Welcmoe to chigothloli! :] Yay WHR! It was a good anime <333 Besides Acen, another meet you might be interested in is the Pinecone Cottage meet at Downers Grove, which is one of the suburbs, and shouldn't be too far from you :D there are a bunch others in planning stages too, so check out some of the recent posts! Hope to see you around! :3
I did just notice that after posting and was uber excited. I live 15 minutes away and I've gone shopping in DG many many times. I'm not familiar with Pinecone Cottage though. I have been to a cute little cafe right on Main St. that would make for a great lolita lunch meet up but I don't remember what it's called. Maybe it's the same place =P
I go to Augustana College in Rock Island have you seen me around campus? I wear lolita about once a week when the weather is nice. Maybe we can car-pool to meets sometime in the next three months (I'm graduating in the spring). I got to ACen every year too ^.^
I live in the Quad Cities too!!!!! (pardon the super excitedness of finding lolis there!) I go to school in Peoria, though. I'll be coming back to the QC for spring break in two weeks... anybody fancy a mini-meetup on short notice?
Well... there's always Lagomarcino's, which if you aren't aware is ice cream/ old fashioned soda fountain/ chocolates / awesomeness :D That's in downtown Moline. And as for other things to do... what kind sounds good?
Really? That sounds awesome. This is why I need friends that actually live in the Quad cities, you know where everything is. I always love picnics at Blackhawk state park but I'm sure the weather will be absolutely repulsive for a while. There's also a cute coffee shop right by Augustana's campus.In Davenport there's the Figge and a shop that sells vintage clothing.
Comments 22
Hope to see you around! :3
I was considering St. Ambrose for my Doctorate (like 10 years down the road when I get to that point).
I'm at Augustana. It's ok, I mostly came here for the scenery. I bet a loli photo shoot amid the trees would be pretty sweet.
Welcome to Chigothloli ^.^
Hope to meet you at ACen!
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