek. Yamada laughed.

“You get it wrong, Yuri. There are some things impossible for me to do, although the surfing things actually isn’t included there.” He said. Chinen blinked. He put the surfing board beside him, and he bent down in front of his lover.

“Really? What is it? Entering a haunted house?” Chinen asked. Yamada laughed. But he shook his head.

“No. I still can do it, Yuri.”

“Then what?”

Yamada made a gesture, inviting Chinen to move closer to him. He whispered something on Chinen’s ear.

“It’s impossible for me to hate you, stop loving you, and forget you.”

Then he gave a soft peck on Chinen’s redden cheek.

5. Yamajima

Yamada sobbed again as Yuto caressed his back.

“Please stop crying, Yama-chan.” Yuto looked him with worried look. Yamada shook his head.

“I’ve did a terrible thing, Yuto.” He looked at Yuto with teary eyes.

“There’s nothing really bad with it, Yama-chan.”

“But I accidentally fell on the sand castle we’ve built for an hour, Yuto!” Yamada sobbed again, now louder. Yuto caressed his head.

“You’ve said it by yourself. It was accident, right? If the kid didn’t slam into you, you wouldn’t fall.”

“But I fell, Yuto! And the sand castle…” Yamada couldn’t continue his sentences because he’d already sobbed again.

“Come on, Yama-chan. Our friends even worried because you suddenly ran away from there after said sorry with teary eyes. They didn’t being bothered because of the incident. Furthermore, we can have that fun building a sand castle once again, right?”

Yamada shook his head.

“No Yuto. I didn’t deserve to receive their kindness. I’ve did bad things to them, and to you too. Now, there’s no one who’s gonna play again with me.” Yamada cried again.

Yuto chuckled, but then released a deep breath.

“That’s true, Yama-chan. From now on no one will play you, no one will care for you, no one will laugh with you, no one will have a great time with you, no one will be happy with you, and even no one will love you for the rest of his life.” Yuto said that in one breath, leaving Yamada with his eyes widen.

“You’re mean, Yuto!!!’ Yamada yelled at him, and cried louder. Yuto smiled. He took Yamada’s hand and shook his hand.

“Let me introduce myself to you, Yama-chan.”

Yamada looked at Yuto with confused look.

“From now on, my name is ‘No one’. Nice to meet you.” Yuto smiled and held Yamada’s hand tight.

As he remembered what Yuto had said earlier about no one will play with him, care for him, laugh with him blablabla, and also the last one, about no one will love him for the rest of his life’, Yamada blushed madly. He understood what Yuto had said, and he knew, Yuto’s every word was true.

A/N : Suddenly inspired by some messages I received from my friend, I made this drabbles, with a lot of pairings.. So, if you find out that maybe you have heard some sentences here somewhere, maybe you received the message I received too.. XDDD
Actually I had no intention for writing fic today, but then... suddenly my hands worked themselves.. =.=
Ah, and it's the first time I wrote YAMAJIMA... XDDD
Comment = <3

pairing: yamajima, pairing: yamachii, rating: pg, type: drabble, pairing: inoobu, pairing: tadaiki, pairing: chiitaro, media: fic

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